TRULY aweful, even if you liked the original
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Take my word for it that this movie (if can call it one) is truly garbage and isn't worth watching even for free! I'm a big fan of the first "Boogeyman" movie, so much so that I forked over the $... to buy it on DVD when it came out, so despite how lousy "Boogeyman II" was I felt compelled to give this one a shot. Boy, did I get what I deserved!
This movie is literally 80% (no exaggeration!) composed of footage stolen directly from the first film used in endless flashbacks sequences, and what they did bother to make original for this film was so bad that it was embarrassing to watch. They couldn't even get Suzanna Love's original character (Lacy) name right, not to mention the killer is invisible in the old footage but visible in the new, did these morons even watch the film they were ripping off?
The makers of this movie made absolutely NO effort what so ever to make this movie either original or entertaining, and it is obvious that this piece of garbage was just thrown together for the sole purpose of sticking "Boogeyman" in its title and ripping off fans of the first film.
I'd rate this zero stars if Amazon's rating system went that low, burn your money or flush it down a toilet, you'll get more entertainment for it than spending it on this "movie""
A weak psychic plot built around flashbacks from the origina
Daniel Jolley | Shelby, North Carolina USA | 11/24/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Return of the Boogeyman is a sequel to Boogeyman 2, but all it really does is throw a crazy-psychic redhead and her weird therapist on top of flashback after flashback from the original Boogeyman film. Annie (Kelly Galindo) is tormented by nightmares about "the man with no face" and his murderous activities, and her hapless psychiatrist pushes her to go farther and farther into these visions. They soon realize that Annie is seeing visions of murders about to be committed, but their efforts to save lives don't pan out very well. Annie has a particularly strong connection to a young woman named Natalie, who - as a child - watched her brother kill their mother's abusive lover ("the man with no face"). The two women share the same fears and horrors, and Annie works to use their special connection in order to warn Natalie of the danger she is in. The man with no face basically lives inside the mirror that reflected his own bloody death to the eyes of young Natalie - although that premise gets stretched to the breaking point at times.
Wait a minute - why am I even bothering to explain all this? It's hardly worth the effort, and folks who have seen the original Boogeyman know the guy's story, anyway. Well over half of this film's 76 minutes consists of footage lifted from the original Boogeyman film. The rest consists of Annie and her doctor (and the doc's assistant, although he apparently left the set early because his character inexplicably disappears near the end) acting all serious as they talk about Annie's problems. Sometimes, you can't even understand what the doc and his assistant are saying, as the microphone is too far away to pick up their voices. Basically, what you've got here is a low-budget dud that exploits the original Boogeyman for a quick buck or two. Boogeyman fans will feel robbed, while those who have not seen the original will be mildly entertained at best."