Why, Lord, Why?!
V. Davis | Massillon, Ohio United States | 08/23/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This world has never been overly kind to us pUnK RockERS.
By 1986, MTV was on the air... The people who run the gigs at Montreux were already doing high-quality tapings of those shows for years... Lords Of New Church had already done 'Live From London'(which is available on DVD)... The cost of taping a show and mass-marketing it had obviously come down... So... why did no one think to record this Dead Boys 'reunion' concert?!
The only person who did, obvioulsy, is some guy who either bought a ticket and smuggled in his VHS recorder, or else some guy who was handed a VHS recorder and told to point it at the stage and zoom in whenever the mood struck him.
In other words, this DVD looks like they found which either guy had that VHS recorder with him,dumped that one-angle recording onto a DVD, tweaked the sound a bit, and threw it out there to see who would bite!
And that really wasn't necessary!
If you are 'hardcore' Dead Boys fan... if you just can't get enough of anything available out there that in any way documents the 'rise and fall' of pUnK ROck as we knew it, then buy this DVD! YOu will get to see Stiv singing Dead Boys tunes in his Lords of the New Church costume. (Yeah.. he's wearing that silly hat.) You will get to see Cheeta with a shaved head. You will get to see a one-off gig that should have been seriously recorded!
In other words - this DVD, in my opinion, is only for those who want to see a bit of history; no matter how badly it is recorded.
If you are looking for a really good concert DVD to buy - this ain't it! But, if you want the only available copy of The Dead Boys getting back together, again,then this is probably it!
'Nuff Said!"