Worth watching at least once...
Don Cheeto | Bakersfield, CA | 10/20/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"...well I had never heard of this movie before, and I saw it here on amazon by accident. I read about it and decided what the heck, another addition to my zombie library. Well here it goes: it is about a guy that fills a truckfull of milk with some sort of chemical, in efforts to make the townspeople sick. The women that drink it die. Then theres this guy that gets paid to dispose of toxic waste, and the place he picks as the dumpster is a cemetary. Well at some point the women start to come back to life and wreak havok on some of the people working for that corporation. The story is pretty weird and you will be questioning yourself at times. There are not that many killings, but there are some pretty disturbing images. Them most disturbing is of the zombie girls pretty much raping a woman, and then sticking a sword through her crotch, that looked pretty darn disturbing. If you like nudity and shock value, this movie has a little bit of both, but not enough to justify a purchase for that alone. If I had not watched the alternate ending I would have enjoyed it a lot better. The alternate ending is not shocking at all, it just completely ruins the movie in my opinion. If you are like me and just want to expand your zombie collection then get it, the price is right, but don't expect very much from this one."
Revenge is a dish best served naked?
Holly Apollyon | The Overlook Hotel | 08/12/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Firstly, if you derive no other sustenance from this review, understand that tainted milk, when mixed with foul-mouthed young women, equals a horrifying return from the grave!
A corporate saboteur arranges to have the contents of a milk tanker tainted with some unknown but presumably ill-intended substance. Shortly thereafter, three young women ingest said milk and almost simultaneously drop dead. A little later, the women rise from their graves. Though they've apparently been buried for a short time, their faces are horribly skeletonized even while their half naked bodies are, aside from patches of ashen discoloration, completely normal. And now the horror of the living dead is realized, as the Living Dead Girls return to town to claim their horrific revenge.
Can your heart stand the fright? The course of revenge is a meandering one. The Living Dead Girls stalk and murder a group of people maybe more or less vaguely and halfheartedly involved in the causation of their terrible demise.
At one point, the she-corpses infiltrate the house of a corporate chief in order to kill the man's wife. The Living Dead Girls seize the wife, incapacitate and kill her, and then her secret boyfriend enters the house with intention of romancing his mistress. WARNING: The following is an actual excerpt of the boyfriend's dialogue: "Our wedding night. Don't be afraid, my love. The first time is delicate, but I promise you many, many, many nights of happiness. Don't say anything; don't move; you must feel my expert caresses on your body and the white dress of your virginity will be the witness of our love." During another revenge killing, the Living Dead Girls use the expert caresses of a broadsword in order to be the witness to a local scheming prostitute's love. Another victim is drowned in an indoor swimming pool (Living Dead Girls DO in fact float). Yet another murder victim is attacked and killed within a confessional booth.
Eventually the murders are brought to light and rumors begin to circulate of the supernatural nature of the murderers. The town rallies together and prepares to douse the Living Dead Girls with fuel and burn them alive. Perhaps sensing this, the Living Dead Girls catch a ride in a speeding automobile, although the automobile unfortunately crashes within vicinity of the town mob and the Living Dead Girls are subsequently burned alive. Unsatisfied with that ending? If so, trying the alternate ending listed in the DVD's bonus material.
Final Analysis: Yes, this movie does suck. However, it's just horrible enough to present a certain level of amusement. And besides, it might make a good survival guide should horrific events as these ever occur in your hometown.
Euro Splatter Gore meets Grindhouse
Jason Sum | IL, USA | 05/01/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It's very hard to try to Review this Film
If you take it for what it is
It's a Rare Odd Hybrid of Zombie,Adult Film, and the Grindhouse Genre!
For a Film from 1987 It has a timeless look!
the cinematography (Mostly outside Shots are very good The cemetery scenes are Standout Scenes!
The Score is Haunting
All the F/X Effects are practical and look slick and polished
Besides the Lame/ "Fake" looking Zombie masks on the 3 woman
If this Film was Re-made today it wouldn't work using CGI IMO
The Story is Strange (Has a environmental Plot line that is ahead of it's time) Why does it seem like only Horror/B Films go deep into Social Issue is Beyond me?
3 Females who work for the Local Chemical Plant die from drinking milk. The story gets very Crazy involving Black mail, sex tapes, dumping Hazardous waste into a Graveyard (Which brings the recently Dead girls back from the dead)
You guessed it the Dead Girls are out for Blood & Revenge
The gore like i said before looks good
The scene where the 3 Dead Girls snatch up the Blonde Prostitute is Crazy and how they kill her off may be a Old F/X Gag but, it looks real and will make any man or woman squirm!
The ending is a WTF Ending (You have to watch the Alternate Shocking Ending) Why this ending wasn't used is Beyond me??
The Alt. ending in many ways Changes the film But, at the same time it makes alot more sense of the 80min. you just spent on the story.
For those who watched 2008's Zombie Stripers This Film Is so much better just for the Shock Value alone!
The DVD is a B+ The PQ could be much better Retromedia didn't put any time in the 1st UNCUT U.S. Release of this on the DVD Format
some scenes look worn with a line down the middle
It's very watchable But, the Studio Could have Re-Mastered it They did buy the rights to it! Why not go all out on the dvd
The Audio is Good 2.0 But, that to should have been given a 5.1 Dolby Digital Track
The Horror Genre has a Huge Die hard fan base!
This Film might not be the Best But, it Deserves more of a Special Edition
Any die hard Zombie, Euro Horror, or Grindhouse Fan This Film is A Must See
Take it for what you want I'll keep it in my dvd Collection and watch it again 7/10
Good idea...but, it all falls apart in the end
Larry M. Smith | USA | 11/29/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Well, the only thing i can say about this film is that its an odd duck. However, it was a very good idea for the movie, but, it just truly fell apart as soon as it began. Bad directing, bad acting, bad story and plot and making the whole movie look like a rush job, is what truly ruins the film, but, like all cheese horror it is a plus to many fans out there. The Alternate ending does not ruin the film, in all honest, you have to watch the alternate ending in order to "understand" the whole movie. However, just a note before you buy, this movie has the title "Zombie" in it, doesn't really make the movie a "zombie movie", in other words, it is but it isn't. I give this movie 3 1/2 stars for at least trying and you should rent it before you buy it."