Currently Available DVDs (2) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (49)2007 - Epic Adventures Robinson Crusoe Hannibal Long John Silver 2007 - Adventures of Long John Silver - Volume 3 2007 - Obsession 2007 - The Adventures of Long John Silver - Volume 1 2007 - The Adventures Of Long John Silver Volume 2 2007 - TV's Holiday Classics 2007 - Pirates Dead Men Tell Their Tales 2007 - The Adventures of Long John Silver High-Seas Buccaneers 2006 - The Adventures of Long John Silver Ahoy Classics 2006 - Hitchcock Favorites - Movie Pack 2006 - Adventures of Long John Silver (2 DVD + video iPod ready disc) 2006 - Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island/Captain Calamity 2006 - Olivier's Shakespeare - Criterion Collection (Hamlet / Henry V / Richard III) 2006 - The Adventures of Long John Silver 2006 - Pirates 10 Movie Pack 2006 - Pirates Dead Men Tell Their Tales 2006 - The Adventures of Long John Silver 2006 - Family Classics 4-Movie Pack - Son of Monte Cristo Captain Kidd Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island Scarlet Letter 2005 - Classic Television Platinum Series Vol 9 2005 - High Seas Adventures 4-DVD Pack 2005 - The Adventures of Long John Silver/The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island 2004 - Great Adaptations - Criterion Collection (Great Expectations / Lord of the Flies / The Most Dangerous Game / Oliver Twist) 2004 - The Adventures of Long John Silver Vol 12 2004 - Alfred Hitchock Jamaican Inn/Murder 2004 - Around the World in 80 Days (Two-Disc Special Edition) 2004 - George Burns And Gracie Allen Company For Christmas / Christmas In Jail / With Bonus Orphan's Christmas Featuring Long John Silver 2004 - Long John Silver V1 2004 - Long John Silver Return to Treasure Island 2004 - Dark Journey (B&W) 2003 - Alfred Hitchcock's Jamaica Inn 2003 - Treasure Island 2002 - Hitchcock in the Thirties (6pc) 2002 - The Desert Rats 2000 - Alfred Hitchcock's Limited Edtition Double Feature Jamaica Inn / Rich and Strange (VHS) 2000 - Jamaica Inn 1999 - Oliver Twist - Criterion Collection (1948) 1999 - Odd Man Out (1947) This Happy Breed (Full B&W Sub) The Lady and the Highway Man Long John Silver (2 Feature Films)