Judge for Yourself ... Watch a Preview of the DVD Online ...
mom2boyz | 02/09/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You can preview excerpts from this DVD online at www.rocknlearn.com. Reading a review is one thing, but seeing it for yourself BEFORE you buy is even better. You can even let your child view the excerpts and see if he/she appears interested in the DVD, which is what I did."
My kids love it. Extremely thorough.
A. Luce | Erie, PA | 04/28/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While I can't stand the music and ultra-computerized voices, my two boys, ages four and six LOVE this video. It covers everything you could think of and more, from telling time by the hour to the quarter hour to five minutes to each minute. It covers digital clocks, stop watches, calendars, days, weeks, months, etc. It absolutely will teach your kids everything you'd like them to know about time.
I highly recommend starting with Blue's Clues Telling Time with Steve to start with and then move to this video. This one lacks Steve's wonderful humor and Blue's Clue's sweet charm and great music. But it does the job and the kids love it. So I just have to endure the synthesizers and bad rhyming!"
What's the Hurry? Are We Running Out of Time?
Moon Dancer | 11/24/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"My 5 year old is watching "Telling Time" right now so I thought I might as well review it.
I bought "Telling Time" a few years back because I thought it might not be available later. When I was a kid I had a lot of trouble learning how to read the clock. I remember my teacher making me stay in class instead of going outside for recess because I was "slow" at acquiring this new skill. Fearing my daughter might have to miss recess too I wanted to help her all I could.
I've watched it now a number of times and I do like the content of it. It covers the material pretty well. I think if my daughter chooses to watch this often it could be very helpful along with mom's and her school's help.
I have a problem with the presentation. "Telling Time" runs at an incredibly fast pace and I wonder why. What's the hurry? It reminds me of when I was a kid watching "Sesame Street." It has the same quick cuts which was admittedly very entertaining and attention grabbing.
Are the Rock 'N Learn producers stuck back in the early 1970s? If you watch "Sesame Street" today you will find the pace much slower. There is a reason for this--the continual fast pace and quick cuts proved not to be good for children's brains and ability to concentrate when they needed to slow down. Learning usually involves more that just being entertained--it takes work. I wonder if the the producers of this DVD may not be keeping up with the scientific research regarding brain development and what kids need when they are learning a new skill. While their intentions may have been good this DVD would have been much better at a slower pace.
I, also, like another reviewer, find the noise (and the visuals) of the show hard to take. It's rather jarring but I have to admit it certainly keeps my daughter's attention and since we do have it I honestly will most likely encourage her to watch it. After all...I don't want her to miss recess!
Telling time
Jane doe | New Hampshire | 02/09/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This video is great for about age 6 (kindergarten) and up. It starts off with teaching about the clock and telling time to the hour and working up to a more difficult level. My 5 year old daughter enjoys it. It has kind of a cartoon clock singing and coocoo bird and they rap. It has cute songs for teaching the rote mechanics of telling time."