Currently Available DVDs (3) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (23)2010 - Best of the Loretta Young Show - Seasons 3 4 - 31 Dazzling Episodes 2010 - The Black Shield of Falworth ( Exclusive) 2007 - Miracle in the Rain 2006 - The Loretta Young Show - Christine's Children Series 2006 - The Ultimate Film Noir Collection (5 DVD Set) 2005 - Branded 2005 - The Far Horizons 2005 - Three Violent People 2005 - The Violent Men 2004 - The Green Glove 2004 - 5 Film Noir Killer Classics (D.O.A./Detour/The Stranger/Scarlet Street/Killer Bait) 2002 - DOA (1950) 2000 - DOA