A fairly good volume
nogana_naishi | Calgary, Alberta Canada | 04/14/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Kenshin and friends continue on their journies in volume 5 of Rurouni Kenshin. Episode 18 once again focuses on developing Yahiko's character as a swordsman, and marks another appearance of everyone's favorite stock villain, Hiruma. Yahiko wants to become a real swordsman like Kenshin, and is tricked by Hiruma to steal Kenshin's sword and use it to fight him. Of course, Hiruma's real plan is to hire someone to kill Kenshin when he's left without a weapon. It's up to Yahiko to escape and return the Sakaba-Blade to Kenshin before he's killed.In episodes 19-21, Kenshin and pals visit a huge lodge in the countryside owned by the Tsukayama family. Yutaro, the young heir to the Tsukayama family wealth is looking for someone to teach him swordsmanship, but Kenshin isn't looking for an apprentice. Yutaro meets Raijuta, conveniently also a swordsman who saves Yutaro from the brink of death. Raijuta agrees to take Yutaro in as his apprentice, but it turns out Raijuta is just looking to fund a revolution on the Tsukayama wealth. Overall, these three episodes are quite entertaining together.In episode 22, the gang gets a taste of western technology as they go on their first train ride. Sanosuke is wary of the whole idea of magically moving horse-free carriages, and when Kaoru insists they get their picture taken, hilarity ensues. The train is coincidentally being used to transport gold from one city to another, and that can only mean one thing: Japan's first train robbery, with Kenshin around to act as the Deus ex Machina.The video and sound quality is all-around excellent, except for the opening and ending themes which still look like they were transfered from third-generation VHS tapes. The translation is accurate, but still uses the annoying literal translations for many of the Japanese terms. Overall, this is a fairly good volume worth buying, but it's not nearly as good as the upcoming Kyoto stories..."
More Excellence From Rurouni Kenshin
Trevor S. Howard | Buffalo, NY | 08/25/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In this DVD Kenshin and the gang first have to get the reverse blade sword back from Gohei Hiruma, who tricked Yahiko into stealing it, then they have to protect a young European rich kid from a swordsman whose special technique is to slice things without his sword touching them(the kid thinks this guy wil lteach him swordsmanship when all he relly wants is to use his estate to build an empire, there is a very comedic scene in this small little 3-episode saga when Kenshin forgets NOT to go rushing into the woman's bath without wearing any pants.....lastly, Kenshin and the rest of the gang go on a train ride(though Sanosuke had to be practicly held on there by Kaoru) to Yokohama, and the train ends up getting robbedOverall this is a wonderful DVD continuing in the high-quality Rurouni Kenshin standard"
Nice eps. COOL, evil manslayers in Raijuta's ambition!!!!!!
Prowler | Texas, ARL, USA | 01/01/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is not the best DVD in the Wandering Samurai arc because I think Shadow elite is(because my favorite bad guy is Aoshi, though he is not really bad). This DvD has the last of that old fart Gohei Hiruma in the Wandering Samurai arc which aside from the first two DVD's of Kyoto is the only arc I have seen (Hey! I'm working on finding the other eps for the other two arcs.) I haven't seen the OVA's (Samurai X) because they are rated 17^. It is not the best because of the first and last episode on this DVD. They are not so important to me because they dont have a lot to do with the storyline. I dont want to spoil this DVD but before I depart to look for other stuff to review I will say why its 13^.
1. violence (Not neccesarily the most violent)
2. mild language (worse if you turn on the subtiles)
3. Blood. (Its in all Rurouni Kenshin episodes)
And by the way will someone finally say what Samurai Deeper Kyo is rated and what it is rated for? I need to know that way I finally have something else to do with my money."
The funniest episodes ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prowler | 03/04/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This episode was great but the part where Kaoro's hair is sticking straitup in the air because Kenshin is naked is really funny(I haven't got to the rest yet but I'm sure I know what happens)."