Over two hours of key bellydance movements to develop your skill as a dancer! An all-inclusive guide to the exotic art of bellydance. Internationally celebrated artist Sadie will help you develop an understanding of the ba... more »sic mechanics of bellydance movements or refine your skill and technique with the guidance of her insightful instruction. From figure 8's to hip isolations, Sadie introduces you to key foundation movements that will help you develop your skill as a dancer.« less
traveling hip cirlcles combinations and layering variations
choreography to shake me ya gamal
bonus performance: ah ya Zein
You can go to each one seperately and drill the area you need the most work in.
Very well put together. Nice astmosphere. Music fits the moves that she is teaching. The warm up is a drill of basic moves with no muscle isolations. It is a nice length in itself. The whole Dvd is a lot of drilling. For instance I counted how many times she did the figure's 8's(56 counts that is left right= 1 count) that was slow, then she speeds it up another 50 plus counts then she slow is down again for maybe another 30. each technigue is drilled.
the shimmy's for any one who has not mastered it here is your chance. she starts off with slow hip movements 60 left 1,right 2 counts she speeds it up a knotch maybe 1-2 more times and each level of speed you are doing the move for about 30-50 counts before she gets to the fast shimmy which she keeps you there for a nice while holding the tempo. by the time you get to the actual shimmy you may be hipped out. I got it now and can hold it.
The egyption variations are traveling moves she calls arabic 1,2,and 3. You do undulations, shimmy;s and other traveling moves on rela've as well. There is one move she did that had my hip burning and I was glad she switched to the other side.
The undulations variations is going from a upper undualtion to a lower undulation in one move. I looked at but have not practiced the traveling hip circles combinations and layering variations yet.
She mentions that many of the moves are not basic moves but she figure now is a good time to learn them. She makes you want to master the technigues. She makes you maintain proper form throughout the dvd. She mentioned also that she designed this dvd to equal an eight week course.
She expresses that it is very important to practice as much as you can to train your muscle memory and it is important to stregnthen the muscles. It is a lot on this dvd and for the price you can't beat it at all. I would have paid more for it. I actually paid more than you will if you get it from amazon. If you are looking for a good dvd to get you started and want to learn muscle isolation like Sadie you are in for a treat.
I don't give too many reviews but many has helped me not waist my money espcially the one's who do the video clips. I also would like to mention that rather or not something is beginner's or not depends on the person. If you have a dance background like salsa, african and can do the moves in dirty dancing or have taken folk dancing and line dancing many of the same moves are implicated just maybe done slightly different. the two step and three step and the grape vine I learned in a gym class under folk dancing along with other variations that I do not see but plan to use in my own dance style. You will catch on to the moves very easy if you have a dance back ground even if you have never belly danced because you have some dicipline alreay. If you work out doing yoga or pilates muscle isoalations will be easier because you have alrealy learned to control your internal muscles. Your dance style also makes a differnce. if you are a stiff person vs a flexable person who you learn from may make a difference. There are some dvd's that had a lot of good stuff in them but they moved too slow for I got bored. I like it when you keep moving. If you start talking a lot with no movement I will loose interest and never get through the dvd. Hope this helps."
Le Monde | USA | 03/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First off let me say the bonus performance was worth the dvd alone.Absolutely wonderful. I wish she had included the choreography to it. I watched it over and over.Sadie is not the belly dancer to be played with she knows her stuff and she wants you to know it as well.
Sadie is a very technical teacher as well. She is teaching you the mechanics of what you are doing she even shows what you should not be doing. Go figure she herself is a very technical dancer. She really breaks down the movement and you can see everything she is doing.There are no weird camera angles.
The Menu is broken down in an easy way to get what you want, no need to go through the whole dvd to get to one section.
The choreography is a three part short choreography but you do use a lot of what you learned.She even uses a variety of arm and hand placement. Even the little that she uses is a step up. I have a couple of her dvd's and she is not a fan of hand and arm movements.
I recommend this dvd for everyone, even advanced students need to constantly drill the basic. The content is outstanding. This is a very thorough technique dvd. Some of her concepts are nice. Like when she did the upper body movement in something like a sumu squat. Her constant reminders about posture throughout the dvd is wonderful.The about me section is just a brief written review about her.
The first reviewer pretty much covered everything,there really isn't to much to say but this dvd is worth the money.
I can't wait till her Ultimate bellydance comes out I think its set to release in april."
Feel the burn
Crystal Kendrick | Huntington, WV | 04/28/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this dvd and got 3/4 of the way through it when I had to stop for the evening. This dvd is a very thorough workout. You're given lots of time to master each isolation as each one is repeated numerous times in various speeds. My muscles burned (particularly my hips and thighs)and I was drenched by the time I was ready to call it quits. Sadie really makes you feel it.
The dvd is easy to navigate through like previous reviewers have mentioned. Everything is broken down into categories on the menu so there's no fast forwarding required. The bonus performance is also spectacular. I really love this dvd."
Petite Goddess | New York City | 10/12/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great DVD for those who want to learn proper technique and not just how to look pretty. It was designed to serve as an 8 week course similar to the one that she offers in Denver and the difficulty ranges from beginner to intermediate so there is plenty of opportunity for growth from this DVD. Sadie is my favorite belly dancer and her teaching ability is unmatched. I like the way that she breaks down the moves into two movements and always makes sure to remind you of proper belly dance posture. She even goes as far as to show you how performing the same moves with the wrong posture throws the whole look of the dance off. My only negative comment is that I wish they would have listed the music that is featured because I can't find the ones that I really like since I don't know the title or artist. This is really a great purchase and a fine introduction to belly dance. I will definitely be sticking with her DVD offerings from now on."
An Excellent Instructional DVD
Donald McCunn | 06/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased this DVD as an instructional aid for a woman I am working with who is interested in belly dancing. I am very, very impressed with the quality of instruction it offers.
Before I purchased this DVD I did a fair amount of research online comparing the dancing skills of a variety of belly dancers. Sadie was clearly the best I saw with amazing control of her body and an excellent ability to isolate different areas. She has an extensive range of techniques which she makes use of intelligently.
I have now watched her video--some parts several times. As someone who has taken some dance classes, not belly dancing, and as a stage director working with theatre choreographers, I can't tell you how impressed I am by her approach to teaching belly dancing.
Her lessons are clearly well thought out and build on the techniques she is teaching. She offers tremendous value and is a pleasure to watch. Her love of teaching and passing on the wonderful skills she has developed clearly comes through.
I could say more but I would just be repeating the raves you will read in the other reviews of this video.