SuperS Box Set Review
Will Glover | United Kingdom | 07/18/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
" The SuperS series is the fourth of the five Sailor Moon series. It mainly focuses on Chibi-Usa, or Sailor ChibiMoon, and a winged horse, known as Pegasus. It's basically the story of a group of enemies known as the 'Dead Moon' trying to find Pegasus, who is hiding in somebodies 'beautiful dream'. The series is very repetitive, where in nearly every episode, the Dead Moon will choose a person who they believe is hiding Pegasus, attack them, and look into their dream. Conveniently, the Sailor Soldiers have recently become friends with whoever is targeted by the Dead Moon, and they show up to save the day. The series does have some good points. All six of the soldiers featured in the series gain new 'super' forms, with brand new costumes, attacks, and powers. The animation, character design, and music has also improved. However, there are many problems. There are no appearnces by the Outer Senshi, who are by far regarded as some of the best characters in Sailor Moon. Also, the series is very light-hearted compared to it's predecessor, Sailor Moon S. Overall, Sailor Moon SuperS is still part of one of the greatest Anime's of all time, and is not to be missed."
Sailor Moon SuperS Uncut Complete Season
Samuel Abbott | Kennedy, New York United States | 10/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I absolutely LOVE this seaon of Sailor Moon. It was both funny at points and extremely sad at others. Once I was done watching it I started all onver again. I truly enjoyed it. Thank you"
The show is great, but not the voice acting
F. Davis | 08/14/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"For some reason, a lot of the English-language voices have changed since the first season. Serena's voice-actor really overdoes it. But otherwise, this is some of Sailor Moon's best stuff and at least Sailor Jupiter's voice never changes. Great bang for your buck, pick this one up for some good times for you and your Sailor Moon loving girlfriend before Geneon's license expires and you have to pay twice as much for this one on eBay. :)"
Ignore the bashing, the Sailor Girls are ROCK!!!
Harryizman Harun | Kangar, Perlis Malaysia | 08/04/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've watched this anime before and planning to buy it some day (hopefully it won't go out of stock).It's a good anime with good message. Luv the powers (girly yet powerful, girlpower as Geri Halliwell might say haha) and the customes.If you watch Sailormoon since Classic then you'd see how much Usagi's grown up into a fine and brave young girl aka soldier. My advice: collect Sailormoon's DVD sets including this one."