"This is about some archaeologists who, guided by some forest rangers, hike back into the mountains to investigate some odd bones that they have in their museum. The bones were brought in by some trappers who lived in the area many years ago. Overall, these folks are a very likable bunch. Some of the acting is a tad cheesy, and one guy is prone to speaking in a monotone, but I'm so used to watching low budget movies where I couldn't care less if everyone gets killed (half the time I'm cheering for them to die in some horrible way), that I was impressed that I actually cared about these folks and didn't want to see them get killed.
Once in the mountains, they discover some burial mounds and dig up the bones of, yup, you guessed it, Sasquatch! Well, turns out the Sasquatch don't like people messing with their graveyard, and a night of terror ensues. I really liked this part of the movie, all the cheesiness is gone and it gets very serious. It's done quite well, with nice night photography in the forest, good theme music, good dialogue, and good performances from the actors. I remember when I was in the Cub Scouts and the counselors told a scary story around the campfire, then somebody jumped out of the trees and we all scattered. Being little kids, we fell for it hook line and sinker. This part of the movie brought back memories of that. Yes, the CGI Sasquatch do look pretty bad in certain scenes, but overall I'd say they look good. It allows them to be very large and move quickly, a nice change from the usual guy in a suit that, because of the bulky suit, looks hilarious trying to keep up with his intended victims.
Overall, I'd definitely recommend this to lovers of low budget movies. You even get a busty babe taking a shower in a bikini."
And we Bigfoot buffs wonder why no one will take it serious.
M. Smith | Pittsburgh, PA | 05/12/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is the kind of trash that causes people to laugh at the Bigfoot/Sasquatch buffs and researchers and why no one will ever take the subject serious. As if the Jonas Quastel direceted/Lance Henrickson starring "Sasquatch" put out by Columbia Tri-star a couple of years ago wasn't bad enough, they(CTS)had to go and release another awful Sasquatch film. I know that there has been some ridiculously awful B movies made about the genre in the past, but, you would think in this day and age of technology and money that somebody could finally make a good realistic Bigfoot flick. But, this film is why no big name studio or director will take the chance. The plot is okay, I guess, I can buy the fact that a group of park rangers is hired to guide a couple of scientists into the deep woods looking for bones of an unknown species that had also been found by a couple of trappers many, many years ago, we learn this in the first few minutes of the film, but after that it goes WAY down hill. The acting is awful, I guess that is why it is called a "B-Movie" and you get what you pay for. They even had to throw in a steriotypical staple of all B-Movies, the big breasted blonde, who must take a bag shower every morning in a skimpy bikini showing all of her assets to the male park rangers. Then probably the worst thing of all in this film is the CGI created Sasquatches. The animation is terrible and at times the Sasquatches look more like cartoon characters than an unknown hairy bi-pedal primate. And then in the end, fleeing from a colony of actors dressed up in gorilla suites, our heroes end up finding shelter in an old cabin that was originally inhabited by the trappers we learned about in the beginning of the film. Oh, the irony. Anyway, I guess as a Bigfoot enthusiast I should be happy at the fact that some one at least took the time to make a film about the subject, but, I can't get get past being p*##%d off at the way they went about it. If you like low budget horror films you can get a laugh from, like most of the brain-less, responsibility-less teenagers today, then you will love this film. If you are a Bigfoot/Sasquatch enthusiast, don't waste your time, I already did."
"So The Theory We're Going With Is That It's A Homicidal Bea
Robert I. Hedges | 03/09/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As a devoted lover of B-movies, I have seen more than my share of Bigfoot films, and despite being another low-budget Yeti flick, "Sasquatch Hunters" is not without its unique charms. It is far from the worst Bigfoot movie I have ever seen, and managed to keep my interest for 88 minutes.
The film opens with three buffoons hunting something in the woods with pistols, when they run afoul of Sasquatch, who is none too happy to see them. Bigfoot makes short work of them, and even had the good graces to kill the most annoying character first. After the title sequence we meet up with a group of students and professors who want to go into the woods to look for bones, and the group of forest rangers there to keep them safe, headed by former ranger and obvious hero Matt Lattimore. The cast includes brother and sister forest rangers (Spencer and Janet) who both have difficulties keeping their hormones under control to no avail. For a monster-in-the-woods movie there is amazing restraint on the romantic subplot front.
As the cast walks through the woods the tasteful score swells in the background to the point it's distracting. The music is actually well done (especially for a film on this kind of budget) but is overly loud and intrusive at times, and even more annoyingly frequently crescendos when absolutely nothing significant is happening; it seems to get better after the first half hour or so, but maybe I just adapted to it. For a film of this nature the script isn't bad, although there are some ridiculous lines ("Maybe it's one of those man-bear things!"), which is probably unavoidable given the subject matter. I was also quite amused by the discussion about how dense the forest was, despite the fact that there are veritable wide boulevards carved out of the foliage on the trails they're following.
The researchers stumble on the sacred Yeti cemetery (actually, "Yeti Cemetery" would be a great name for a movie, but I digress) and the academics are gleeful at the cornucopia of bones they have unearthed. Very shortly thereafter they discover a bear carcass in a tree and wonder how it got there. Without further ado, cast members start disappearing, mercifully starting with the hormonally-challenged Spencer and Janet. An interesting note here is that despite the presence of several lovely female cast members, most notably Lou (Juliana Dever), the director never resorts to nudity, although there is plenty of adult language and violence. I was genuinely surprised by that.
The real violence begins at night when the Bigfoot gets the cast split up in the woods and starts picking them off. Sometimes the Bigfoot appears to be all digital, and sometimes it is clearly a guy in a gorilla suit with a CGI face, but for a B-movie the effects are certainly passable. The Bigfoot is actually pretty scary, and can run much faster and more quietly than I would have expected. The cast finds an old trapper's shelter surrounded by bear traps and stay there during the evening's Bigfoot siege. At this point two things become clear: first, there is more than one Bigfoot in the woods, and second, the name of the movie is "Sasquatch Hunters" because the Sasquatch are hunting the humans, not named for the group of humans hunting the Sasquatch. I liked that subtlety, and I liked the fact that even the prettiest girl isn't immune from Bigfoot attack.
The nighttime Bigfoot stalking scenes are quite atmospheric, work well in context, and set up the grand finale for the next morning when the battered survivors hike to their jeep and are pursued by a whole pack of Bigfoots (Bigfeet?), barely escaping, while managing to kill several Sasquatch in the process. Fittingly the movie concludes back at the Yeti cemetery with a funeral for their fallen comrades, another touch I liked.
Don't misunderstand me: this film will never be confused with a big-budget science fiction theatrical release and the special effects budget was not large, but for entertainment purposes I found it to be rather enjoyable. The cast was generally likeable, the script had a concept of continuity, the acting was not bad (if a bit hammy on occasion), the cinematography was much better than the budget would imply, and the Sasquatch is adequately scary. There are many big-budget movies that aren't half this entertaining, and because the cast plays it completely straight, this works as an effective old fashioned lost-in-the-woods monster movie. It's less campy than I expected, but that's fine: it does what it set out to do."
I Liked it
Trevor Merris | Carmicheal, CA USA | 06/02/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Unlike most Cheap Movies i actually liked this one. I did'nt just sit til the end i actually enjoyed it. The film is A Hundred time better tha Sasquatch or Sasquatch Mountain. The film is short however so the story is a lot simpler.
A group of Hiker friends go into the wilderness for a few days but soon learn they are being tracked by something not human. When they provoke the creatures by invading thier graveyard and removing the bones of t=one of the creatures Thats to Far. The creatures attack and kill most of the team and the others are sent running for civilization and safety. They find a small Cootage and hold-up and wait for morning.. They wait and wait but they have wounded and no food and soon run out of time and must huff it to the cars. they make it a ways before the creatures return in daylight and attempt to stop the hikers. They make it to the cars with three of them left and high-tail it out in the jeep. They still have one of the bones. It ends with a roar in the forest and fades into the credits.
The Film lasts about 89 Minutes in total but holds plenty of fun scares and awesome Big-Foot action. The suits they used are the best i have seen yet that are not CGI creatures. They also have a Lot of Them. I counted at least 6 Big Foot Creatures."
Saturday night sasquatch!
Will A. Nugent | Tampa,fla;the beautiful city by the bay | 08/08/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After viewing this movie,I'm convinced that movies are like books.They may work for some people but not another.Here is a perfect example of that opinion.Yeah,okay,the cgi was TOO cgi,but come,this is a movie about a big hairy,hungry sasquatch guys!If you 're thinking harry and the hendersons,well then,you WILL hate this movie!Here is good old fashion entertainment.I know other reviewers have bombed this movie,but I liked it.At certain points of the movie,when the expedition is walking through the forest,I got the feeling I'd seen the movie before.I remembered jurassic park,and the sound track helped to feed the sense along.Of course,the sasquatch is too cgi,and it can't compare to J/P.If you take this movie for what it's worth (entertainment)it won't bother you a bit...heck,you might even enjoy it enough to watch it again,I did!The acting is typical of the sci-fi channel, can be over looked.What I want to know is,who had the idea that this was a documentary about bigfoot?!!!Come on mates,let's over look this,and enjoy the bloody movie!No one knows how sasquatch would react if it encountered us on his terms.I doubt,if it would be a warm and fuzzy feeling for us.From what I heard and read,the scream ALONE would make you run away from it...probably making US run away screaming like school girls!I have been open minded about bigfoot,the loch ness monster and yes,ufos.I still am and I hope someone will befriend me and help me along with my research.After all,we haven't really begun to complete our exploration of this big blue marvel.I can only hope that we will find an answer to all these mysteries,but I digress.This is a good movie to watch on a saturday night,see it for yourself.Break out the popcorn and soda,dim the lights and sit back and enjoy this movie!"