A group of vicious bank robbers find themselves on the run in the arizona mountains. They band together with their pursuing law officers when a legendary creature beings to stalk them one by one. Studio: Monarch Video Ass... more »oc. Release Date: 12/09/2008 Starring: Lance Henriksen Michael Worth Run time: 90 minutes Rating: R« less
Glenn R. Boston | Silver Spring, MD United States | 04/11/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've seen some real stinker bigfoot movies, but I have to say this one is not bad (considering the genre). The acting is decent -- I'd go so far as to call Lance Henriksen "good." The film looks good, except for one scene where a microphone is clearly visible. There are a couple of things about the movie that make it interesting for bigfoot buffs. First of all, many of the images of the sasquatch early on are fleeting and show the beast stomping through the woods swinging its arms -- clearly invoking the famous Patterson-Gimlin footage of 1967. In another scene, the folks being stalked by the sasquatch hole up in a rustic house, which angry Mr. Bigfoot bombards with rocks. This calls to mind the famous Fred Beck "Ape Canyon" incident of the early 1920s in southwest Washington.
The plot of the film concerns an attractive young woman who, due to an unfortunate car accident, is abducted by a gang of bank robbers and forced to flee with them into the Arizona wilderness. The group is pursued by several law enforcement officers; all must join forces when they learn they are the prey of the sasquatch. Naturally people get picked off one by one, but the gore is not excessive. The portrayal of the sasquatch at the end even manages to be sympathetic.
OK, it's not "Citizen Kane." But when it comes to bigfoot movies, you could do worse. Believe me.
A. Abbott | South Dakota | 07/20/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this movie and bought some junk food in preparation for a relaxing time with my mother - a fellow sci-fi movie goer. I am glad that I rented this movie; and I recommend that you do the same.
PLOT: Bank robbers take a hostage and run into woods. Law offices pursue. Eventually, they all team together in order to try to survive - as a sasquatch starts killing them one by one!
REVIEW: I rented this movie expecting a low caliber sci-fi channel movie. While it wasn't a block buster or academy award winner by any means; I think it was the best sasquatch/Bigfoot movie I have ever seen. There is much more plot development; and while there is blood and gore; it wasn't a slasher, mindless blood fest movie.
One of the main characters was ridiculed by the town for 12 years because he claimed his wife saw (and filmed) a sasquatch the night that she was tragically killed in a hit and run accident. It put the small town on some tourists maps and had tv specials on it; but no one really believed him.
The police deputies are rather stereotypical dumb, small town cops. It was a bit annoying but if you didn't harp on that and relaxed, it didn't detract from the movie much. The sheriff is a friend of the afore mentioned main character and he copes with some guilt on not believing his friend and helping him when the town thought him crazy.
The bank robbers are even developed a little; without making the entire movie about them. It wasn't so fascinating that they become extremely memorable (I can only recall about one or two character's names) but it added a little more depth and plot to the movie.
Even the sasquatch has a mate and newborn baby (you don't get to see Baby Bigfoot thought, aw). This sasquatch movie had a lot more plot than others I have seen. Like I said before, its not fantastic, but I am glad I watched it. One of the best Bigfoot movies around. Four stars; for turning a monster movie into something good!"
Sasquatch comes of age
C. Cervenka | CA USA | 01/09/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A fairly decent Sci Fi film about Bigfoot. Or more appropriately, about the people dealing with Bigfoot. This is not a gorefest but rather a throw back to the old idea of running from the unknown and focusing on the characters a bit more.
The "King" Lance Henriksen is back in another sasquatch role and judging it by that standard, it is the best lance Henriksen Sasquatch film so far! Nice to see him being human rather than a robot. The guy is a good actor. So are Craig Wasson, Michael Worth and a few others in the cast. A nice looking film directed by Steven R. Monroe (Left In Darkness). I have seen it ripped on a lot online, but I have to say, much of the critisism was that Cerina Vincent wasn't naked or that Bigfoot wasn't killing enough people. Shows the criteria that is important to some. But, that is actually what I liked about it (not that nudity would have killed it....). I went in expecting something cliche and it surprised me there. Better written and acted than most in this genre.
It seems there is a featurette on the DVD but unfortunately, no commentary has been listed which would have made it an instant buy. Either way, a decent low budget flick on the Squatch."
More than just a Bigfoot flick
- Durrkk | Ohio/PA border USA | 12/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Director: Steven Monroe
Writer: Michael Worth
Runtime: 90 minutes
Locations: Williams, Flagstaff and Coconino Nat. Forest, Arizona
Year of TV Release: 2006
THE PLOT: After an unfortunate auto accident, Cerina Vincent is taken captive by a gang of bank robbers who are forced to flee into the Arizona timber by foot. They are followed closely by a posse made up of policemen and old Vietnam vets. The two groups ultimately team-up (sort of) when they encounter a Bigfoot creature who is picking 'em off one by one.
Although I highly doubt the creature exists, I'm fascinated by the Bigfoot legend and enjoy films on the subject. "Sasquatch Mountain" is one of the best, if not the best. It was originally titled "Devil on the Mountain" and, in fact, that's the title that appears on the dvd.
To be expected, some people smugly laugh at the picture, calling it unintentionally funny and cheesy, but nothing could be further from the truth. This is actually a character study using the Bigfoot legend as a stage. The story and characters are taken seriously and there's no goofiness to be found. The reason some automatically laugh at it is because the idea of Sasquatch has become a big joke, which is understandable.
I should point out that if you're expecting a mindless slasher flick with Bigfoot in the evil Jason role you'll be disappointed. The film "Abominable" (2006) is a film along these lines. It's a good film for what it is and there's nothing wrong with this approach, it's just that "Sasquatch Mountain" shoots for something deeper.
The screenplay was written, believe it or not, by Michael Worth who stars in the picture as one of the bank robbers, Vin. The guy comes off as a 35-year-old adolescent who is more likable than scary, even though he has a slight dangerous edge.
- Although the film is a low-budget straight-to-video flick it's a very well-made film, unlike "Sasquatch Hunters" (2005) and "Sasquatch" (2002), which both had some amateurish qualities.
- The score is great, sometimes even moving, giving the film a palpable reverent quality.
- Although the set-up is a bit contrived (the way the bank robbers get a hostage and flee on foot), the story starts to pull you in at the half-hour mark when the posse pursues the gang in the woods. There are numerous well-written character-defining episodes that successfully capture the viewer's attention.
- For instance, the lead bank robber, played by Craig Wasson, laments how his father never paid him any attention growing up. I know what you're thinking -- aw, poor baby -- but the film successfully shows the correlation between adult wellness and healthy parental relationships, in particularly with the father-figure. Often children from dysfunctional families spend their entire lives trying to make up for the damage done by clueless parents.
- I also like the way Wasson and others are shown not totally poisoned by evil, despite being bank robbers, e.g. Wasson does a really selfless deed without hesitation later in the film. It's a good scene. Not to mention (as already noted) Michael Worth comes off as more misguided than malevolent; though Lance Henriksen doesn't give in to his charm one bit.
- To be expected in a character study, the screenplay has some great dialogue and lines. For instance, Wasson states: "No matter how hard you try or how high you get there's always some devil on the mountain waiting to knock you back down" or the Asian girl to Cerina: "Everyone has scars, but not everyone has the option of hiding behind a pretty smile."
- The film features no less than three beautiful women -- a Brunette (Cerina Vincent), a redhead (Lance's daughter in the story, played by Melanie Monroe) and the Asian bank Robber (Karen Kim) who comes off unattractive only because she's so bitter. Both Cerina and Melanie are magnificent. Melanie is the definition of spirituality.
- There's a good subplot about Lance Henriksen being a laughingstock for the past 15 years or so. His wife had recorded a vague video of the creature on the day she was killed by a hit-and-run. The video put the town on the map as a tourist attraction but made him an object of ridicule. Will he ever be redeemed?
- Although the Sasquatch kills in the story, he is shown in a sympathetic light (unlike "Abominable" and "Sasquatch Hunters").
- The dvd features a worthwhile 20-minute "Making Of" Documentary.
FINAL ANALYSIS: I love "Sasquatch Mountain" and give it a weak 5/5 Stars or A-. It may not be "Apocalypse Now" but for a straight-to-video Bigfoot film it's quite good for all the above reasons. It should be given credit for not being another mindless monster flick; the Bigfoot legend is simply a frame for something deeper. Not everyone can look beyond the Sasquatch trappings; I understand this. I could and found it quite entertaining and even moving."
Surprisingly entertaining B-movie greatness!
Bobandy | Sunnyvale Trailer Park | 06/02/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As a hardcore Bigfoot enthusiast (though not a believer) and a HUGE fan of monster movies for the past 30 something years, I've seen most of the Bigfoot films out there. Some, like "The Curse of Bigfoot" used to be shown on creature features in the '70s and I ate them up as a kiddo. Ditto "The Legend of Boggy Creek" and "Snowbeast." The monsters were blood-thirsty, the actors were fairly amateur at best, and the action was just enough to keep the flick from gettin gboring.
The latest crop of Bigfoot films have been a fairly mixed bag. Some (like "Sasuqtch" and "Yeti") are so bad, that even as a deyed in the wool B-movie afficianado, I simply can't sit through them without a half gallon of cheap whiskey. And even then, I'd rather go put my head in a bread mixer for 90 minutes. Others like "Abominable," "Sasquatch Hunters," and this movie, are damned entertaining in that '70's and '80's bad movie way. Plenty of action, hardcore monsters, and no shortage of blood and guts. "Sasquatch Mountain" starts as a bank heist movie. There's cops, robbers, shooting, and a porn star-looking hostage to boot. From there, it goes on to resemble (to me at least) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Firday the 13th movies. Namely, a group of people is caught in unfamiliar territory, being pursued by a huge, scary, angry, and homicidal monster that simlpy wants them dead. They run, it follows. They hole up in a cabin, it follows. Turns out the guy who owns the cabin is dead on the can "like Elvis" as one of the characters points out. Also just so happens the dead guy has been feeding the monster with horse grain, and the monster's a mom to boot. Seems momma monster's simply been protecting her territory from the intruders. The kills are pretty good (not great) and the characters are prone to incredibly akward and stilted expository dialogue, the likes of which you only ever see in bad WB teeny bopper shows (at least from what I can tell by seeing the previews of them in commercials). BUT, there's action, Lance Henriksen doing his thing as only he can, a leading lady with huge, bouncy silicone boobs, and best of all, at the end of the movie, they play an actual 911 recording of a guy calling to report a "real" Bigfoot encounter. The geek in me jumped for joy and nearly dropped his inhaler.
The "making of" featurette is pretty good as well. I wasn't expecting something like this on a straight to DVD flick, but there's a brief, though informative bit on the makeup fx design of the creature, interviews with the actors, and a set visit. An excellent surprise, and endeared the film even more to me.
All in all, well worth the $2.50 I paid for it. Heck, I'd have paid $10.00 for it since I'll be watching it again for sure. If you're a fan of Bigfoot horror movies and are on the fence about this one, just go ahead and buy it. You'll be really glad you did."