Another Sci-fi Channel Bomb
S William Shaw | The Nether | 03/21/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"For those of you who have sat through more than one Sci-fi Channel movie, this is more of the same. Trash.
For those of you who have yet to view a Sci-Fi Channel movie, I will explain to you why they are bad. (including Savage Planet)
The dialog in Savage Planet comes off as if it were written by a fourth grader. It is clunky, awkward, cliche and trite. The special effects in Savage Planet look like they were put together by the fourth grader's computer nerd buddy. The effects are hokey, and look like they were produced for a 1992 video game.
And the acting? Horrendous. Few actors in Savage Planet seem capable of expressing anything with feeling, conviction, or with a genuine tone. In addition, the casting is brutally bad, and the script is worse.
Not much to see here. Please do not waste your money on this train wreck. And if you need to see for yourself, rent before you buy."
Astoundingly Awful.....No words can convey just how bad this
The Jaundiced Eye | Texas, USA | 07/21/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"It is rare that I am at a loss for words, but in attempting to review this "movie" I must admit that I cannot summon up adjectives of suitable negativity to accurately convey my disgust. I will try. Imagine the excrutiating boredom of watching a small group of amateurish actors wander aimlessly in the woods for at least 90 minutes, uttering trite phrases. Those familiar with one of the most famous worst-movies-of-all-time, Robot Monster, will fondly recall cave scenes in which some joker (aptly named Ro-Man) wearing a moth-eaten gorilla suit and a diving helmet on his head menaced a diminishing group of clueless actors. It couldn't get worse than this, could it? Well, how about substituting stock footage of a growling grizzly bear as your scary monster, instead of good old Ro-Man? No one could possibly be this silly, you would reply. And I would have agreed, until I witnessed the nightmare that is Savage Planet.
This movie is an utter, abject failure, and the scope of its failure boggles the mind. Indeed, one of the tag phrases offered by Amazon at the bottom of the review page for this movie is "crappy sci-fi". Amen.
Whenever confronted by a truly execrable production such as this, my common sense tells me that everyone involved must, at some time, have realized that they were participating in something totally devoid of any artistic merit...something really, really awful. How could they keep a straight face? Did they really need money this badly? Sadly, the real horror here is not that a group of reasonably normal, intelligent people got together to create this mess, but that a small group of reasonably normal, intelligent people like you and I watched it."
Dah Bears
A Reviewer | DeWitt, Iowa United States | 12/01/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"A group of intrepid explorers travel across the galaxy to an alien world to discover grizzly bears(?!!). Horrible acting, an idiotic script, and ludicrous special effects combine to make this the cinematic equivalent of bear droppings."