Lisa has prayed for years that God would save her boyfriend Bobby, but when he finally sees the light it s much more than Lisa bargained for. Is Bobby Too Saved to hold onto his relationship with Lisa?
Karla L. (casper) from BELLEFONTAINE, OH Reviewed on 3/25/2011...
Makes a person think about their motives. Good soul searching movie.
Movie Reviews
"Too Saved" goes TOO FAR
J. Newkirk | Houston, TX USA | 07/18/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
First off, the only reason I'm giving this movie 2 stars instead of one, is because of the subject that seems to rarely be discussed in or outside of church. I give credit to the creators and director of taking on this topic and making a movie where both sides can be seen objectively...YES objectively. While as a christian, it is almost obvious that I sympathize more with Bobby being that he loves Christ and desires to grow in him and in the ministry. However while starting the movie with high expectations and ending it with disappointment, I feel as if Lisa's issues and concerns are brushed off with a simple "He's workin for the lord, oblige him, honey."
In my humble opinion, this movie missed three major sub issues that naturally should be addressed with something of this nature:
1. Lisa should have been prompted by advisors to develop a closer relationship with Christ. If she continued to view Christ as "competition" within various relationships (family/romantic), perhaps the focus should have been making Him the central focus of HER life and letting the everything else fall after Him.
2. Just because Bobby recieved salvation doesn't instantly make him the *perfect* companion. God's word says 'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers' 2 Corinthians 6:14, but just because individuals might be saved, doesn't give rights for any saved female and male to marry and mulitiply. There is no 'stereotypical' christian. We all have different personalities and preferences. Finding the right wife/husband is something God discerns, not us. I feel this option should have been addressed. Perhaps Lisa didn't belong with Bobby in the end at all.
3. Lastly...even though I cannot relate from personal experience, word is being a *Pastor's Kid* is NO JOKE. The movie breezed through this so lightly, it made me feel neglected on behalf of Lisa. Now I whole heartedly don't believe in such a thing as being "too saved," but there IS truth in the matter of being neglected and isolated at home, while men who are pastors, are holding revivals and not able to manage household duties as a father. Even the word of God says, "For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?" 1 Timothy 3:5 (a scripture that should have definitely came in sometime during this movie).
Besides the novice filming techniques and less than impressive dialogue, I'd encourage viewing another christian movie before seeing this one."
"Too saved is a great movie. Lisa (Lolita Clayton) wants her boyfriend Bobby (James J.J. Johnson) to be saved, or at least she thinks she does. When Bobby accepts the Lord and starts living a righteous life, she has the opportunity to look at her own salvation from a new perspective.
I first saw this movie in it's original release a few years ago, but it's one I own and go back to watch often.
The actors are not well known, but each of them is talented.
This would be a great choice for movie night at your local church."
Ok acting, terrible writing, looked and sounded more low bud
DeAndre Vidale | Bowie, MD USA | 03/30/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The acting was ok, so I'll start with that. The movie seemed like a good idea that never made it passed just that: a good idea. But hey, even though I think it was terrible, some "churchy" people like the main character will watch it, and the message will minister to them. I doubt this movie was meant for anyone outside the church anyway.
The ENTIRE movie was dialogue. Long, boring, completely uninspired dialogue. There are some quick short books on screenwriting that could have helped here tremendously. There are a ton of concepts that need to be communicated for anyone outside church culture to understand the story, but there was no creative attempt in conveying anything. With all the talking you had to listen to it didn't help that the sound wasn't that great, either too loud, soft, or heavy echoing at times.
Attempts in creative photography were utter flops, and the boom mic made a cameo appearance within the first 10 minutes. The "fancy" restaurant staging took away more production value than it was worth aiming for. This film simply didn't have to look as low budget as it did. Black & white flashback scenes were cliche, and some shots just left me hoping they'll do MUCH better next time.
I rented this movie from the Redbox thinking if a faith-based movie made it into the Redbox it must be pretty good. I know better now. Not only am I a devoted Christ-follower and filmmaker, I also live in the area this film was shot in, so when I say it was hard to stomach it's for good reason. Hopefully I can get in touch with them and we can collab on something better."
S. Jones | Washington, DC | 03/10/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Too Saved was a wonderful adaptation of everyday problems that Christians face. I would recommend this for churches as a teaching tool for single ministries."
Great movie
Brian | NJ/NY | 02/28/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Really a great movie. By the way this is a Christian movie, I wasnt sure if it really was based on the title. It was really funny, and the movie got better as it went along. Great film, would recomend"