3 Fenech classic on 1 disc, WHAT A DEAL !
Mian Sukiman | Jakarta Indonesia | 09/22/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"3 Edwige Fenech's School Teacher flicks on 1 disc. This should be the best-selling DVD of all time. You can forget the bootleg dvd made from crappy VHS source or the high price reg 2 DVD.
The down side, there is no Original Italian language and the picture quality is just OK, nowhere near the pristine transfer of NO SHAME release of some of Fenech movies (but NO SHAME released all three titles individually in ITALY last year but no plan on US release)
Until NO SHAME annouce its release, this DVD is a must have for all guys that are aware of the name EDWIGE FENECH.
Highly recommended !! Order this before it gets Out Of Print."
Edwige who?
Richard Greenleaf | 06/10/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, I admit it, I got this movie based on one of the reviews here. Hey if it's something anyone who has heard of Edwige Fenech must have means it's gotta be pretty good, right? I wish. There were a few decent nude scenes, but I've seen better from the first Poliece Academy. And there's not much to see there. After seeing this you'll wonder why anyone would want to know the name Edwige Fenech. Maybe she did better skin flicks than what you got here. Admittedly the English translation may be part of the problem, but even if you mute the volume the story just looks terrible. Only get this if you want a few good nude scenes."
Edwige Fenech Rocks, but movies lame
Mr. Mark J. Geller | Portsmouth, NH United States | 10/06/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The rare glimpses of a nude Edwige Fenech are stunning in the three collection group of schoolteacher movies, but the movies are lame, lame, lame with little memorable except the maked Fenech. The acting is abominable and the production values non-existent. Take a nap instead."