It is the year 2021. In this mind-bogglingly distant future, Sealab rises imperiously from the ocean's floor, her crew charged with exploring the possibility of underwater colonization. That is, when they're not fighting g... more »iant squids over a toy oven.* Or running pirate radio stations. Or trying to put their brains into robot bodies. Or going back in time. Or being attacked by flesh-ripping aliens. Or becoming addicted to scorpion venom. Or getting stuck in a storage closet. Or going back in time again. Captain Murphy. Marco. Debbie. Stormy. Doctor Quinn. Dolphin Boy. They're all inside this box, screaming to get out so they can live inside your television. So buy the damn thing and set them free. You'll beridiculously glad you did. Promise. *Makes real cupcakes! With a 40-watt bulb!DVD Features:
"If you stay awake long enough to catch Adult Swim on Cartoon Network Sunday nights (starts around 10:30 p.m. CST, my old time zone- now I'm on the east coast, and everything starts an hour later), check out "Sealab 2021". It's a spoof off the old 1972 cartoon "Sealab 2020", except that the original '72 crew has been replaced by a bunch of lunatics who probably shouldn't be allowed out of doors. Perhaps that's why they've been confined to an underwater lab where they can't hurt anybody (well, almost anybody). We loyal fans have long awaited Adult Swim gems to come on DVD, and with "Sealab 2021", you get the following eppys:*I, ROBOT- News of a monkey whose brain has been implanted in a robot prompts the crew to have a long-winded "discussion" about the fate of their own brains.*HAPPYCAKE- Captain Murphy is devestated to find his beloved Happy Cake Oven is missing, and orders the crew, along with a Jacques Cousteau-like narrator, to search the waters for it. Meanwhile, a giant squid endangers the life of the crew; or as the narrator sees it, "uses it's tentacles to cradle me like a Mother's arms".*RADIO FREE SEALAB- Captain Murphy is bored and decides to use the lab's emergency radio beacon for a pirate radio station, starring as "Howling Mad" Murphy.*CHICKMATE- Debbie questions the male crewmembers to see who will make the best Father for the baby she wants immediately, and Stormy almost learns a valuable lesson in race relations.*LOST IN TIME- Bizarre episode in which Stormy and Dr. Quinn are mysteriously transported 15 minutes back in time to save Sealab from an explosion- even though the same explosion happens again, starting the vicious cycle all over again.*PREDATOR- There's an invisible yet shimmery ghoul aboard Sealab that has the crew cowering in the corners. It's up to Dr. Quinn (with Dolphin Boy as bait) to capture the fiend.*LITTLE ORPHAN ANGRY- Griffin, a terminally ill orphan, comes aboard Sealab to live out his dream. But Griffin's heart is not as pure as everyone thinks. Meanwhile, Capt. Murphy morphs into a germ-a-phobe freak as he fears a Bubonic Plague outbreak.*WAKING QUINN- The eppy is a bit hard to follow- Stormy wants to show Dr. Quinn his new hairdryer while Quinn is in the water- yes, Dr. Quinn is electrocuted and bizarre happenings are afoot.*ALL THAT JAZZ- In one of the funniest episodes, Capt. Murphy gets trapped underneath the BeBop Cola machine. Unfortunately for him, everyone else is at a concert. A year transpires before he is found, and in that time he loses all his teeth and becomes addicted to scorpion venom.*MURPHY MURPH AND THE FENG SHUI BUNCH- This is my all-time fave eppy. Capt. Muprhy is dissatisfied with the disharmoy of the Sealab decor. He hires an extortionate Feng Shui "master" to redecorate everything- but "Master Loo" is a con artist who convinces the crew to buy his crap oragami and persuades Murphy to spend $50,000 on a solid gold toilet. Ofcourse, only Dr. Quinn sees through him.*IN THE CLOSET- Capt. Murphy gets everyone stlocked in a closet, and tempers begin to flare.*STIMUTACS- The ver witty Sparks has come up with a new drug that everyone wants,but the side effects are grotesque- and additctive.*SWIMMING IN OBLIVION- A compliation of past episodes dominates this season finaale, including the informercials for the "Debbie Gone Wild!" DVD's. Some of Sealab's best episodes were in it's first season, and thankfully they're all here."
MMAfan | USA | 06/14/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sealab 2021, what a great show. Finally going to be released on DVD. This version is a little short though. It's only 156 minutes long. There are 13 episodes on this version. This show is really funny and you'll be laughing all the way through it. Being a fan of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Space Ghost, and other cartoon network DVD's I bet this one is going to be good too.Below is a list of the episodes on this Season 1 DVD(s) of Sealab 2021.
1- I, Robot
2- Happycake
3- Radio Free Sealab
4- Chickmate
5- Lost In Time
6- Predator
7- Little Orphan Angry
8- Waking Quinn
9- All That Jazz
10- Murphy Murph And the Feng Shui Bunch
11- In the Closet
12- Stimutacs
13- Swimming In OblivionSPECIAL FEATURES:
Pitch Pilot
I, Robot- Alternate Ending
Radio Free Sealab Uncensored
Little Orphan Angry (Deleted Scenes)"
Hilarious show on a crummy DVD
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 07/30/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Part of the early wave of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup, Sealab 2021 spoofs the campy sci-fi cartoons of the 60's and 70's as we are introduced to Captain Murphy and his crew aboard an underwater research station called Sealab. Each of the 13 episodes contained here find the crew getting into all sorts of absurdly hilarious shenanigans, many of which end up with Sealab imploding. Purposely tacky in terms of animation quality and containing some very off the wall humor, Sealab 2021 garnered a loyal cult following, even though it is still to this day overshadowed by other Adult Swim shows like Space Ghost Coast to Coast and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. The DVD set by Warner Bros. however is supremely disappointing in terms of features and presentation. Why the 13 episodes (roughly about 11 minutes in length each) are spread out on two discs is absurd to say the least (most likely done to snare more cash), and the features are lacking. Even though we get a few deleted scenes, a commentary would have been nice, or even a making of. All in all, this is worth picking up for die hard fans of the show (and you all know who you are), but don't expect anything else to go along with the pricey package."
Cartoon comedy at its best, it doesnt get any better
Paul Soroka | Philadelphia | 07/23/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Incredibly funny show. Some of us older folks might remeber the origional show, sealab 2020, quite possibly THE worst cartoon ever made. Belive you me, 2021 is nothing like its counterpart.
2021 starts off by using old animations from the origional, and redubbing it with a VERY talented set of voice actors, including Ellis Henican, writer for New York Newsday, Erik Estrada, and of course the legend himself, Harry Goz(Fiddler on the roof, chess, many other stage productions. R.I.P.
Abstract humor fueled with social commentary and references to many many classic movies and shows(after watching all that jazz, check out disneys "Black hole" and look for the "toaster looking" robot who tries to help the trapped captin)
The dvd itself is good, but perhaps a bit lacking on features, but for purists like me, im buying the disc for the show, not the dvd extras. The pitch pilot is a must see. The show is a 5/5, but the disc i'd say maybe 4/5. The lack of extra's is due to how AdultSwim is marketing the disc. If you remember ATHF vol1 had few extras as they wanted to see how well it sold before going extra crazy, like they did with vol2. I'd expect the same for Sealab vol2.
Highly recommended to fans of the simpsons, Family Guy and Futurama.
Oh and for people who write reviews without any knowledge of the show, Yeah, there are 38+ episodes(newest season is still airing),not only about a dozen"
I just don't get the complaints....
Hunter | Denver, CO, USA | 08/02/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First off, caveat emptor. If you're buying this series without knowing anything other than what the reviews said, that's your own lookout. You can easily find out what's what with a little research on your part without spending what people apparently think is a lot of money. It's a very *funny* series based almost entirely on animation cells ripped from a previous series -- SeaLab 2020. That series was about as funny as sticking wood splinters under your toenails. This, however, is...well, funny. Even funnier if you sit through the horrible thing it's pulled from.
Second, on the money thing. I really don't get that. I bought this for 19.99 at a local store the day it came out. I'm used to paying 19.99 or *more* for single DVD movies; getting two DVDs for that price isn't exactly a ripoff. Right now, I've got literally thousands of examples of DVDs with less content per disc, less DVDs per package, for more money. Two DVDs just means they had much more room for extras. They overshot a little, but if they hadn't, then you'd be missing something that you otherwise got. And just remember, if you think that price is a little high and wish it were lower, think of those poor 'creators' of this show and how they're only seeing a fraction of what you spent. Even with mass production, the money disappears fast. They deserve their dime.
They deserve more than just a dime. This is one of those rare, consistently funny cartoons. They're into, what, season 3 now and they're still funny. And they're still on the air. That's more than I can say for some things that I've liked. I hope season 2 follows 1 out on DVD quickly and that 3 isn't too far off either.
So, anyway, thanks guys [as if they're watching]. Keep up the 'good' work, because starving children in third world countries don't have quality funny-stuff like this. And that's what makes first world countries so great....