A Five-star Family Movie
Artist & Author | Near Mt. Baker, WA | 12/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For traditional values families, especially religious families, any movie that is subtlety based on Scripture has to be well worth watching. This is actually a (university) student project movie, but it is done in every way as professional as the best of what Hollywood produces. It will hold the interest of both the kids - my grandson was five when he saw it - and their parents, so it truly is a great family movie. Roy is fascinated by the 'ghost' of the cave, and sets out to solve the mystery. Along the way, it seems that the ghost does good deeds for the people in the community. When the mystery is solved, it is made clear that the basis for the good deeds was to follow Jesus' teaching that when you have done it the least of these, you have done it to Me. I can hardly think of a better movie for families.
In response to the one-star reviewers, I'd say that their reviews reveal their bias against anything Christian - even when it is as subtle as its presented in this movie - more than their ability to judge movies. As of this writing, I have about 4,000 DVDs of live-action movies for kids, about kids, or appropriate for kids (e.g. Historical stories, nature, biographies, etc.), I watch as many as 35 movies a week and write reviews of them when I am writing at my mountain cottage. Therefore, I think I can say that I have a pretty broad basis from which to judge movies, especially those pertaining to children and teens. The 'Secret of the Cave' easily come in among the top 5% of movies made for or about kids, especially for families that want to instill good character and long-established traditional values. It may not be 'politically correct' to advocate orthodox morality, but Universal laws cannot be changed by personal opinions. For those who believe that there is a right and wrong, and who believe that doing good deeds for people in need (personally, NOT through the government) is indeed as if it was done for the Lord, this movie is top notch.
[Maybe I need to add that I am Catholic and not Adventist, and that I do not know any of this group (although I do know many Hollywood stars and movie crew members). I worked for about five years making TV and theatrical movies.]"
Secret to a good movie
Keith Davis | Anywhere, United States | 06/26/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I enjoyed this movie and have told others about it as well. I didn't realize it was made by a private Christian college until looking it up here at Amazon with the purpose of buying the DVD. I had watched it as a video on demand. If you like family movies with good moral developments as well, you'll enjoy this film."
What a pleasant surprise
M. Denny | Hermosa Beach, CA United States | 12/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"On my intuition we rented this at Blockbuster as part of a 99 cent night for kids movies. We have a 10 year old boy and and 7 year old girl. They were entranced on several levels: the boy's feelings as his parents separated and he was dumped by his father on his uncle; the strange and wondrous to them world of this village; and the developing ghost story. As the ghost subplot developed both of them wound up snuggling with me. As the story resolved itself into its spiritual conclusion all of us were very moved. My son said "That was deep" and spent quite some time afterwords looking into the fire."
Believable Human Beings
Go for Baroque | Denver | 10/25/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Whether the film intended a "Christian theme" or not, it shares a sense of humanity and warmth appreciated by many of us. These are people who appear real, not artificial nor unbelievable. No explosions, shootings, crashing cars, profanity, or threats of physical violence. Just people, people with human strengths and weaknesses, who care about each other. Upon first viewing, I had no intention of comparing this film to any of the great masterpieces from film history; however, I was surprised to read that the project was a student effort. Although I felt that the end of the story line could have had more clues leading to it and not been quite so arbitrary, the production was fairly successful. I recommend it not only to families but also to any person who also cares about other people."