Great documentary -- don't be deceived
thechrisaccount | Los Angeles, CA USA | 10/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great documentary, filled with powerful and unique information not included in most histories of America. The 1-star reviewer who has criticized the film mentions issues that mostly appear nowhere on screen. He is drawing conclusions based upon his personal suspicions, rather than any concrete evidence pertaining to the film. "Gord" suggests that producer, David Bay, is in support of the Ecumenical Movement -- but fails to mention that Bay's Cutting Edge website ([...]) strongly condemns Rome, the Vatican, and the Ecumenical movement (check out the "Thus Saith Rome" section of the site). Bay also does not support Pat Robertson, but exposes him as one of the pastors who has taken money from Rev. Sun Yung Moon (a false teacher who says that he is greater than Jesus Christ).
Furthermore, this film NOWHERE mentions the King James Bible, neither does it suggest (AT ALL) that Francis Bacon "translated" the KJV (a popular belief among occultists). Also, the film's writer/director, Christian J. Pinto, is a strong supporter of the King James translation -- something "Gord" seems unaware of. Meanwhile, the leading Baconian scholar in the film (Peter Dawkins) has stated elsewhere that "no records" exist of Bacon's involvement with the KJV, and that the KJV translators are well known and that Bacon was not among them. David Bay has likewise repeated this information in at least one radio interview. While Bay's views on the KJV are controversial, his contention is not with the translation, but rather, with the esoteric artwork drawn onto the pages of the early KJV editions (which are beyond dispute).
But the real story with "Secret Mysteries" has to do with the influence of Sir Francis Bacon on the founding of America, through the secret societies of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. The film reveals that while Christians came to America through the Puritan/Pilgrim movement, they were not alone. With them came certain esoteric groups that believed America was destined to become a philosophic empire that would one day extend to all the world. What the film is really telling us is that Bacon's "New Atlantis" and the current drive toward a "New World Order" are one and the same thing.
Also, the film reveals that Bacon referred to himself as the "Herald of the New Age" who came to herald "the coming of the Christ" (according to Peter Dawkins). As such, Bacon's New Atlantis was designed to lay the groundwork for what will eventually become the kingdom of Antichrist -- prophesied in the Bible. This is why this documentary is important to Christians."
Must-See Video
Roger Williams Gene | South Carolina | 05/25/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"At last I understand why President Bush ordered the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq -- he is following the 400+ year plan of Sir Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth I, as his own words during his Second Inaugural Address proves conclusively! This documentary is one of the best I have ever seen, as it proves its points with excellent documentation and ever better camera work and scriptwriting.
This film deserves the accolades it has received from the New York Film Festival!
If you know in your heart that something is not right with America, but cannot put your finger on the problem, this video will enlighten you!"
A Must-See Documentary!
Proverbs31 | 05/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings" presents eye-opening information about the true founding of our country. It will transform your understanding of history and help you better understand current world events. It makes compelling arguments about the future of our nation.
I highly recommend this documentary and believe that everyone should watch it, as it unravels historical facts that are not taught in school. I was amazed to hear about the plan for the New Atlantis, and the influence of Queen Elizabeth, Sir Francis Bacon and secret societies on the founding of America. I was blown away by the dealings of Benjamnin Franklin and how his connections to the French and British secret societies influenced his work.
The documentary establishes a common thread behind the very beginnings of our country, all the way through current events (such as the Iraq war), and the future destiny of America.
The production quality is excellent, with powerful footage, insightful re-enactments, and dynamic musical score. It was great to see Rosslyn Chapel footage, and learn more about the Knight Templars, especially after hearing so much about them from the Da Vinci Code.
Buy this DVD, and get informed, so that you can make a difference in the way your children view the future! I am a mother of two children, and I want to make sure that they learn the true history of our nation. I also want to take a pro-active approach in their understanding of the future. This documentary is a great tool to equip parents to better explain the past and the present to their children, so that they can grow up with a realistic view of what is going on.
Ryan Page | Fort Dix, New Jersey | 06/22/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary will have you hooked from beginning to end, you must watch it at least twice to get all the information to sink in, there is so much fascinating info, you will probably want to watch it more than that. Excellent graphics, interviews and footage. Unashamedly tells the truth and in great detail. A must watch for any history buff or layman!!"