Decent Giallo for euro-trash fanatics
frankenberry | Los Angeles, CA USA | 03/20/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This 1971 giallo from Umberto Lenzi has never been released in the US in any form until this welcome Shriek Show release. The film itself is somewhat average as far as giallos go - the cinematography is nice, there's a black-gloved killer, some violent murder scenes (one with a power drill!), and some nudity to spice things up ---- but the mystery itself is pretty substandard and doesn't really have much punch. I also guessed the killer the first time that character appeared on screen - maybe I've just seen too many of these things. Still, if you're a giallo fanatic or euro trash junkie, this disc is a no-brainer and you need to buy it. The anamorphic transfer looks great (bar some minor EE and shimmering around vertical lines or plaid clothing) and there's another great score by Riz Ortolani that will have you groovin' in no time. Extras include a 10 minute interview with Lenzi and a short interview with one of the female victims. Plus, the trailer and one for "Spasmo" and "Eaten Alive", liner notes, and a brief "art gallery". So, it may not be one of the best giallos out there, but it still has a lot to offer. Check it out."
Daniel Kepley | Viola, DE USA | 03/30/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"SEVEN BLOOD-STAINED ORCHIDS is a close second to Argento's excellent DEEP RED as my favorite giallo! Directed with flair and tension by Umberto Lenzi, who was best known for CANNIBAL FEROX/MAKE THEM DIE SLOWLY, EATEN ALIVE, and NIGHTMARE CITY, ORCHIDS tells the story of a killer who murders women in all kinds of gruesome ways (bludgeoning, drowning, strangling, and power-drilling) and leaves a silver half-moon locket in their hands. One victim (Uschi Glass) survives her attack and, together with her husband (Antonio Sabato), she finds a connection between herself and the other victims: They were all at the seaside hotel that she once managed. And the locket belonged to a guest that was also there one day.
To reveal anymore about SEVEN BLOOD-STAINED ORCHIDS would be unfair, as this film requires very little foreknowledge as possible. The story is engrossing from beginning to end, the performances are great, and the murder sequences rank up there with anything Bava or Argento (or even Fulci) has ever done. The power-drill sequence is the highlight for me; it was the inspiration for Abel Ferrara's DRILLER KILLER and murders with power drills were featured in THE TOOLBOX MURDERS and DePalma's BODY DOUBLE. And the music by Riz Ortilani is among the best music scores in EuroHorror history; it's right up there with the works of Ennio Morricone, Goblin, and even Bernard Herrmann. I'll even go as far as to say that ORCHIDS reaces the levels of Hitchcock!
Yes, Lenzi's film was more infulential than its obscurity might lead you to believe. I highly recommend this film to any horror or thriller buff!"
I can't believe this obscure giallo is on DVD.
creatureart | 12/24/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This prime slice of Euro trash is arguably director Umberto Lenzi's (Make Them Die Slowly) best film. It's a giallo (murder mystery) from 1971 with enough plot twists, nudity, violence and atmosphere to keep a fan happy. It's doesn't approach the stylish quality of Mario Bava or Dario Argento's work but it's still fun.The plot is actually coherent and exists as more than just window dressing for the set-pieces. The requisite leather gloved killer leaves silver half moons on his victims just after he's killed them in a typically brutal fashion (strangulation, bludegeoning, drilled). Pretty actors run around doing silly things to solve the mystery and it's actually tense and suspenseful in spots.The disc is quite nice: clean print, solid anamorphic scope transfer. Brief interviews and on-screen liner notes compliment it. If you're a giallo fan this is a good buy. And it's a decent start for those with a burdgeoning interest in this odd, very compelling genre."
A classic little giallo!!!
creatureart | boston mass usa | 03/23/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"seven blood stained orchids is a classic little giallo(murder mystery)no its nowhere near dario argento's deep red but it still is a classic.a giallo movie needs to make the viewer think that everyone and anyone could be the killer and or could be the guilty party.i do think that if your a fan of the genre you understand that its not a bad giallo film just because you may have guessed who the bad guy is before it ends.thats what a giallo is all about!!it keeps making you guess who and then second guess your self, if you geussed it wright you just got lucky!guessing it wright isnt so hard when you have a 5 or 6 potential bad guys!!!anyway this movie does make you try to guess who,like a giallo should!im not going to tell you anything in detail about the movie just that the black glove's and half moons are just a great slice from the 70's giallo genre.good corney budget murder scenes some decent sexy scenes classic umberto lenzi work!directing camera what was all good.i just loved it!! and im sure if your a true giallo fan you will enjoy having this CLASSIC LITTLE GIALLO in your collection.dvd comes out looking great!!hurry up and get this one before you cant anymore!!!!!"