B. Cathey | Wendell, NC United States | 08/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"SEVEN MEN FROM NOW is a remarkable Randolph Scott Western, and this announced release is equally remarkable---for a number of reasons. Randy Scott, by the mid-1950s, had pretty much---at least so the critics thought---reached the end of what was a respectable career in acting (mostly in action dramas and largely, since 1946, in "super B" Westerns). This Batjac production, directed superbly by Budd Boetticher (Andrew McLaglen was the producer), signaled an incredible "Indian summer" for Scott, the high point in his career. Over the next 5 or 6 years, from 1956 until his final, Sam Peckinpah-directed classic RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY (co-starring with Joel McCrea), Scott would star in a series of absolutely first-rate little Westerns that would prove the critics wrong, and firmly establish Randolph Scott as one of the finest Western actors of all time.
SEVEN MEN FROM NOW has never been released on commercial video; a few "private" releases have circulated, but never in really good picture quality and never widely available. This announced release, then, is of great importance well beyond the Western genre: it will offer not just Western movie fans and Scott fans a good opportunity to actually "see" the movie as it was released, but it will enable all moviegoers a chance to see, in the comfort of their own homes, a real classic in moviemaking for the first time in almost forty years.
Within this past year Scott's earlier vehicle, ALBUQUERQUE, was released on DVD. It was thought by many, including some film historians, that that film had been lost. Instead, it turned up on a fine DVD issue, in its original (and good-looking) Cinecolor release. Now SEVEN MEN FROM NOW will be appearing, and there is additional reason for joy.
There should be no hesitation by anyone: SEVEN MEN FROM NOW is a classic, and should be in everyone's collection."
Randy Scott starred, Burt Kennedy wrote and Boetticher direc
William W. Miller | Sparks, NV United States | 12/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've read about this film for years but had never seen it. Because it was tied up in the John Wayne estate and BATJAC holdings, it hadn't made it to video (at least DVD) until now. Wayne was off doing oher things so it was never planned that he star in it, and reprotedly he suggested Scott for the part, but it's also related that once he saw the finished product, he wished he had done it.
Well it's here and the reputation is born out. A well drawn story, with interesting characters, great scenery, good cast and generally a first class film all around. Scott is the ramrod straight hero who is out to right a wrong and Lee Marvin is the intersting, semi likeable, principal villan. Gail Russel is the female lead who along with her screen husband are befriended by Scott on the trail. The spare script and good though not extravegant production values add to the tone and feel of the film. The special features indicate it's been restored, and I don't know from that, but the picture and colors are first rate. It's presented in widescreen format and I don't think it was orginally shot that way, but it comes across great in that aspect. Hard to imagine it looking any better on the big screen. This is the first of the Scott-Boetticher collaborations and it's time to bring The Tall T, Ride Lonesome and Comanche Station to DVD. These are all classic westerns and worth the trouble to bring them to the genre starved market today. Interstingly, the villians in these particular films are actually more fully drawn than the hero who's a bit on the stoic side. Richard Boone had that role in The Tall T, Pernell Roberts in Ride Lonesome, and Claude Akins in Comanche Station. A formula of a type, I'm sure, but well done as you build a little sympathy, or at least tolerance, for the bad guy.
Highly recommend!"
A lost treasure. A very good western.
Russ | California | 03/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recently saw this movie on the AMC channel. Even though I've been a fan of Westerns for nearly 40 years, I believe this was the first time I've seen it.
Until around 1995, I was never a big fan of Randolph Scott. I think that's because I was too busy watching Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Kirk Douglas and Jimmy Stewart. But, after watching "Ride The High Country" back in the mid 90's, I realized how much screen presence and talent Randolph Scott possessed. Watch the subtle expressions on his face as he's conversing with Gail Russell. The twitch of an eyebrow says a lot.
In the opening scene, it's obviouus that there is a shootout. But, you don't know who "won" until you see that person riding a horse in the next scene. So for a few moments, you're kept in suspense. I've pointed this out to exemplify the skill of the director.
"7 Men from Now" is a terrific Western. It has been restored perfectly. Watching it on DVD widesceen is thrilling. The colors are magnificent. The camera angles, scene locations, storyline and acting are superb. On a more grisley note: when some of the men are "shot", watch how their bodies and arms twist and contort in pain as they fall. There's something about the way they react after being shot. And the silent moments in the saloon, when the men don't know each other and they don't know how to react to each other. It's the little things like that that make the movie all the more realistic.
Lee Marvin is excellent as always. The scene between he and Randolph Scott toward the end of the movie is classic (more twisting and contorting). This Western is now in my "Top 10". If you love Westerns like I do, you need to get this DVD. Watch this movie and then watch it again. It's very, very good in all aspects of movie-making. It reminds me of why I love Westerns.
Thank God for Turner Classic Movies
Matthew J. Gallagher | Wilton, Connecticut United States | 12/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If not for television's greatest station, Turner Classic Movies, I would probably have never seen this film. It was shown last evening as part of a tribute to the film's director and a terrific documentary with Clint Eastwood and Quention Tarantino, of all people, weighing in on the merits of the film and the careers of the director and the fine actor, Randolph Scott. This is a superb, beautifully done western in every aspect: from the spare, yet stunning, cinematography; a terrific score; a lively, intelligent script; and first rate performances from Scott, Lee Marvin, and the unheralded Gail Russell, who has a naturalness and an authentic way about her that few actresses of her era seemed to possess. But it may be Scott who is the revelation here. His director said he had what many actors lack: CLASS. And here it is: a subtle way of delivering a line; a look of reproach that is never pushed; a way of handling himself and being a man - and a gentleman - that is not as appreciated as it should be. His performance - and the quality of the film - make this a MUST SEE for film fans, even if westerns are not your style. The quality of the production will be a revelation to many. It certainly was to me. I'm now going to watch - and probably purchase - them all. This colloboration of actor and director ranks with the finest of all time. And Randolph Scott, a true movie hero by any definition, should now get the kudos he deserves for being a most unusual man by modern standards: strong, polite, literate, and gentle. We should be so lucky to have more film actors like him. And Gail Russell matches him word for word, emotion for emotion. A FIVE STAR TREAT!"
Seven Men fron Now 1956 ( Special Collectors Edition
John W . Ford | Los Angeles , California . U.S.A | 04/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The hunt is on for seven men . Seven murderous rogues who robbed a Wells Fargo freight station of 20.000 USD , killing a clerk in the process . Ex lawman Ben Stride: Randolph Scott (1898-1987 ) is the man determined to track down those seven men , for it was his beloved wife who was murdered during the heist .During his encounters a struggling , California-bound pioneering couple Walther Reed (1916-2001) and Gail Russell (1924-1961) as well as an old nemesis , Masters : Lee Marvin (1924-1987) with who stride shares an uneasly alliance . All will find themselfs swept into the drama of strid?s search for justice . Gun Blaze and desceptiona abound in his rugged drama , with Scott perfectly cast as the stoic , No-nonsense Western hero . A super Western movie . Hight Quality transfer . Recommended"