The best show on television!
K. Huff | Radnor, PA | 09/28/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sex and the City is the best show in television! However, I see the first season as a warm-up to the seasons which follow this one. Also, the theme music is a little bit different. We meet our four heroines: Carrie Bradshaw, the writer; Charlotte York, the conservative one; Samantha Jones, the (...); and Miranda, the sardonic, acid-tongued lawyer. I was a little bit disturbed by the way Carrie talked to the camera in the first few episodes... but the first season kicks off the season by introducing us to the City that Never Sleeps.
EPISODE 1 "SEX AND THE CITY": We meet the four ladies; Mr. Big comes onto the scene; we also meet Sanford Blatch and his opinion on gay relationships and sex; the women discuss (and try out) the theory that women can have sex the same way men can.
EPISODE 2: "MODELS AND MORTALS": The episode is all about models, as Miranda dates a guy obsessed with them (a "modelizer") and Carrie briefly dates a man who is a model.
EPISODE 3: "BAY OF MARRIED PIGS": Carrie visits married friends at their house in the Hamptons and the ladies discuss the differences between married couples and singles. Miranda is set up with a lesbian for a corporate party.
EPISODE 4: "VALLEY OF THE TWENTY-SOMETHING GUYS": Carrie keeps running into Big, and considers dating him; Samantha goes for a guy in his twenties.
EPISODE 5: "THE POWER OF FEMALE SEX": While playing poker the four women discuss the idea of women using sex to gain power; Carrie runs into an old friend of hers who introduces her to a charming French architect.
EPISODE 6: "SECRET SEX": You know that promotional photo of Carrie on the side of the bus in the credits? This is the episode in which that photo is taken. Carrie starts dating Big; she ponders the question of some people who are ashamed of the people they date; Charlotte dates a rabbi.
EPISODE 7: "THE MONOGAMISTS": Carrie tries to have a monogamous relationship with Big; Miranda gets serious with Skipper.
EPISODE 8: "THREE'S A CROWD": The ladies discuss the topic of threesomes, as Samantha becomes involved with a married couple and Charlotte and her boyfriend try to add another woman to their bedroom routine.
EPISODE 9: "THE TURTLE AND THE HARE": At a friend's wedding, Samantha is asked out on a date by another guest; when she is dumped, she tries for another guy who was at the wedding. Sanford gripes about the gay dating scene. And what is the rabbit??
EPISODE 10: "THE BABY SHOWER": The women are invited to a friend's baby shower; is Carrie pregnant?
EPISODE 11: "THE DROUGHT": Miranda hasn't had sex in three months; Carrie is convinced that she and Big will never have sex again. The question is, How often is normal?
EPISODE 12: "OH, COME ALL YE FAITHFUL": Miranda's dating a guy who takes a shower after sex; Charlotte is convinced she'll never get married.
What a girl wants.....? This is IT!
eurotrashgirl | 11/28/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First she took LA, now she takes Manhattan! With Sex and the City, now in its third season on HBO, Sarah Jessica Parker has created a compulsively watchable series! Parker stars as Carrie Bradshaw, the alter-ego of real-life NYC-based writer Candace Bushnell (the blonde bombshell of Manhattan Sex Columnists!), who is the author of the book which started it all. Thanks to great writing, real-life NYC backgrounds, and enthusiastic acting by the four female leads, Sex and the City is nearly flawless in its excellence and fun. If it has a flaw, perhaps it is that it is *completely addicting*! In addition to Parker's Carrie, there's Samantha, the beautiful, fun, (read, quite a bit more promiscuous than even the daring of us would ever be in real life!), and ever-so-spunky PR Executive. Confident, hilarious, and tough, her one-liners are a highlight of the show. Samantha is played by the "grow on you till you absolutely love her" Kim Cattrall. Then there's Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), the lawyer who some at her law firm, where she is trying to make Partner, think is gay. She's also very spunky, and adds another dimension to the four-tette of gals with her dry humour and sarcasm. Finally, there's Charlotte (Kristin Davis), the self-described husband hunter who is much more conservative than the other three, but who still loves men, and who can't wait to find her Mr. Right. The comedy and fun lies in watching her search, often in vain, for just that, in the available (and as we see, sometimes not-so-available) pool of Manhattan men!To round things out, there are beautiful men to boot! There's Mr. Big, Carrie's on-again, off-again Prince Charming, who will slay you with his charm, his smile, his mysterious appearances, cute little waves (usually directed towards the smitten Carrie), and his just as mysterious disappearances. He's Beautiful Eye Candy, and has just enough of that Bad Boy Elixir to keep Carrie (and all of us) yearning for more more MORE! Mr. Big, or "Big," as he is called by the ladies, is played by Chris Noth from Law and Order (Det. Mike Logan).Manhattan and all of New York City are just as much characters on the show as Carrie and her buds. The show is filmed on location all over NYC, and this really makes the show what it is. Living in real Manhattan apartments, the characters take walks in Central Park, along New York's city streets, by day, and by night, and spend afternoons and evenings at various restaurants and clubs around the city. All these great settings on the show make me want to visit New York, and see in person the unique greatness which shines on the screen. This show has a more realistic view of NYC than, say, the film You've Got Mail, and others. Sex shows NYC as lovely, fast-paced, gritty, and thrilling, all at the same time. I think the show gives you a tiny window into what it would be like to live in New York: the sounds, the people, the rhythm. Though of course, these gals do quite well with their work, and so have great apartments, and shop early and often for their $400.00 Manolo Blanhik or Jimmy Choo shoes, so 'realistic' is all relative! This show is just for *fun*. It's happy, and it's got just enough "non" thrown in with its fiction to make it a show which is truly exciting to watch, even for the third or fourth time. These gals feel like articulate and stylish friends that I get to visit now and again, and who consistently make me Laugh out Loud! Forget Therapy! Get enough "Sex!" If you are going to buy the first season of Sex and the City, the DVD's the way to go, if possible. First of all, there's better picture quality, but the true greatness comes in not having to fast-forward to get to all your favorite episodes! Plus, the six episodes on each disc are laid out clearly on a menu, complete with short descriptions and previews, if its been a while since you've had your 'Sex,' and you want to get right to the best bits! That said, there's not much filler here, the half-hour episodes are pretty much packed with excellent, witty writing, and va va voom acting. Please note that this show does contain risque subject matter and scenes, and so is really appropriate for adults only. This is a must-see for all you women out there, and for the men, well, I think you'll love it just as much. It's impossible to watch only one episode per sitting. But I dare you to try! Good luck! :)"
Chronicles of a Modern Woman
Dorian M. | Pasadena, CA United States | 07/21/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One of the BEST shows that HBO, or any television network for that matter, has come up with in...years! At last, us 20-somethings (heading towards our 30's), have a show to call our own! Superbly cast, Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte (Kristin Davis), and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) give us characters to which we can all relate. Carrie, a NY-City paper columnist who writes provoking shorts about "sex and the city," is a witty, trendy, modern woman of the '90's--and a true romantic at heart. She wants the sweep-you-off-your-feet, love-at-first-sight type of romance which she seems to get from Mr. Big (Chris Noth)...but Mr. Big isn't ready to give back to her to the same degree (c'mon, we've ALL been there). Samantha, the most liberated and sexually adventurous of the four, is "a woman trapped in a New York City man's body"...and all she wants is a good time. As she so poignantly puts it, "I'm tri-sexual; I'll try anything once!" Miranda, a corporate lawyer, is the epitome of the hardened, jaded, suspicious 30-something woman with a razor-sharp sense of humor, and a heart of gold. And Charlotte, an idealistic, sorority-type prude, searches for a man with 3 qualities: money, looks, and an apartment on the East Side. Watch Carrie, and her three cronies, go from man, to man, to man in their never-ending search for "Mr. Right," while they often find, and settle, for "Mr. Right Now". This show is HILARIOUS, well-written, always versatile, quite witty, and a sumptuous eye-candy for the trend-addicted crowd. I rented it to see if it was worth to own...and my answer? YES, YES, YES! I'm buying it--and so should you! This is a piece of TV history, and an essential guide to pop-culture, and every modern woman should own a copy!"
Being Single and Fabulous was never so entertaining!
Josh Hitchens | Philadelphia, PA | 05/22/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sex and the City is, in a few words, the wittyest, funniest, and most entertaining piece of television on the air. With the passing of its British counterpart, "Absolutely Fabulous," thank God that HBO has come up with a show that is intelligent and hilarious. Carrie Bradshaw, a "sex anthropologist" who writes a column about the modern woman's dating woes, finally finds the right man in Mr. Big, although in one second season episode she thinks the relationship is over because he won't let her leave a hair dryer at his apartment. Carrie is the only "single and fabulous" woman that has a stable relationship. Although she sometimes strays, "He was straight and a smoker. Everything that I was looking for that night." Her nympho high society friend Samantha has "survived the dating scene in New York for the past 30 years by becoming a hybrid. The body of a woman with the ego of a man." Samantha at least has the decency to sleep with a man only once before moving on, and on and on and on. Charlotte on the other hand, is a naive good girl who seems to lure bad boys. Miranda is a successful lawyer but is a paranoid woman, suffering from various neurosis. In one episode, she has the fantasy that she will remain single forever and end of dying eaten by her cat. Miranda prevents this by overfeeding her cat. These are all very real and interesting women, whose problems you can watch and say, "Yeah that's exactly what happens!" The show is pure pleasure to behold, with Carrie and her whacked-out friends trying to survive the single life in a New York filled with neverending chaos. I hope that they keep struggling forever, because without Sex and the City, Sunday nights wouldn't be as much fun! This show is definitely for mature people who enjoy watching four women work out problems that we all have in real life, only much much funnier."