Sex, men, careers, single life
N. K. | Central Plains | 06/01/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yeah, so this series makes me want to be single again. But what is one to do in a city of 350,000? Nothing, so I'll stay where I am.Sex and the City is one of the best shows out there. I'm hoping HBO doesn't plan on dumping this show like they're planning on dumping The Sopranos. I truly believe that this is one that will go on for years.No matter how fiction this show is, it is truly what every female friend talks about, their sex life, their men/man, their career and their "single" life. Yes, I do believe that all married women have a "single" life. Not a bad thing, but things you do on your own time that your man (or men) don't approve of or don't want to take part in, like shopping! It totally is a way for women to look at their own lives. It offers helpful insight sometimes (such as season 2, "Are games necessary to make a relationship work?"). S&TC is the best thing going out there, make sure to pick up Season 4 as soon as it comes out!!"
Come For The Sex, Stay For The City...
c_e_l_e_b_r_i_t_y | usa | 03/18/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I began watching Sex and The City last year when I got the first season on DVD as a birthday present. TV shows on DVD always seemed like a wonderful idea to me, so I began watching this series hoping to find something to indulge myself in. What I found was amazing. It only took me two days to get through the first set. I imediately rushed out to get Season Two and watched that in about a week. Thankfully for me, it was only about a month or so until Season Three came out. I watched season 3 savoring it as though it were my last breath of air. Since then I have seen a few episodes from Season Four (mostly the end of the season) and watched the disappointing 5th Season on HBO. I recently found out that you can download sex and the city episodes on Kazaa, but I'd rather wait and watch carrie & co. on the finest format available. I know my review wasn't very helpful as far as reviewing Season Four, but if you find yourself coming across this and you haven't ever seen Sex And The City, I urge you to drop whatever you're doing and pick up the first season. It's as good as everyone says it is. I can't imagine anyone not being able to identify with one of these four characters, if not all of them. The show is funny, refreshing, touching, smart and very endearing. At it's best, its all of these at the same time. The performances are wonderful, the cast is the best and the storylines are both very realistic and very addictive, making every episode of Sex as memorable as the first."
Like wine, Sex gets better with age
Laura | Chicago, IL | 04/09/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I adore Season 4 of SATC. I love seeing the women evolve. Carrie and Big's relationship has moved from an emotionally draining mess to a beautiful friendship (just watch The Agony and the Ex-tacy and I Heart NY to see this). Carrie and Aidan are a great couple and I loved seeing them try again--one of my favorite moments is when Aidan is resisting getting back with Carrie and yells "You broke my heart!" wow. Miranda softens up and seems human. Her "oops" pregnancy is realistic look at a single woman in her 30s finding herself pregnant and wondering if this is her chance to have a child. Charlotte continues to be a bit of a Pollyanna, but realizes that her fairytale life isn't heading for a happy ending. Samantha finally accepts love which is great to see (although the lesbian detour doesn't work). I loved this season!! I enjoyed seeing characters I love moving away from being carefree singletons to hopeful couplehood and family life. Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha take life by the balls and try their best."
An Amazing Series!
W. Bishop | Durham, CA United States | 12/12/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"While was such a good season for SATC, if you don't buy this for any other episode buy it for the last "I Love NY". Chris Noth is so amazing, so subtle and extremely easy on the eyes but never more poignant and romantic than this last episode. He was a gem of the series and I hate that he and Carrie aren't together and he will be gone from the series for the most part.Because "Moon River" is the theme throughout the entire episode is infused with a mixture of sadness, romance and all types of love. It was written before 9/11 but shown after and serves as a fitting tribute to the city.
The rest of the episodes are good of course, Sarah Jessica Parker particularly and you won't go wrong but you may find yourself in tears at the end!"