This film is a multifaceted gem and watching it over makes o
Richard J. Brzostek | New England, USA | 12/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Shadows can be a bit mysterious - so can be trying to figure out what is making them. "Shadow" (Cien) is a suspenseful mystery film that has three sub-stories. The main story consists of a couple witnessing a man jump from a train to his death. The police try to figure out his identity and why he jumped. The three stories chase the shadow of the man; they take place in 1943 (during WWII), 1946 (just after WWII) and contemporary Poland (the movie was made in 1956).
Although the three sub-stories are seemingly different, they have a few similarities. They all are about unraveling mysteries and unraveling the mystery of the man who jumped from the train. When one sees a shadow and doesn't know what it is, one's perceptions can be influenced. Point of view plays a roll in the time periods and even who is the hero or villain all depends on viewpoint. This film is a multifaceted gem and watching it over makes one appreciate its complexity.
I give a lot of credit to a movie when it lives up to its purpose. By this I mean a comedy is supposed to be funny, a horror is supposed to be scary, and a drama is supposed to be dramatic. When a movie doesn't quite live up to its purpose it has failed us to some degree. With that said, I have to say "Shadow" is exceptional in creating a lot of suspense, as a great mystery should. Kawalerowicz employees his great skill at bringing the story alive and captivates us in the process. The music, sounds and silence really draw one in. I think the many chase scenes, omniscient feeling of being watched, and even gunfights only increase the suspenseful nature of this movie.