Recommended Collection Item
R. Miles | 02/06/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Here we go again. Another story of a supernatural being coming into the world with challenging feelings all the while fighting evil. So why is this one so different?
I wish I knew. This series compelled me to the very end with its music, art style, and stories. To help put it in perspective: Cowboy Bebop is my favorite (as it is with others) and this series has now tied with it.
When a good anime series ends, I will feel disappointed it's over. But with CB and Shana, I was angry it was over. Why? I wanted more. I still do. When an anime inflicts this type of emotion, it's worthy to own. Shakugan no Shana isn't the greatest story ever told, but it captures you and it doesn't let go.
The balance between action and story telling (character development) is excellent. One doesn't over power the other, and this is what keeps the series going. The conflicts over feelings and doing what's right keeps all the stories together and flows extremely well throughout the 26 episodes. You're guaranteed to have a favorite character by the end of it.
The Pros:
-The artwork is outstanding. No "scrolling narration" as seen in many "better" anime. The CGI used (Unrestricted Method spells) blends nicely with the art and doesn't overpower any scene. It's not just painted characters on watercolor backgrounds (which frequently have moving action to add realism and aren't static).
-The music is good, but not great. The best feature about this collection is the music does NOT overpower the scene (why production companies do this is a mystery) so you're not trying to figure out what the characters said. That being said, the music ties in well with the action and emotions.
-Sector skipping. You can even skip over the annoying FBI warning!
-Character development is exceptionally done well. Unlike many other anime, this series doesn't close with a finalization of romance. In fact, the ending leaves it so open, a sequel was bound to happen (and thankfully, it has. Now, if Geneon/FUNimation will only get it here!)
-No excessive cussing or "panty shots". This series didn't need them to sell it, thank goodness. Note: There are a couple of bathtub scenes, but no nudity. In this instance, the bathtub scene was a nice addition only because the Flame Haze has never had a bath before! Exceptionally done!
Now, sadly, the cons
-There are a few scenes in which it seems the script was altered for American audiences. While I can't quite put my finger on it, it just seems the translation was altered. Luckily, it took nothing away from the story.
-26 episodes isn't enough! I want more! So will you.
It seems there's a huge debate regarding anime and young girls in scant outfits. While I don't understand the basis of the argument (they ARE cartoons), I do know some material seems offensive to some. With that, there is a WARNING I must include.
There is a brother and sister duo that seem to be way too close (including french kissing) and nearly crosses the border on incest. If this type of material or imagery of young girls in their underwear is offensive to you, I would not recommend this series, especially to those under the age of 16.
Personal note: The underwear scene wasn't done to "sell" the series. It is part of Shana's transition into the world, where she feels nudity isn't something to be ashamed of. In fact, the interaction between Shana and Yuji regarding this actually shows RESPECT for the situation, not a sell. Don't let something like this deter you from the series. You'll miss out."
A Great Anime Re-Released From Funimation And Geneon Inc.
Rich | CA | 09/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This series has actually been out for a while but Geneon stopped making anime Dvds for the North American branch last year thankfully the contract with Funimation has re-released this great series back into circulation. The short jist of the series is that another Dimension called the Crimson Realm is trying to devour life from all world for unknown reasons. Thus the series opens up with Yuji Sakai a high school student who finds this out while seeing a fight between a crimson denizen and a Flame Haze warrior Yuji also learns after the battle that he is not actually alive but is in fact a "Torch". The spiritual torches left over when the real person dies is meant to cushion the reality in the living world from being destroyed thus the Flame hazes battle the denizens to control the damage by the denizens as well as to protect the spiritual torches from being devoured by the denizens as well. The stories second character is the Flame haze warrior Shana who at first is cold an rude to Yuji but later in the series befriends him as well as starts getting feelings for him which is hard for her to do since a Torch only last so long in the living world before it vanishes. The true power and the reason why the Crimson lords are after Yuji is explained in the series and you'll also learn why he doesn't vanish like the other spiritual torches as well. The series is dramatic,action packed, funny, and with a touch of romance for Yuji as with most anime there is a love triangle involving Yuji/Shana/and Yoshida a shy girl from Yuji's school. Since I never bought any of the previous dvds of this series I can't tell you if there is any new extras on the dvds or not but with the box set you get the usual intro/ending songs, trailers, production gallery pictures, and the Ova episode for the seventh dvd. The video is wide-screen format with Japanese/English audio it looks like they didn't change any of the English dubbing actors so if you liked them from the original Geneon dvds they are on this set to the Japanese V.A. did a superb job as well. So All I can say is Thank You Funimation/Geneon for releasing this set out now I'm just waiting to get the other sets Ergo Proxy, Fate/Stay Night, and Elemental Gelade..."
Another Great Funimation Release and Great English Dub
M. Gaudet | A Galaxy Far Far Away | 03/31/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The only negative i can think of this release is it does not have the original uncompressed Japanese audio that was on the japan releases in PCM, here it is downsampled to a low bitrate ac3 mix to fit the english dub on the same discs and use less discs and charge less money.
Also i would have been interested in seeing Shana voiced by the same english actress as Louise from the familiar of Zero for continuity reasons as both feature the same japanese voice actress.
Still the voice actress Here is an old pro and not a newcomer and also not an amateur. She really stands out as excellent, really reminds me of stage actress."