Troma Team does their worst with this Kevin Costner t**d.
Steve Sputnik | Harrisburg, PA USA | 11/17/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I thought it wasn't possible but a Troma movie has finally turned my stomach. Horrible acting, boring love interests, not to mention Kevin Costner as a horse trainer. With no identifiable plot and stars changing roles throughout the course of this movie it's virtually impossible to watch. On the plus side this is a Troma movie and it is filled with naked girls for no good reason. Because Of this fact I would highly recommend this to a friend."
Troma didn't make it, but it still ...
Christopher Holland | Austin, TX | 08/28/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The previous reviewers of this film intimated that this was "bad even for Troma," without realizing that the movie was made years before Costner's stardom by a group of indie filmmakers. Troma bought the movie, then called "Malibu Hot Summer," and re-released it as "Sizzle Beach U.S.A." just as Costner was becoming a household name. Even with a new name, it's still a stinker. The film about 3 women "discovering themselves," and for one of the women (the director's wife!) that involves getting it on with Costner, who plays a young, wealthy ranch owner. Check out his midget sidekick! Silly and full of awful, early-era breast implants."
"Just remember, try not to over stimulate your libido."
cookieman108 | Inside the jar... | 03/24/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"From the file `Everybody has to Start Somewhere', we are graced with Oscar winner Kevin Costner's first, everyone has to pay their dues, especially in Hollywood, so there are probably a lot of films that now popular actors wouldn't mind if they never saw the light of day. Tom Hanks appeared in a relatively lame horror film called He Knows You're Alone (1980), while Tom Cruise made an early starring appearance in the teen sex romp/road trip type comedy Losin' It (1983). And let it be known that one of Billy Bob Thornton's early on screen appearances includes the seminal schlock/sleaze film Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (1989), one I'm sure he'd rather forget. Seems only fitting that Kevin Costner should have his first starring role come from a soft-core sleaze film titled Sizzle Beach U.S.A. (1986) aka Malibu Summer, aka Malibu Hot Summer (I believe the film was produced and released at an earlier date than what's listed here, probably sometime in the late 70's/early 80's). Directed by Richard Brander (Hell's Bloody Devils), the film stars, along with Mr. Costner, Terry Congie (Shadows Run Black), Leslie Brander, whom I think is married to the director, and Roselyn Royce (Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams). Also appearing is Robert Acey (Angel) and the diminutive Peter Risch (Ghoulies).
The film begins with still shots from the film, while playing in the background is some truly hideous ubiquitous rock music common in the early 80's, sounding a little like Jethro Tull but only if lead singer Ian Anderson suffered castration and the rest of the band forgot how to play (get used to this particular song, as you'll be hearing a whole lot more of it throughout the movie). Soon we cut to a roadside diner, where a woman named Janice (Congie) finds herself locked in the ladies room because the doorknob fell off. She's rescued by two other women, Cheryl (Royce) and Dit (Brander), who apparently had the same problem earlier, and ended up missing their bus to who knows where. A thankful Janice recommends the two girls come with her, as she's going to a beach house inherited by her and her cousin, Steve (Acey). As the three arrive, we come across the first of many nekkid scenes as Steve's trying to boink the neighbor lady, who also happens to be a call girl, entertaining men in her home (I think Steve was getting a freebie). Introductions are made, and so on...later on the Cheryl and Dit go to check out the beach, while Janice decides to shower, and we get a nice shot of Steve ogling her through the semi-transparent glass...did I mention Steve and Janice are supposed to be cousins? Yuck...from here various loosely connected threads involving the women begin. Cheryl, who's a fitness nut, meets some schlub on the beach who helps her get a job as a high school girls gym coach, Dit, who likes riding, meets up with John Logan (Costner), a young and wealthy ranch owner, and Janice, who seems interested in pursuing a singing career enlists in a local contest in hopes of landing a recording contract.
On a commentary track, producer Eric Louzil (Class of Nuke 'Em High Part II: Subhumanoid Meltdown) claims there was no concept when they were making this movie, and that becomes obvious about five minutes into the film. It's really just a series of lame vignettes propped up by numerous scenes of T & A...and lots of it...and all the women in this film are well endowed, either artificially, or naturally. The notion of three women and the guy staying together fostered a bit of a `Three's Company' feel (I know there was four of them), as well as the few scenes that could have come from script of the show. One scene involves Steve and Janice trying to fix a leaking bathroom sink, and Dit, having to use the washroom, finds herself listening to the two from the other side of the door, as Steve tries to work the pipes with a wrench, with Janice assisting. From her vantage point, Dit hears things like, `It won't fit', `Have you ever done this before?', and `Wow that's tight' which she assumes to be in the context of their making with the boom boom, but they're actually just fixing the sink...get it? Har har...sadly, there's really not much of this humor throughout, as the film tried to interject a great deal of lame drama like Janice having to deal with a sleazy recording promoter, and Cheryl having to chose between love and her career...there were any number of creepy parts throughout the film, like when Cheryl is interviewing for the job of gym teacher and she finds the principal is preoccupied by overactive libidos, but the creepiest part by far is the relationship that develops between Steve and Janice (they're supposed to be cousins) as they're forced to share a bed, and end up sharing bodily fluids....ick. Well, at least if you're looking for the action of the nekkid kind, there's lots of it here, as even Mr. Costner gets in on it, doing the boingy with Dit, who happens to be the director's wife...I've changed my mind, that is the creepiest element of the film, the director filming his wife getting it on with another...ew.
The full screen picture (1.33:1) on this DVD (which claims to be the `director's cut') looks okay, but the audio is lousy. I think the poorness of the audio is inherit to the film, rather than a poor transfer, as often the dialog is soft and overshadowed by the background music, which didn't really matter as the dialog was awful. There's a ton of special features, mostly involving Troma material, but there are a few extras relating to the film itself, including a commentary track by producer Eric Louzil, who essentially cops to the fact the film was made more so to see nekkid women rather than telling a story.