Eight different people are invited to a five-year high school reunion at their now closed down high school where a former student, disfigured from a prank gone wrong, awaits to take revenge.
Jody Corodey | san jose, Ca United States | 12/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this movie almost ten years ago with my brother on one of our weekly horror movie nights. This one always stuck out in my mind. I loved it so much because it didn't really take it self so seriously. Sure, the acting is stilted, and their accents make them sound like deaf people learning to speak! The movie's about a nerd in high school who gets pranked by the popular kids and the prank turns deadly. Or so they think. Turns out that the nerd is alive and ready for revenge (years later, though!). My favorite part of the movie is when the popular kids are reuniting at the abandoned school, and this big motorcycling oaf from the gang comes roaring in on his bike and falls off (even though he clearly is safely getting off the bike and lands on the grass), and the camera closes in on him as he says "Oh, man, that-bike-has-got-to-go". And he says it so slowly and pauses after each word. I used to tell my friends about that scene, and they never believed me that the actor said it that way. But once they saw it, they knew my impression was dead on. All the actors smoke a cigarette in the movie, and smoke them like they're supposed to be smoking pot, which is wierd. Was it supposed to be pot? I don't know. All of the deaths in this movie are hilarious, one funnier after the other. I wont tell you about them because they are to funny for me to spoil them for you. And make sure to keep an eye out for the stereotypical black janitor. Also look out for the great soundtrack of one intsrumental tune over and over, and a rock song with some crazy singer saying,"April Fools, HA HA HA HA"!!! That is the cherry on the top of this garbage heap. This movie is so worth renting, and or buying. Enjoy!!"
Not meant to be watched by those with high standards
creatureart | 09/14/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"some of the other reviewers were way too critical with this movie. "slaughter high" is not to be taken seriously. the reason i like this flick is that it is just down right amusing with the creative (yet sometimes outrageous when taking logic into consideration, i.e. the bathtub scene) death scenes, the cheesy soundtrack, and like others have said, the obviously british actors poorly trying to speak like americans. go into it with a light frame of mind and ignore all the rules of what makes a good movie. this movie is just so bad that it's good."
Standard horror with a rumored real-life tragic footnote
Jody Corodey | 09/24/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"There's nothing really new here except for a rather eye-opening sequence where the nerd-who-will-become-the-slasher is soundly humiliated in front of "the gang"--complete with extended and rather graphic male nudity. Supposedly, the actor who played the nerd, Simon Scuddamore, committed suicide shortly after its release, which makes watching this scene a faintly queasy experience."
The Best of the Worst !
creatureart | Massachusetts | 10/05/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"...or should I say the best AND the worst? Oh horror fans what a treat "Slaughter High" is to any child of the 80's. When I was 7-8 years old this one scared the hell out of me. I'm a horror film collector and the core reason for being a collector is to take a stroll down memory lane and capture some of my childhood. This great and goofy flick does just that. Slaughter High has it all! Half decent to horrible acting, some excellent atmosphere to no atmosphere at all, some damn good kills as well as some truly lame ones, a somewhat creepy masked killer and we can't forget that brilliant 8o's synth/keyboard score. This flick truly is the mixed bag of mixed bags and I love it! All kidding aside "Slaughter High" really does have a creepy backbone to it. Although it has some truly hilarious bad moments it also has spurts of brilliance throughout and that nerd getting back at the cool kids twist seems to really hit home these days. I really hope this one goes back into print and gets a dvd release sometime soon. This 80's gem desrves it!"
SLAUGHTER HIGH gives a new meaning to "cutting class!"
Saint Thomas | Kent, Ohio | 10/05/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Wow! What can I say about this movie that hasn't been said already!?! Let's go down a check list (in terms of 1980's Horror) and see if this movie has the "guts" to make it an enjoyable Cult film. Horrible acting? Check! Terrible set designs? Check! Late 20's actors posing as 18 year olds? Check! Buckets of cheap, bright red blood and gore? Check! Random acts of nudity? Check! Check! Double check! 'Yup! This movie has it all! From the down right ridiculous acting (maybe we can blame whoever wrote those awful lines in the screen play) to the out right moronic Horror movie cliches that riddle such a movie as SLAUGHTER HIGH.
Now, I know it seems like I'm really raking this film over the ashes but thats not the actual case. Actually, I found this movie to be quite enjoyable despite the obvious reasons most people hate a film like this. Sure it has bad acting and a lot of it just doesn't make too much sense but lets put those things to the side for a moment. SLAUGHTER HIGH is a movie that was made during a time where 1980's Slashers were "tops." It didn't matter if the movie was made well or logical. Movie studios were just concerned about pumping out a product that the teenagers would eat up. Films like SLAUGHTER HIGH, CHEERLEADER CAMP, MY BLOODY VALENTINE and APRIL FOOLS DAY were products of the time. Us Horror fans really shouldn't get down on them just because of that.
The actual movie SLAUGHTER HIGH isn't anywhere near award winning material but it isn't too horrible over all. The basic premise of the movie is about this Highschool nerd (who looks about in his late 20's) who happens to be the target of everyones pranks and jokes. One day, a bunch of "kids" pull a stunt on him that goes a bit too far. Basically, they set him on fire, splash acid in his face and blow things up (mainly glass bottles and beakers, he's in the schools Physics Lab at the time) just to really let him know who's "dork." You know, the usual stuff bullies do to nerds when they're picking on them. Yet, he doesn't die after all that! I don't know about you guys but I smell revenge.....
Eventually the years pass after the accident and everyone who was involved in the prank, gets an invitation to their High School reunion. Only the problem is, when everybody shows up, the school is abandoned and nobody knows who sent them their invitations. 'Yup, todays lesson is revenge alright!
SLAUGHTER HIGH does boast some amazing kill sequences. If you intend to add this film to your Slasher collection, make sure you buy the DVD version. It comes UNRATED, the way a Horror movie should be! I can safely tell all my faithful Gore Hounds to check this out! It's loaded with the red stuff! Stomach's explode, girls are boiled alive in tubs of scalding hot water and victims are stabbed with any blunt or sharp object to be found! It's a pretty fun little Slasher flick that doesn't hold back on the gore, if you get the UNRATED version on DVD.
Gore Hounds, check it out! Everybody else, unless you're in the mood for this type of thing, I say rent something else.