Slim Goodbody presents? DESKERCISE! A wonderful way to keep kids mentally stimulated and physically fit! It?s important at any early age to get kids activ... more »e and keep them on their toes! While schools cut back on P.E. classes, Slim Goodbody keeps things moving by presenting a series of fun and effective fitness exercises that children will enjoy doing! A total of 35 DVDs, one themed DVD for each week of a traditional school year, offers 175 interactive exercise episodes. Each DVD contains 5 episodes designed for daily use (Monday through Friday). Each episode is about ten minutes and includes a warm-up, cool-down, and theme-based exercise segment. Kids do the routines in the space around their desks! Each episode is ?sponsored by? a U.S. state that is chosen by an animated globe. Kids are introduced to the state, its capital and its flag. Next, Slim introduces characters ?Woody Deskenrow? (a desk) and ?Happy? (a chair) ? who get the exercise portion going. Upon completion of this segment, viewers relax, while they listen to a health tip they can use to increase their overall fitness! Deskercises was developed in cooperation with the American Association of Health Education (AAHE) a division of AAHPHERD and takes a strong cross-curricular approach, combining history, science, geography, mathematics, and language arts within the context of fitness development. Recommended for Elementary School Kids, K-6 Disc 6. Explorers? DAy is the theme for week six. Students will learn about five great states as well as perform stretching, reaching, crunching, lunging and other exercises. « less