Learning Algebra is easy with Slim Goodbody s X-Team! For Middle & High School Students Ages 12+ Meet the X-team and join them as they use their logic and problem solving strategies to tackle tough academic challen... more »ges. Together with history's great mathematical minds ... you ll help solve the mystery of ALGEBRA with this fun and innovative path to learning math. 10 Programs in all! Intent and Mathematical Overview of Program: Functions (Gridlock) focuses on the definition of a function. Students develop a working definition of function that relates to its formal definition in a situation that requires the X-team to use examples and non-examples to discover characteristics of functions. The program begins with Holon seeking the X-team s help to end the Others plot to do away with the rain forests. This situation introduces functions as an observable phenomenon. The X-team explores functions when a remark causes R. J. to be placed in gridlock while the rest of the X-team has to identify functions represented in graphs. Without knowing the formal definition of a function, the X-team has to use logical reasoning to determine the characteristics of a function. This is done through looking for patterns in graphs and tables of functions and non-functions. The idea that functions are those relations in which no two ordered pairs in the set have the same x-coordinate and different y-coordinates. The program ends with a final look at the table that shows the growth of the rain forest deterioration. It is compared to the Rumor Problem with regard to the growth aspect. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000) includes standards and benchmarks that are related and aligned with the mathematical presentation in this program. These principles and standards have been followed in this program for Grades 6-8 and 9-12.« less