Learning Algebra is easy with Slim Goodbody s X-Team! For Middle & High School Students Ages 12+ Meet the X-team and join them as they use their logic and problem solving strategies to tackle tough academic challen... more »ges. Together with history's great mathematical minds ... you ll help solve the mystery of ALGEBRA with this fun and innovative path to learning math. 10 Programs in all! Intent and Mathematical Overview of Program: Patterns (A Secret Code) program focuses on different ways to represent patterns, including physical models, tables, graphs, and symbols. Students describe patterns as well as extend them. In all but one instance, the patterns are linear. The program begins with a look at alphabetical codes. Simple alphabetical codes can be designed by using a pattern. By the same idea, codes can be broken by identifying patterns. In addition to alphabetical codes, the X-team encounters patterns using physical models of square numbers. As they describe the pattern in multiple ways, noticing an odd-even-odd-even repetition, they uncover square numbers. They move onto tabular formats of linear patterns. The data tables can be graphed and the characteristics of the graphs used to identify later patterns. For example, students notice that the intersection of the graph of the line for the pattern on the y-axis identifies the constant that is added in a numerical pattern. Then, by working backwards, the X-team can find the coefficient needed to complete the rule for the pattern. Then, they write the pattern as an algebraic expression. The information given to students is now reversed. Instead of data in a table, they are given a graph. From their previous experiences, they realize that data can be taken from a graph and put into a table. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000) includes standards and benchmarks that are related and aligned with the mathematical presentation in this program. These principles and standards have been followed in this program for Grades 6-8 and 9-12.« less