Learning Algebra is easy with Slim Goodbody s X-Team! For Middle & High School Students Ages 12+ Meet the X-team and join them as they use their logic and problem solving strategies to tackle tough academic challen... more »ges. Together with history's great mathematical minds ... you ll help solve the mystery of ALGEBRA with this fun and innovative path to learning math. 10 Programs in all! Problem Solving (Arrival) Introduces the X-team to students. The program focuses on non-routine problem solving using a variety of strategies to solve a single problem. There is continual emphasis on exploring multiple solution strategies. Problem Solving (Arrival) presents a non-routine problem for the X-team to solve. The focus of the solution is on the multiple ways in which the problem can be approached. Students see a progression of strategies used. They include guess-and-test, make a table, draw a diagram, and write an equation. In the application of each strategy, students can see advantages and disadvantages for using that specific method. The purpose of presenting multiple solution methods for the same problem is twofold. First, it helps students who may not understand the problem think about it in other ways. One of the ways that it is solved may make sense to a student who was having difficulty understanding another solution. Second, students learn to respect, tolerate, and be sensitive to alternative ways that others think about a particular problem and its associated solution. The solution techniques represent various degrees of complexity and sophistication. The strategies are representations of the mathematical situation presented in the problem. Each representation provides a different perspective on the relationships expressed in the problem presentation. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000) includes standards and benchmarks that are related and aligned with the mathematical presentation in this program. These principles and standards have been followed in this program for Grades 6-8 and 9-12.« less