So Awful It's Instructive
Reckless Reader | 01/01/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is so bad that it's instructive. It is a wonderful lesson in everything that can go wrong with a movie. Young aspiring moviemakers should study it to learn what NOT to do. Every movie starts with a script and this movie has none. It started out as an attempt to be a romantic comedy like the great ones of the 30's and the 40's, but it forgot to provide any back story for the characters, it forgot to make them into any kind of individuals, it forgot to provide anything except stick figures in stock scenes. And it forgot that it's always a good idea to have some kind of plot in a romantic comedy, some kind of reason that people get together, some reason to split, and some reason to get back together. The script missed it all. Not only a script is needed, you also need actors who have at least a little chemistry. David Steinberg and Susan Sarandon have no chemistry whatsoever, just plain none. Steinberg looks like he is trying to swallow a sour milkshake everytime he looks at Sarandon, and Sarandon looks like she is trying to swallow her tongue every time she has to look at Steinberg. And every supporting actor in the whole movie has obviously found that just getting through their lines is enough work without trying to add anything to them. Marilyn Sokol is the only standout in this film -- an obviously gifted comedian who is made up and haired out to look like a freak in this movie, whose best moves are wasted because it's so hard to get past how garrish she looks. Add to this the bad camera work, the glaring bright lighting, the stock scenes, the entire movie is an atrocity. I guess you can find some pleasure in seeing a dial phone again, and an early answering machine, as well as the thrill that used to come from seeing the old Pan American 747 Clippers. But that's about it -- a few props that were badly framed in this wonderful example of just how bad a film can be. I dare you to watch the whole thing. You probably can't."
Finally on DVD!!!! Great Romantic Comedy!!!
Nobody | Nowheresville | 10/18/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great heartwarming romantic comedy starring Susan Sarandon and David Steinberg about two single people starting a relationship after being hurt from other relationships.It's a must see that will finally be released on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!"