""Hits Vol 1" are 10 of Matt and Trey's favorite episodes. Commentary included with each episode. Also included in the set will be "The Spirit Of Christmas" short. (note: although there were 2 Spirit of Christmas shorts done, I am unaware of which one will be included with this set. I would assume it will be the second one, parts of which were featured season four's "A Very Crappy Christmas")
The episodes included are:
* "Best Friends Forever"
* "Casa Bonita"
* "Good Times with Weapons"
* "Red Hot Catholic Love"
* "The Return of the Fellowship of the Rings to the Two Towers"
* "Scott Tenorman Must Die"
* "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset"
* "Towelie"
* "Trapped in the Closet""
Only for those who don't own any of the season sets
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 10/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There's a lot of complaints about this DVD set containing various South Park episodes, and they are all correct in their criticisims, but for those who don't own any of the single season sets and just want a compilation of great episodes, this is worth picking up. The Hits: Vol. 1 features ten episodes that creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone compiled, along with four bonus episodes and the infamous short "The Spirit of Christmas", which in itself is worth checking this out for (if you haven't already seen it on the internet that is). Some of the best, recent episodes of the series are here; including the Paris Hilton bashing "Stupid Spoiled Whole Video Playset", "The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers", "Good Times With Weapons", "Red Hot Catholic Love", and "Scott Tenorman Must Die", as well as "Best Friends Forever" and the controversey causing "Trapped in the Closet" which aren't available on DVD yet. The bonus episodes are a blast too, including the fittingly titled "It Hits the Fan", the debut of Timmy in "Timmy 2000", "Death Camp of Tolerance", and the hilarious "Fat Butt and Pancake Head". There's commentaries by Matt and Trey too, but everything on these discs is nothing that hasn't been seen before. As I said before, the Hits: Vol. 1 is worth picking up if you just want an assortment of great episodes and don't want to lay down the cash for the single season sets, but for those who do own seasons of the series, this can be left on the shelf."
Good set for a casual fan
Poor Napoleon | TX United States | 11/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This set, like any hits compilation, is subject to scrutiny. Like many fans have stated, if you own the season sets, it's a dent in the pocket for a handful of things you don't already own. For fans who don't shell out for the seasons, but have really liked some of their recent episodes, this is a deal for less than 20 bucks and having 14 episodes.
Of course there's almost no denying this was released because of the hoopla around "Trapped in the Closet" and South Park scoring its best ratings since it started. This collection also highlights something the creators note in their brief commentary: many of the episodes on here are recent. Matt and Trey like to feel they're getting better and their selection reflect their feelings and pretty much how I know I feel about the show as of late: that it has gotten better.
As for the selection of episodes: I think it's pretty good. There are few South Parks that I don't like, so any collection would do. I was pleased that they included the infamous Scott Tenorman Must Die and the Death Camp of Tolerance (and that one's a bonus ep), as those were two of MY faves. I don't think there's any episode included here that isn't good. Given, Trey and Matt don't go back really far into the early seasons into the "classic" episodes, but that's okay. This selection shows how good South Park has become and also reflects how topical South Park can be.
Overall, it's a good collection and a steal for casual fans. If you've been buying the boxed sets and don't want to drop too much money, I'd stick with the season sets. But don't knock this one - it's still pretty good, even if it does merely serve casual fans."
Great set
A. Pierre | Somewheres | 10/05/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ive watched South Park since it first began. I think the newer seasons like 6-9 are much better then the previous seasons. This set might be a money making scam, but I dont own any seasons of South Park. All the epsiodes on this dvd set is from season four and on (sorry fans if im wrong about this, im sure you'll correct me) and Im sure more fans will point this out in futher reviews. The only problem I had with the set is why is the curse words still edited out? I dont see the point of releasing a set on dvd if its edited. All in all, a great set with a few epsiodes that I enjoy missing. A great buy if your a causal fan of the show, not a die hard fan."
An Introduction to SOUTH PARK
tvtv3 | Sorento, IL United States | 05/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When SOUTH PARK first hit the airwaves a decade ago, I had no desire to watch the show. At the time, from those I talked to the show just didn't sound like something I would enjoy. Over time my tastes have changed a bit and after having heard a few months ago about a lesson taught about the educational benefits of SOUTH PARK, I decided to watch an episode on television. I watched one and I was hooked. I wanted to become more acquainted with the series without yet buying a complete season and therefore was able to get my hands on this DVD collection, SOUTH PARK--THE HITS: VOLUME 1.
For those who are already familiar with the show, this DVD collection is will probably be redundant because all of the episodes in this set are now available in each one of the season's collections. The only reason a serious fan might be interested in owning this set is that it includes the short "The Spirit of Christmas" which started the series. That short pilot is available on the Internet, but if I'm not mistaken this is the first time it's available on DVD. That short has Jesus and Santa Clause fighting each other over who will control Christmas.
Though this DVD collection probably won't hold much appeal for series fans, it is a great collection to introduce someone to the series. There are ten episodes selected by Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Each of these episodes includes a brief commentary by Stone and Parker. In addition, there are four bonus episodes and "The Spirit of Christmas" short. As Stone and Parker point out on the commentary to "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset" they had a difficult time coming up with ten episodes that were their "favorites" because they tend to view the newest episode as being their favorite one. However, the collection does include at least three episodes that seem to be their favorites as well as some episodes that were landmark episodes in the series.
My favorites in the collection include:
"The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers"--Cartman, Kyle, Stan, are sent to take a video from Stan's parents to Butter's parents. The video is supposed to be "The Lord of the Rings" but turns out to be a very hot, and in some states illegal, adult tape. Cartman, Kyle, and Stan do not know this. But everywhere they go people start freaking out when they come in contact with the tape. So, they leave on an epic journey to return to the tape to the video store two towns away. This episode is both a great homage to "The Lord of the Rings" as well as just being a show about the kids just being kids (with a little bit of twisted humor thrown in).
"Best Friends Forever"--Kenny is one of the few lucky kids in South Park to get a PSP when they first arrive in stores. He finally finds something he is good at when he begins playing a war game called, "Heaven Vs. Hell". Kenny reaches level 60, the highest level in the game. While celebrating, he is killed. It turns out the Satan is planning on invading Heaven. God has a plan though and created PSP and used the game "Heaven Vs. Hell" as a way to find a person who would be able to lead the armies of Heaven versus Satan's forces (THE LAST STARFIGHTER anyone?). Kenny is that person, but just as the battle is about to begin, Kenny disappears. Even though he is mentally a vegetable, his body is being kept alive through machines. Cartman wants Kenny to die so that he can get his PSP, but Kyle and Stan think that's just wrong. Cartman thinks he has the power to pull the plug because he and Kenny were BFF's. Thus, a huge national legal battle drenched in media coverage begins. This episode won an Emmy.
"Good Times With Weapons"--Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny purchase real ninja weapons at a local carnival. They pretend to be ninjas, get in a fight with Butters, and end up going on a journey to return the weapons so they won't get in trouble. The anime style of animation when the kids imagine themselves as ninja warriors is great and the theme song from this episode, "Let's Fighting Love" is a great parody of Japanese pop music.
"Casa Bonita"--Kyle is having a birthday party at the best Mexican restaurant in the world, Casa Bonita. The place has great food, cliff divers, Blackbeard's cave, and a place where you can get your photo taken as an outlaw in jail. Stan and Kenny are invited, but Cartman isn't. Kyle can only invite three people and since Butters invited him to his birthday party, he's just returning the favor. Cartman is furious, but cooks up an unbelievable scheme to get Butters out of the way just so he can go in his place.
"Trapped in the Closet"--this is the episode that has probably received more attention than any other in the South Park collection. The show has Stan joining the Church of Scientology. The people in the church believe Stan is the reincarnation of Ron L. Hubbard. The media surrounds Stan's house and Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and R. Kelly end up living in Stan's closet because Stan doesn't like TomCruise's acting very much. Paramount had the episode pulled from syndication before the release of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE III. The episode is hilarious, but isn't that different from many other SOUTH PARK episodes. If it wasn't for the controversy surrounding it, it probably wouldn't be a part of this collection.
"Scott Tenorman Must Die"--Cartman has a trick played on him by an older student, Scott Tenorman. Cartman attempts several times to get revenge, but is embarrassed further each time by Tenorman. Stan and Kyle tell him over and over to just let it go, but he can't. He then sets into motion a plan for revenge reminiscent of something from TITUS ANDRONICUS.
Overall, SOUTH PARK THE HITS: VOLUME 1 is a collection that major fans of the series will find redundant, but is a great set of episodes to introduce someone to the series."