Elvis looks sleek and cool in Speedway, a decided improvement over the pasty indifference he displayed in his middle-era range of pictures. The movie itself is standard Presley formula, with the King again playing a race-c... more »ar driver, this time in trouble with an IRS agent (Nancy Sinatra) over his taxes. (There's even a production number about taxes. Argggh.) On the plus side, a bunch of scenes are set in the Hangout, a Pulp Fiction-esque diner with booths shaped like cars and lots of dancers doing the frug. Nancy sings a cool-weird Lee Hazlewood tune, "Your Groovy Self," which should have been picked up by the Austin Powers folks. The plot reflects Elvis's real-life penchant for giving money and cars away, although it's mostly predatory manager Bill Bixby who causes the financial problems. As ho-hum as this outing is, you'll probably want one of Elvis's racing-stripe windbreakers after you see it. --Robert Horton« less
"By 1968, Elvis was wishing his film contact was over. None of his movies could really be said to have high artistic value, although his pre-army movies like Jail-House Rock had some artistic merit, and in them he showed that when he was interested in a project, he had some not bad acting ability.
His post-army films (except King Creole) were more geared toward slick entertainment, exploiting his name and image, and they were very formulaic -- BUT, his early '60's movies were also very entertaining. Viva Las Vegas, Blue Hawaii, Fun in Acapulco and GI Blues are always fun to watch, and pretty hip time capsules of pop culture in the early '60's.
Unfortunately, after about 1965, the quality of his movies took a downturn, as even he himself would say, and he began to really look bored with the whole thing in the last 3 or 4 years of his Hollywood era. The films had always been easy-going fluff, but likable. His early 60's movies had peppy songs, and were very much in touch with pop-culture of the time. By 1968, however, when Speedway was made, his image was no longer up-to-date, about 4 or 5 years out of style, as if the rest of the world had moved on, but Elvis was still stuck in 1963.
But still, Speedway is probably the best movie from the last 3 years of his movie making career. It's the third time he has played a race car driver, and this time they use actual footage of real NASCAR races. In fact, this film has some of the best existing footage of Charlotte Speedway and live NASCAR action from the mid-60's, with Richard Petty and Cale Yarbrough ontrack and in their prime during the race scenes (too bad they didn't make any cameos in the body of the film). So for NASCAR fans, this movie has historical value.
Nancy Sinatra, of the Go-Go Boots fame, could have been the sexiest co-star ever in an Elvis movies (or at least she could have tied with Ann-Margret), but the script doesn't give her much on-screen time, and there is only one scene with her wearing those trademark boots - at the very end of the movie.
One bit of irony is the theme of Elvis' character being a celebrity whose manager is cheating himout of some of his earnings, which is sadly what happened to Elvis in real life for much of his career.
Overall, though, mediocre Elvis is still more entertaining than alot of topnotch actors who specialize in long boring movies, and every Elvis fan should see this one at least once."
"Viva Las Vegas 2"? Not really...
Burning Love | US | 06/13/2000
(2 out of 5 stars)
"By 1967, enough was enough with the light fluff comedies starring Elvis Presley. Throughout the 60s, Elvis was being humiliated making bad movies like TICKLE ME and HARUM SCARUM while The Beatles and Bob Dylan were changing the music scene.In SPEEDWAY, Elvis plays a singing race car driver (for the third time!) who gets into trouble with the IRS. He falls in love with Nancy Sinatra, and that's about it for the plot.The only saving grace is that the cast is better than average. It's quite interesting to see Elvis act alongside "Lucy" regular Gale Gordon. The songs are a little better than average, especially the quite good "Let Yourself Go".Again, it's not that bad. It's a definite improvement over CLAMBAKE, but a far cry from JAILHOUSE ROCK or KING CREOLE."
Ok guys, This is a groovy, cool and sexy movie
Al Mauro | Fl | 07/15/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If Austin powers were really in the groovy 60's. he'd be in this movie. with that said, yeah Elvis was embarrassed here and there but you can't get over how incredibly cool Elvis is in nearly every scene. Sinatra is a bit miscast cus Elvis blows her out of the water. but she adds a little somethin sweet here and there but Elvis is still the victor.Bill Bixby you guys!! he is great in this movie as Elvis's manager and he is funny from start to finish and his chemistry with Elvis is the best i've seen from an Elvis movie (Ever) not overestimating.
"Your time hasen't come yet baby" is great and "let yourself go" is very cool and Elvis is enjoying himself as if he knows he's making cool look good again since pappa sinatra.
this is one of if not the best Elvis movie during the last 3 years of his films next to a dramatic and very surreal Change of Habbit."
Bring your groovy selves on home and let yourselves go!
John | Bakersfield, CA USA | 10/23/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Everything about "Speedway" is as groovy as Elvis always performs. I just love the way Nancy Sinatra performed the song "Your Groovy Self" and the way she moved around as she sang. Nancy's really hot! Bill Bixby was quite hilarious. Elvis' song "Let Yourself Go" is super cool. The scene where Elvis sang "Your Time Hasn't Come Yet, Baby" to the little girl was kind of cute. And the sounds of those roaring engines in the race were very much electrifying. Some of the plots really did show off Elvis' real-life self as the generous and giving person he was. He buys for a friend and his 5 little girls a brand new station wagon, also helps out a troubled waitress with her upcoming wedding. Unfortunately Bixby's character messes everything up for Steve Grayson (Elvis), by betting Steve's money on the horses, instead of paying for those things Elvis bought for his friends, and besides makes an outrageous tax claim form for Steve, with deductions such as perfumed record albums and [money]for air? Oh yes! Lucille Ball's "Mr. Mooney" was kinda funny too and was excellent for the role of the head IRS agent R.W. Hepworth. When I first saw this movie in the theater I cracked up at the "He's Your Uncle, Not Your Dad!" sequence. It was funny it was cool. Just everything about "Speedway" is superbly exciting. But what else could you expect out of a movie that starres the king of rock and roll! And lets not forget Nancy Sinatra who is more than just the icing on that cake. It's not everyday you see such a gorgeous tax collector. I give this film a perfect A+. It's just loaded with the stuff! "Speedway" is an honest to goodness must see."
Elvis' Formula One
Scott T. Rivers | Los Angeles, CA USA | 09/14/1999
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Pairing Elvis Presley with Nancy Sinatra may have sounded good on paper, but there is no chemistry on celluloid. In all fairness, not even Ann-Margret could have redeemed "Speedway." There are a few good songs (especially Elvis' classic "Let Yourself Go") and the stock-car footage is fairly enjoyable. Otherwise, strictly Formula One. Released in June 1968, "Speedway" gave little indication of the triumphant Presley comeback just around the corner."