Blu ray review
The Bus | NC, United States | 03/28/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not going to talk about the movie at all because you must have been under the biggest rock ever to not have heard about it by now.
But as far as the blu ray version goes...I was very skeptical at first when people said it was worth buying even if you had previous versions, but I'm happy to report it looks awesome! Sure, it's a 20+ year old movie and never looked that great to begin with, but they really did a fantastic job in the transfer. Looks spectacular in HD! The sound is also very good. I have the criterion collection version on DVD so I didn't really want to waste any money buying yet another copy that is only marginally better in picture. However, this version is a LOT better. Highly recommend if you're a fan. I did manage to find it for under $13 though on sale at a major big box store this week which is a stellar deal. It's a movie I love but don't watch as often as I'd like to anymore. So buying a new version every couple of years gives me the excuse to sit down and watch it once again :) Verdict, noticeably better than any other previous version for picture quality and sound."
Who knew MGM Actaully Can do a Great HD Trasfer
Jason Sum | IL, USA | 03/15/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"At This moment and time MGM Studios has put out some of The WORST HD transfers on Blu Ray
MGM seemed to have actually gave a damn about putting out a HQ blu ray Transfer
The Picture Quality: is extremely good Considering it was a cheap movie (shot on 16mm.)
It Lives up to the HD Format
The Audio is Perfect: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 -Loss less (Blows away all the previous audio from the DVD's and Laserdisc)
The Extras: Are bitter sweet The "Infamous" Criterion commentary is not included Which Sucks
But, you do get
**The In-character Commentary Track** (Which is One of the Best Audio Commentary Tracks EVER)
**Catching Up with Marty DiBergi**
**Rare Outtakes** (SD, one hour and seven minutes) There are 14 outtakes in total, many of which are extensions of pre-existing scenes. There has been a four-hour cut of 'This is Spinal Tap' that regularly makes the rounds, and a lot of that version must have included these scenes. If you're a fan of the film, (Allot of these Scenes are in the Workprint)
**Vintage Tap Materials**
**Music Videos**
**Promotional Materials & Commercials**
The Second Disc/bonus DVD is in standard definition. (What's Up with that?!?!?!)
If this BR had the Criterion commentary I'd call it the Ultimate This Is Spinal Tap Collection
But, it falls short of Greatness
Regardless this is A Must have BR for any Collector/ Movie Fan Boy!
It's Spinal Tap 9.6/10"
Perceptive Comedy of Dysfunctional Heavy Metal Band
Loyd E. Eskildson | Phoenix, AZ. | 05/20/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Spinal Tap" is right-on satire of a wacky 1980's heavy metal band. The story is weird but you have the gut feeling it is a perceptive lampoon of what was going on in the 80's rock gigs. Rob Reiner plays Director Marty DiBergi and effectively keeps the story line focused. Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer are fantastic as they keep their characters real and slightly off regular logic. Of course we have to remember we are visiting a different universe for the British Heavy Metal Band.
The movie was somewhat sad in that the meaning of success for men in their 40's is to act forever young - not quite adults being shuttled from town to town giving bizarrely ludicrous interviews. Spinal Tap is full of inside jokes for those in the music industry, as well as a vicarious look into the lives of a rock band for the average "Joe" and wannabees.
Overall, "Spinal Tap" was fun to watch and the dysfunctional group hit every rock star cliche."