THE SPY NEXT DOOR stars Jackie Chan as Bob Ho, an undercover CIA superspy who decides to give up his career in espionage to settle down with his next-door neighbor and girlfriend, Gillian (Amber Valletta). But Bob has one ... more »more mission to complete before Gillian agrees to marry him: winning over her three opinionated kids. When Gillian suddenly has to leave town, Bob volunteers to babysit the children so he can earn their approval. But when one of the kids mistakenly downloads a top-secret formula from his computer, Bob?s archenemy, a Russian terrorist, moves in for the attack, forcing Bob to juggle the roles of spy and prospective stepfather in the most challenging mission of his career!« less
Charlotte E. from BURLEY, ID Reviewed on 3/25/2011...
The Spy Next Door is not the best Jackie Chan movie, however, it is the best on for the entire family. It is still filled with his karate skill demo's, and also a clean and funny comedy that all ages will enjoy. The story line is much like other movies and somewhat predictable. They do "live happily ever after", and even that is predictable. All in all, I believe it is well worth watching, maybe more than once!!
Movie Reviews
Perspective for conscientious parents:
Avid reader | United States | 01/17/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was pretty funny, the kids were cute, and the overarching themes of telling the truth and protecting your loved ones are great points of discussion with children. For those that love Jackie Chan movies, you might be a little disappointed that there is not as much action in this movie and some of the stunts are obviously on wires. But it is a movie for kids/families, so the level and excitement of the stunts seemed appropriate to me. A few things I would want to be aware of as a parent before watching the movie with my child: 1)the female villain often shows a lot of cleavage 2)The 13 year old daughter seems to get away with being very disrespectful to the mom (though it is kind of explained a little later in the movie) 3)there is a little profanity 4)a college age young man hits on the 13 year old daughter (though Jackie doesn't let him get away with it) 5)the young boy in the movie boasts about watching pornography on pay-per view 6)he is also obsessed with getting older girls to show interest in him and receives some tips from Jackie on how to accomplish it."
Harmless fun!
Hammock Rider | Talk of the Town Trailer Estates Park - Southern C | 02/04/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you're looking for a decent, fun little movie you can watch with your family in a relatively painless fashion then you've come to the right place.
For some reason many action stars have supplemented their income by appearing in movies with kids. Maybe they are trying to widen their appeal from the hardcore action audience to the family friendly scene. Maybe they're getting too old to keep up with the pace of a full-on action movie. Maybe they have to pay alimony to 4 or 5 ex-wives. I don't know why they do it, but it's almost becoming mandatory for these guys to take on a kid or three as a side-kick and attempt to blend action and family fare.
And these attempts almost always stink.
Does anyone honestly want to see Vin Diesel try to relate to kids? Or Chuck Norris, the Rock or God help us, Burt Reynolds relate to kids? No way. Don't even start with me about Hulk Hogan. During Santa with Muscles I was terrified that he might not see a few of the kids and accidently step on them. Suffice to say, these movies might help a star's sagging income, but they're usually a mediocre compromise between two often disparate genres at best.
This one is a little better. It's still "action-light" but I think it works because of the star, Jackie Chan. His character seems like a genuinely nice guy who wants to get along with the mandatory bratty kids. Vin, Hulk, Chuck, Burt and the rest, these guys play characters that you know would much rather be killing, crushing or sleeping with the enemy. Chan doesn't have that problem because of the types of characters he often plays. His lighter presence matches up with the tone of the movie and makes it seem ....hmm...not as weird and patently unbelievable and maybe even patronizing as other movies of this kind.
Basically Jackie plays Bob Ho, a Chinese secret agent on loan to the CIA. He retires so he can marry Gillian, a divorced single mom who is looking for someone reliable. Her kids don't really cotton to Bob though, so she decides to put her relationship with Bob on hold until they're ok with her marrying Bob. Bob is saddened but resolves to win the kids and his girl friend over.
Then, luckily, hijinx ensue. One of Gillian's kids downloads some top secret stuff off Bob's computer and before you can say Boris and Natasha some evil Russians are in hot pursuit. After a variety of PG style mishaps Bob captures the bad guys and wins the day, the girl friend and the family. And like I said, it works because Jackie Chan doesn't seem shoe-horned into the role.
The action is lighter than most Chan movies but it is inventive and fun. The kids act a little more like real kids than Hollywood Central Casting pods. The youngest kid in particular seems like real 4 year old, goofy and light hearted. When she delivered the line" I don't wanna be a princess, I wanna be a cyboooorg!" I cracked up. I actually laughed more than a few times, which surprised me. As long as you realize going in that this is just very light family entertainment I think you'll be pleased
Puts a Jackie Chan Smlle On
A Customer | L.A. | 05/23/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Good natured Spy vs. Kids action flick is a low-cal twinkie even by family film standards. The critics liked to play rough with it; and if you feel snooty about it, better stay away. Cute is its stock in trade and there are no disappointments if expectations remain logical: PG Jackie Chan suburban domestic comedy with mild action. Wacky Russian mobsters and their dominatrix-babe leader wear leathers and generally show bad taste as the foil in the spy plot, which follows Jackie home to his family to be.
Good for kids or adults like me who need a balance from the heavy stuff.
Blu-ray makes the grade for sight and sound."
I'm a cyborg sent from the future to destroy you
Rev. E. Antonio Hernandez | 05/23/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Oh, my love for Jackie Chan hasn't altered in over 30 years, and I'll still watch anything with him in it. Last I saw of him was FORBIDDEN KINGDOM, in which he passed his superhero torch to the beautiful Michael Angarano.
Here, Chan is Bob Ho, a retired Chinese good-guy-spy "on loan to the CIA" for a last mission. What is cool is Chan gives himself a full speaking role and a sweet American love interest. They plan on getting married, Bob ("not my real name") is retired, all's well.
His girl gets a call that her father is in trouble (hip replacement from a softball game injury). She asks Bob to babysit the kids. All hell breaks loose with a hilarious Russian spy who can't find decent clothes, the kids are brats and eventually help Bob with his troubles. Happy ending at the altar.
If you think this is warmed-over THREE NINJAS, think again. Chan is not as his best--he's old, give him a rest! The film is heartwarming, funny, not as predictable as you might think. The kids are hilarious and it's clear Chan gave this one a lot of thought. It isn't silly, maudlin or over-the-top. Everything from the spying to the babysitting is spot-on realism.
Even Billy Ray Cyrus as the unfairly suspected CIA agent is cool, though he adamantly demonstrates a total lack of acting skill.
I won't want this in my Jackie Chan classics collection, but you have to see this film and see what may be the closest portrayal to Chan in real life. It's JACKIE CHAN!!!!--awesome."