Advanced Spanish made child's play
L. T. Ellis | 02/12/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What a fun way to learn spanish. I was really struggling with the verbs. While Standard Deviants stuff is not the serious way to approach a subject, it's much more effective in my book. It's refreshing compared to most of the other junk out there. I would say that if you are looking for something traditional, look elsewhere. But if you are looking for something different, look here."
Ahhh the 'Subjunctive Tenses' ! Finally presented and unde
Mark Spark | Kansas City, MO United States | 01/12/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd teaches you the very important verb tenses, subjunctives, that are used literally all the time in the spoken language. But students are exhausted after learning the all the others, present, past, etc. Did you ever wonder why you often recognize verbs but are confused by there spelling and usage which seem to stray from what you have been taught all these years? This dvd teaches all the verb tenses, including the elusive but frequently used Subjunctive Tense. This alone has allowed me to break through my learning barriers of speaking like a student or tourist all the time. Now I can understand all those weird uses like, " Yo quiero que tu estudies". I want you to study. Notice the spelling of estudies,,, it is not the well known 2rd person spelling, 'estudias'. In your mind, you reason that estudies really means estudias, but you are wrong. I found this dvd to be a treasure of learning for me personally. And of course, you can not fully appreciate the Subjunctive Tense without also further understanding even more about the world of pronouns, hence, even more light is taught on those many forms and usages also. For example, in "Yo quiero que tu estudies." , the pronoun tu seems to be used incorrectly to a student because you might translate that to mean "... study yours, study yourself, etc". and none of those make sense. So buy this dvd and break thought your old set of pronoun usage and enter the everday world of the subjunctives."
Understand Standard Deviants Teaching Style
L. T. Ellis | 07/09/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It seems to me that most of the reviewers have no idea about the teaching style of Standard Deviants programs. These were originally designed as broadcast programs for educational television and within classrooms. The instructional videos came later. The style is intentionally filled with humor and some silliness. The idea is that enjoying the program will bring one to pay more attention to it and to learn better, sometimes in spite of oneself. The programs state that they are no substitute for the regular classroom instruction. My child and I have both learned a great deal from the Standard Deviants programs, the language DVD's as well as math, science, grammar and literature. They are very enjoyable and educational as well."