Next to 16 candles, the greatist teenage thril ride ever!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now believe me common citizens, when a movie comes along socaptivating and so "real", it makes you wonder, how those big fat cat hollywood writters can sleep with the ideas in their head. This film, stud hunted or hunter (there is a piece of masking tape over the copy i got over the mail)is probably the next great american masterpiece since baywatch nights! roderick mcdowell is convincing as the blind-villian that lives in the open-doored community of Westwood, with a gun rack on his wall. But the thing that shines about this movie is the 4 teenage actors who are overly convincing as the teenagers. Most of all, the characters interact with the bad guy, before they get chased by his evil robot, and they didnt even know it HAHA, why can't other movies put this plot twist in their films? I don't know, but anyway, go buy this movie, its a classic!"
Get off your *** and rent this movie! You're wasting keylars
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As President of the Screen Actor's Guild, I must say I am dissapointed with many individuals inability to look past literality and find the underlying philosophy that fuels the success and cult phenomenon of this film. When Roddy McDowall appears on the Star Hunter's device and informs him when he kills someone, I am reminded of our former Presdent Dwight Eisenhower's farewell address when he left the office of President. The Star Hunter itself is a representation of beurecracy in today's America. Watch out or the Star Hunters (Senators) will get you! You're wasting keylars; go rent this fine film. Just so you know, I nominated the film's Carol O'Conner-like actor who played the disgruntled policeman."