Not The Best But....
C. Weaver | Rusk, Texas United States | 11/11/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I always wondered what they would come out with after the Voyage Home and I wasn't too surprised by what came up. Some of the insight into the main characters backgrounds was nice but the movie really just didn't make it. I liked OK, but not one of the best Star Treks."
I guess I'm crazy but this is my second favorite star trek f
J. Lacayo | 09/13/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I COULDN'T HELP BUT NOTICE YOUR PAIN. MY PAIN? IT RUNS DEEP, SHARE IT WITH ME!!! i love this film!!! i don't understand the hatred for this film. it's one of my personal favorites and the one trek film with the most philosophy! i guess people don't want to think too much but i found this film to be excellent. i recite lines from this film all the time for my friends and they ask me where i got that from and when i tell them st5. they say "no way!!!" i thought this film was a great idea, the whole concept of looking for God and having pain versus having no pain. EVEN THE RAPPER TUPAC SHAKUR SAMPLED A LINE FROM THIS MOVIE FOR THE SONG "SO MUCH PAIN""
What is this film really about...?
Adam B. Krenn | Las Vegas, NV United States | 09/07/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This film suffers from a cheesy script, absurd situations and a somewhat campy feel (more so than other "Treks"). Does this make the film bad? Sure the Klingons look like Glam-Rock rejects and Sybok was not a fully developed character (nor would he have been if Sean Connery played him) despite him being Spock's half-brother. This Trek film is a conglomeration of other Trek cliches' all rolled up into one. Blame Harve Bennett or blame William Shatner. Heck, blame Paramount for even allowing the film to be made. But for all of these flaws and any "blame" one may want to assign, it is vitally important, as a TOS Star Trek fan, to understand what this film is really about; The relationships of the seven main characters based off of a lifelong professional career and friendship (much like the actual actors themselves). More importantly it is about the original Star Trek triumvirate's relationship with each other. The mutual love, respect and whatever other adjective may apply, built over decades of adventuring, working, living and dying with each other (or, more precisely; the actors similar, if not so serious yet real, relationships through the years).
The film is not without its shining moments; The entire scene with Sybok attempting to put the whammy on(Okay, help) McCoy, Spock and Kirk and the questioning Sybok's idea of god, to name a couple.
As bad as the film is it shines in these areas, despite the aforementioned script, situations and camp. As a fan, I feel it defines the same characters and their relationships making previous and post films (regarding these characters specifically) feel more complete because of it. In the end, is this such a bad thing?"