Great send-off for TOS
jackbauerfan | 01/29/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After the commercial and critical EPIC failure of part 5, they almost stopped the franchise. They had several ideas for a new movie, possibly a new series. They almost greenlit a prequel called Starfleet Academy, but the project was shelved (although they did take some ideas from it for the 2009 reboot). Leonard Nimoy then came up with an idea for a sixth movie. He asked "what if the wall came down in outer space?" He was referring to the events of the cold war. So they decided to follow his suggestion and produce a sixth Star Trek movie. Many people consider this one of the best Star Trek movies, and some people consider to be on the same level as "Wrath of Khan". I like this movie, but I don't like it as much as parts two or four. It think it is about on the same level as Search for Spock. It's a good Star Trek movie, but there are better.
The movie takes place a few years after the events of part five. In the time since the last movie, Sulu has been given his own command, the starship Excelsior. Also, the crew of the Enterprise is a few weeks away from retirement. The events of the previous movie are not even mentioned. It's like they were saying "well, we really screwed up last time. We'll just pretend like that movie never happened, okay?" And that's fine with me. They try to carry on the themes from the trilogy, which was a wise move on their part. The movie opens with Sulu and the Excelsior discovering that a Klingon moon has exploded. The moon, Praxis, was the Klingon empire's key energy production facility, and the Klingon Empire is now thrown into turmoil. They request a peace treaty with the Federation. Kirk and the Enterprise are ordered to meet with Chancellor Gorkon and escort him to earth. This is difficult for Kirk, seeing as how his son David was killed by Klingon's a few years earlier. Nevertheless, Kirk tries to be polite to the Klingons, and has them aboard the Enterprise for dinner, in a great, comical scene. Kirk meets Gorkon's daughter Azetbur, and his chief of staff General Chang. Chang seems particularly interested in Kirk, seeing him as fellow warrior.
As they near earth, the Enterprise suddenly appears to fire on the Klingon ship. Then two men in space suits beam onto the Klingon ship. They kill several Klingons, including Gorkon. Kirk beams over to the Klingon ship, and he and McCoy are sent to a prison planet. They later escape and try to figure out who framed them. They deduce that it was not the Enterprise who attacked Gorkon' ship, it was a Klingon ship that can fire while cloaked. The two men who beamed over to the Klingon ship and killed Gorkon were two Enterprise officers. Kirk and crew uncover a plot to stop the peace talks. They plan another execution at the peace conference. They head to the peace conference to intervene, but are intercepted by Chang and the cloaked bird of prey. He fires on the Enterprise, severely injuring it. Spock and McCoy modify a torpedo which tracks the invisible bird of prey and blows it up. Then they beam down to the peace conference just in time to save the Federation president from being assassinated. All charges against Kirk and his crew are dropped, and they are ordered to return home. However, they decide to go on one final cruise before they are decomissioned.
As I said before, this is a satisfying end to the first series of Star Trek movies. It has Kirk once again having to deal with getting old. He also has to get over his own bigotry and accept what is happening with the Klingons. I don't think this movie is one of the best Trek movies, but it is still a great movie and a great sendoff for the crew of the original series.
Star trek - the discovered dvd
D. M. Funk | 10/02/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this is a very difficult dvd to find and buy, so when i found what i thought i couldn't, i jumped, bought and viewed. and i might add, was not disapointed. the delivery of the item was solid and 'on the ball'. i didn't expect it to be dressed in an original sleeve so i wasn't suprised when it arived in a plain but durable wrapper. bottom line is that it is a pleasure to buy from a reliable vendor who sends what it says and says what it will send. now, the movie? of course it is good; probably the best of the bunch. to see the original players/actors age with grace with a knock-out story-line. the physical science applied is what will probably be faced when humans reach that final frontier with little left to someone's imagination . when i taught physics in high school ages ago, i used this movie as a go-to for not only entertainment but more for 'this is a real possibility'. like why would i buy an item of so-so quality and enjoyment?"