The STAR WARS saga continues on DVD with Episode II Attack of the Clones. Anakin Skywalker has grown into an accomplished Jedi apprentice, and he faces his most difficult challenge yet as he must choose between his Jedi du... more »ty and forbidden love. Relive the adventure the way it was meant to be seen in spectacular digital clarity, including the climactic Clone War battle and Jedi Master Yoda in the ultimate lightsaber duel. Experience this 2-disc set that features over six hours of bonus materials, and see how Episode II unlocks the secrets of the entire STAR WARS saga.« less
Chanelle D. from PHOENIX, AZ Reviewed on 11/4/2012...
We love Star Wars. The whole family enjoys watching the series.
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Movie Reviews
The Empire prepares to strike......
Joshua K. Church | Florida, United States | 08/03/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, first of all, I would like to say that all of the people out there who went to this movie expecting it to be exactly on the same level as the older trilogy, and left feeling disappointed by the story, or the characters, or anything else. You can't expect it to be the same at all. The first trilogy was set during a civil war, during a dark time. The characters were varied. You had a rogue, a princess, a wookiee co-pilot, an old war hero jedi, and a young antagonist with hidden potential, who all came together to defeat a common enemy. Now, flash back a few decades. It is a peaceful time, but with a stirring in the air, of a coming change. The government is becoming stale and corrupt, and the Jedi are losing their mystique and grandeur, because they are attached to the stale government. So, you can expect a few things. Dense political plotlines, corrupt individuals, Jedi who aren't in touch with their powers anymore, and a more old school soceity. You must understand this. Han Solo would never blend in an environment such as this, he wouldn't match. The characters in this movie were superb in my opinion, because they fit the times that they were set in. Obi-Wan (Ewan) was much more fleshed out, and you could tell that he was scared for Anakin, and his fear would lead to failure in his training of Anakin. Anakin ( Hayden) also came to full veiw. No longer the child who screamed "wizard!", He had come into the light as a troubled young man who would become The Darth Vader we all know. And Yoda, I know there are a few people out there who said that yoda's fight was sacrilige, I disagree. Yoda has trained for hundreds of years, His skills would reflect that. And add the fact that he wasn't at the end of his life like he is later. Padme was the same, but for good reason. Mace had more screen time, and Dooku was a good addition to the story, it's good to hear some smack talking in a fight. I miss that. The movie exceeded my expectations in many ways. I now have to wait a couple more years to see the empire rise to power and the climactic lightsaber battle that is inevitable, but I can make it now, thanks to the second chapter not sucking. Now I can watch a newer Star Wars DVD without wincing, the years will pass more easily that way."
Thank you Mr. Lucas
etut | Petaluma, CA USA | 06/03/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Despite all the Star Wars fanatics bashing George Lucas for Episodes I and II, I for one am grateful he has shared his vision with us. One just cannot compare the original Star Wars Trilogy with anything. They were the pioneer films, they set the standard for what we see now and will always stand above the rest. Any film compared to those are doomed to failure. I went to see the latest installment of Star Wars with an open mind and no preconceived notions and THOROUGHLY ENJOYED it. It had everything for everyone. A little romance, a little adventure, a little mystery and a lot of action. Admittedly, the love scenes were a little weak but when Jedis start whipping out their lightsabres, who cares. The story gets very interesting and we begin to see the threads from all the previous Star Wars woven together. Ewan McGregor is spectacular as Obiwan. I didn't think he could live up to Sir Alec Guiness' but I was pleasantly surprised. I was glad to see Christopher Lee cast as Count Dooku, he plays the part so elegantly. I highly recommend this movie to everyone, except for the die-hard fanatics who are bent on criticizing everything because it doesn't fit their vision of what the movie should be. This is George Lucas' vision and I'm glad he has shared it with us. Go see it without preconceived ideas and expections. It should not be compared with the original. It should be seen and judged on its own merits. Enjoy it for it is and not what it should be."
One of the best Star Wars movies!
ladygreycat | Austin, TX | 06/22/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I would rank this movie as #3 in my listing of Star Wars movies - behind Empire and A New Hope.I have been a Star Wars fan since I was very young. I saw the first one when I was 4 at a drive in movie theater! When Lucus announced he was going to start production on the prequels, i was estatic. I even cried when I saw the trailer for Episode I. But after seeing Episode I, I was severely disappointed and sadened, even if I thought the movie was ok, it was no Star Wars film.When i went in to see this movie, I was slightly afraid and silently praying this would be worthy of a Star Wars title. It completely surpassed my expectations. Hayden - No matter what anyone says, he did an outstanding job of portraying a young man who is torn between his love and will to do good and his desire for power and recognition. People complain that he is whiny, but what 19 year old boy isn't? He did a fantastic job of getting across the anger, hatred and sadness that someone would feel if another person killed their mother. He also did well at showing the kind of impatience and powerlust that someone like Vader would have.Natilie - Could this woman be anymore beautiful and full of class? Ewan McGregor - Fantastic as always. An excellent actor. He is transitioning into Obi-Wan very well.Yoda - I'm going to be honest, the Yoda fight scene was not that big a deal for me. It seemed far too quick and wasn't as spectatcular as it could have been. I found the fight scene between Ankin and Dooku to be much more exciting, especally since Anikin fights with *two* lightsabers at once - showing that his ability with fighting is top notch and worthy of being "one of the greatest jedi".The jedi battle scene - outstanding and beautiful. It was a well coreographed fight scene and it was exciting to see so many jedi fight all at once. I could have done without the C3-PO "comic relief" though. It was unfunny and annoying.The backgrounds were sweeping and beautiful, the cinematography was wonderful. The score was one of the best John Williams has ever written. The plot was lacking a little. It was almost compelling, but it never was able to gain the momentum and darkness that Empire had. The direction - well, if you thought the acting was bad, blame Lucus. All of the actors in this film have proven themselves to be great and worthy actors, deserving of Oscars in their other movies. I really feel Lucus, for some reason, suppressed the talent these people have. Some of the lines are cringe worthy, and there is a slight lack of chemistry between Anikin and Amidala, even though they are both beautiful people.All in all, I've seen this movie 3 times already. I almost never go back for "seconds" at the theater, but i couldn't wait until it came out on DVD to see it again. And by no means am I a passive movie watcher, I am a severe movie lover and have a passion for films - and this one did not disappoint me at all!"
Possibly the most under-appreciated movie ever
Christopher Farrell | Cupertino, CA USA | 03/07/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I find it kind of weird to be writing a review of Star Wars: Episode II so long after the fact. But for what is and has always been a series of popcorn movies, it took me a surprisingly long time and large number of viewings to really appreciate the subtlety of what Attack of the Clones was doing and how well the prequel trilogy as a whole succeeded.
In a nutshell, George Lucas set himself a gargantuan task in doing the three prequels. He had to take the character of Anakin Skywalker, make him a likable and sympathetic character that viewers would enjoy watching for most of three movies, and then turn him into Darth Vader at the end in a way that was both fundamentally believable and effective, and allow the us to feel the tragedy. In short, he had to do something almost completely unlike the heroic arc he did in the original trilogy.
And you know what, for me anyway, he succeeded, and once again the middle chapter is the key one. This is where Lucas had to develop Anakin as a real, likable character, and yet give us just enough of his darker side to set up his final fall without yet making us actually dislike him. I think Anakin's romance with Padme was the linchpin and very well-done, even though many fans have criticized it for lousy dialog. You know, I had badly-written dialog when I was that age too. We've had a lot of hip teenagers in popular culture these days, like the character from Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, who talk more like what their 30-something writers would have liked to have talked like when they were that age. Anakin is an awkward, conflicted, serious yet emotional teenager who is deeply in love with Padme and doesn't know how to talk to her. And that's what he sounds like, and for me, it worked, allowing Anakin to develop both sides of his character (Padme's side of the relationship is a little sketchier; her role isn't as well drawn in my opinion, and additionally Natalie Portman, a talented actress, may have been mailing this one in).
Needless to say, the action and chase scenes are brilliant, and George Lucas is the master when it comes to framing and setting these things up. Whether it's the skillfully managed tension of the bar scene, the cleverly-shot lightsaber duel between Dooku, Anakin, and/or Obi-Wan, or fisticuffs in the rain, Lucas makes all the action scenes compelling. Crucially, they are an extension of the plot and character development and not just spectacular set pieces as they are in so many movies of this genre.
I'm not going to say the movie is perfect, or as compelling as The Empire Strikes Back; it's got its awkward moments, not all of them there for a good reason. The first time I saw Episode II, I wasn't that impressed. But what Lucas set out to do was much more ambitious than it appears on the surface, far more ambitious than most Sci-Fi action flicks, and for me he's succeeded in delivering a trilogy of both exciting action and emotional depth. It took a little while for them to grow on me, and for me to appreciate and understand what he was doing, but now that I'm there I like the second three as much as the first three."
See my review below...
|||'||||'|||||'''||''||||| | Here | 03/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It is doubtful that any movie in the history of American Cinema faced as imposing a wall of negativity at its release as the one that loomed before Episode II. To say that a large percentage of viewers had a bad taste in their mouth because of Episode I is an extreme understatement. I defended 'Phantom' as "not as bad as" people were saying. Sure I wanted all 'gungans' to die horrible deaths, especially Jar-Jar, but we had all the story elements plus some ingenious characters. At the end of its run I had decided that despite errors in canon and the abominable comic relief, I liked the film and 2002 was way too far away. As we got closer to the release date, I started to worry that all the comments about the whole franchise being trashed may have some merit. What if this one was an awkward disaster, flailing even further into the swamp of failure than the first? I intentionally didn't look up any synopsis or look for any spoilers; I wanted my reaction to be raw and immediate, based on what I was taking in. So it was that I found myself in line opening night; midnight showing, of course. I didn't really have any hope in mind one way or the other aside from "please don't let it suck". As I was standing there, I overheard a snippet of conversation from some youths who obviously had done some advance research, and one of them said "Oh yeah that's right! We get to see Yoda fight in this one!". For a few seconds, I didn't hear anything after that. Hold the phone. We get to see Yoda........fight?? OK, all thoughts of gloom and disaster are jettisoned. Is that a flicker of Optimism? Maybe so. We're seated. Down go the lights. Drum roll. "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." Fanfare. We're off. It's all urgency, action, and an overarching sense of danger and chaos. Whoa. I've seen this 'look and feel' somewhere before. Maybe it's too early to tell, but George may be back on his game. We've got crazy things happening left and right. Alliances are being forged and broken; acts of war and treason are being committed. Holy crap, there are more Jedi on the screen than I've ever seen before! And then one of the most memorable film sequences I've seen in my whole life. It's a desperate fight, and the good guys have exhausted almost all their energy. Death seems certain, and destruction is inevitable. Why are we looking at a doorway and floor? Why- hey a shadow...why is it familiar---? Holy crap. The theater erupts. I'm gripping both arms of my chair so hard it hurts, staring bug-eyed at the screen. I've got tears in my eyes. Judge him by his size does Dooku?? This is going to ROCK!!! There is a sustained explosion of whirling, twisting light onscreen. I hope the theater manager will be understanding and send me a bill, payable in installments, for whatever I might do to this chair. Whoa the pillar! It's wrapping up; we see huge ships, and battalions of white-clad soldiers stretching to the horizon. Where have we seen those before? The March swells. It's over. I'm sitting deflated in my chair as the masses file out, talking excitedly. I would like something to drink and a listing of showtimes immediately please. Well done, George. Well done."