Wish I would have read the reviews
John R. Dicker | 08/17/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Kind of upset :(
I was not expecting any changes, besides maybe special effects. I could have done without the special effects changes, now that I think of it.
I have not seen this movies in a very long time, thought, well I loved them back in the day, this is going to be awesome...
Two things that jumped at me was the han and greedo, is that his name, shooting. When Han shot him, I thought I missed something, I was like that was kind of weird, but okay... Second thing was the conversation with Biggs, I was like huh, I don't remember that.
After these two things, I started to question "what else had changed"... Then I started reading reviews online and was really upset that the movies did change and I was not imaging things.
Atleast, I own the movies now, and I know what was changed, more then what I had thought changed during my first viewing.
I wish I read the reviews and realized that later this year, like in less then a month, the unedited versions are coming out..."
Stupid Geeks need to stop complaining !!
Brian Harris | Liberty, SC USA | 01/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Guys and gals, QUIT THE WHINING !!! This is NOT a money making scam. If you read the info on the DVD release (on amazon, for example) it will tell you that this is a cheaper version of last year's release for those who want to spend less. It also FOREWARNS you that there is no bonus disc. It burns me up that people gripe and whine when they don't even know the facts.
As for the special editions, They are Lucas' movies and HE CAN DO WHATEVER THE HECK HE WANTS TO WITH THEM AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN DON'T BUY IT !!! I myself happen to like the special editions and could care less if I ever see the dated, 70's-80's versions again. As a matter of fact, I would love to see all the movies with updated effects, etc and even more alterations and editions. It Lucas' vision, he put up his cash to make them, and he doesn't have to give a hoot what you think about his vision of the movie. The funny part is that you will gripe, but you just keep on buying behind the scenes. Get a life people. Enjoy the movies in whatever format you have them and leave Lucas alone. Geez"
Prequel tie-in changes were completely unnecessary
Oscar Saborío | San José, Costa Rica | 07/14/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Why isn't the 1997 Special Edition on DVD?! Wasn't it supposed to be "George Lucas' definitive vision"?! Now he has YET ANOTHER vision of the Original Trilogy?! Why didn't he make the prequels fit the Original Trilogy, instead of butchering the originals?! Weren't we told that he was releasing the first versions of Episodes IV, V and VI back in 1995 "one last time"?! But no, now he's releasing the versions he said would never again see the light of day, and what he said was the finished product is not available on DVD. I guess the word "logic" is not part of Lucas' vocabulary..."
Proof that George Lucas has gone senile...
R. Hawkins | Seattle, WA | 03/27/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Why does everything need to be changed? Why are things being added to a trilogy that was perfect the way that it was? George Lucas is litterally smashing my childhood into a million pieces with his "Improved trilogy." As I was watchng this "new" trilogy, I was willing to make peace with all the little added bullcrap that he added until the end of Return of the Jedi...why? Why did he think it was a good idea to add hayden christianson as a replacement to the original anakin skywalker? Why George? Why?"