Bonus Features: Disc 1: **Feature **Commentary by George Lucas, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren and Carrie Fisher **Easter Egg - Credit Roll Disc 2: **Feature **Commentary by George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan, Ben Bur... more »tt, Dennis Muren and Carrie Fisher **Easter Egg - Credit Roll Disc 3: **Feature **Commentary by George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren and Carrie Fisher **Easter Egg - Credit Roll Episode Description: Disc 1: *Star Wars: A New Hope / Episode IV Disc 2: *Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back / Episode V Disc 3: *Star Wars: Return of the Jedi / Episode VI« less
"O.K. George you are almost there. I am a fan of the original movies, as I am a fan of all original movies without changes. I still only want the ORIGINAL "STAR WARS". I do like the concept of box sets without the extra discs because how many times are you going to watch the extra features. Those of you who are interested in extra features can buy the other boxed set at the higher price. Me I'm a purist, I just want the film. George you can make millions if you released them individually and in their orginal state, until then you don't get a nickel from me."
Not It
Billy Darbie | Pacific Rim | 09/22/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"These are not the original movies; they are modified versions of the original films that have been tinkered with over the years in various ways. I sold my copies cheap at a garage sale recently, because I could no longer stand to watch them. If the original movies were released on DVD, I would probably buy them. I loved those old movies without the added musical numbers, CGI characters, extra sound effects, etc., etc., etc. This version was a disappointment because all of that new stuff is so distracting that it takes away from the gentle spirit and lovable goodwill of the original theatrical releases."
Misleading. Why?
Nancy Quinn | 12/22/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"So I noticed this set at my local record store a few weeks ago, with the nice cover art, but shrugged my shoulders thinking it was just a new package for the 2004 DVD set. Several weeks later, I'm back, and I see the two side by side, and notice the price difference, so I decide to read the back and see what's different. Okay, there is obviously no 4th disc, um... what else... and then I read this:
"3-Disc Set includes all three classic movies digitally restored and remastered."
HOLY CRAP! How did I not know about this?!? I'm skeptical for a moment, but this HAS to be the original versions. There is no implication on the packaging that it is the 1997 Special Editions, and it even says "classic." I snatch it up, get in the car and race home, and prepare to finally view the films in the original theatrical, unmolested versions ... or so I thought.
I thought I would quickly hop on Amazon to see how much praise it had recieved, and see fellow fans drooling that their ultimate DVD fantasy has finally come true. Well, I find all these 1-star reviews and realize I've been duped by Lucas & Co. Thankfully I've kept it in the shrink wrap so I'll be returning this piece of garbage tomorrow.
Thanks for nothing, Lucas, you greedy fool. Your daft ploys have gone too far."
Great Movies, Horrible Tweaks
S. Rhodes | 04/07/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"THE STAR WARS movies (the original trilogy) are perhaps some of the greatest movies ever made. They had great characters, a fantastic story, brilliant acting (at some parts) and were just all around fun. I grew up, of course, after they came to theaters, but like most people, I had them on VHS. I was also one of the millions of people who said Star Wars deserved a huge DVD release. In 2004 I got it, and much to my dismay, it wasn't exactly what I expected. Some of the changes are not for the better. On the contrary, the majority of them are worse. The DVD set released in 2005 is essentially the same, only you don't have bonus features... which is alright, the bonus features were nothing special anyway. The release in 2004 had four documentaries (the only good one being the A&E Special: Star Wars: Empire of Dreams), an XBOX demo (not a big XBOX fan) Star Episode III Preview (useless now) and commentary. That was about it (at least the bulk), and after such a long wait I wanted more. Like say... the holiday special that I, someone who grew up in the 90's NEVER got to see. Ever (say sorry). I also wanted the indiviual makings of the movies. When this DVD relese came around, I was disappointed that none of that stuff was included.
Star Wars was full of fun, action, loveable characters (well developed too), story and just about everything that could make a good movie. The Empire Strikes Back is often cited as the greatest sequel ever made (especially with the line: "Luke, I am your father"). With how successful and well accepted the films became, why did George Lucas decide to change it? Especially to connect it with the prequels?
The changes aren't just small things either. They're things that have me pretty upset. I'm talking more than just "Who shot first? Han or Greedo?" (but we all know the scene really is messed up and somehow lessens Hans' character). What I'm talking about are the even bigger changes such as Hayden Christensen appearing in Return of the Jedi, the CGI which is supposed to be superior, but looks a lot worse. I'm also tired of Lucas doing things like, replacing real life extras with CGI characters. This might stem from the fact that then Lucas had virtually nothing to work with, and now he has just about everything to work with. He's opting for Computers over raw talent. I'm not against computers, I'm just saying these films were already perfect the way they were, and now that Lucas has come in trying to make them even more perfect, he's destroying them. A trilogy that once stood above everything, is now being reduced. Boba Fett's voice is now the same one who did Jengo Fett in the prequels, Anakin's ghost is Hayden Christensen, even the music score has been altered to some extent. Conversations have been altered with terrible dialogue (most notably is the conversation between Darth Vader and the Emperor in The Empire Strikes Back), things that were already given CGI treatment for the 1997 release were given even more CGI treatment and it looks terrible (most notably, Jabba the Hutt in A New Hope).
Overall, I'm disappointed with the DVD release. And this isn't the last to come. According to IMDB, Lucas has another release of the trilogy scheduled for release in 2007. I probably won't pick that one up.
The 1997 release was much better than this. The 1993 release even better. Movies shouldn't be altered to let them compete with "newer" movies. I think people have enough common sense to say to themselves, "You can't expect a movie made in 1977 to look like a movie made in 2006." There's a reason why the color version of Casablanca caused an uproar, and there's a reason why the original Star Wars trilogy being tweaked is causing an uproar. You're supposed to preserve classics, not ruin them. I doubt Lucas will ever let people nostalgic for the original have it. Honestly, he should have two sets out. One that's completely the original versions, every single mistake every CGI taken out and everything we loved about the original and one with all these "tweaks" for those who actually like them (you can always strap that one with a warning sticker or something). But don't limit our choices to only being able to have a trilogy that's been tarnished.
I'll let it slide with a three. Three stars because they were three great movies. But some of these changes aren't for the better. Digitally restored pictures and sound I can deal with, altered sequences I can't."
Throw Us Longtime Fans a Bone, Georgie Boy!
Tony Midyett | WI, USA | 03/09/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"As a lover of film history, you would think that Lucas would want to preserve the original versions of his classic trilogy on DVD, but he seems determined to try to re-write history by flooding the market with still more copies of his monkeyed-with versions. Just give us back the originals, George! Pronto, please."