In this action-packed fifth season sparks fly when Woolsey becomes the new leader of the Atlantis team. Meanwhile, McKay faces difficult personal challenges; Teyla must balance her roles as mother and warrior; Ronan?s past... more » returns with a vengeance, and Keller finds peril, then help, from an unlikely source. A provisional relationship with the Wraith takes a shocking turn and new adversaries test the team?s courage and resolve like never before.
Forced at Startup for all regions Stargate Universe Trailer Ep# 501 - Search and Rescue Ep# 502 - The Seed Ep# 503 - Broken Ties Ep# 504 - The Daedalus Variations Commentary on Search and Rescue by Executive Producer Martin Gero and Director/Producer Andy Mikita Commentary on The Seed by Director William Waring Commentary on Broken Ties by Execuitve Producer Joseph Mallozzi and Actor Jason Momoa Commentary on The Daedalus Variations by Supervising Producer Alan McCullough and Director/Producer Andy Mikita Mission Directive: Search and Rescue with Andy Mikita & Martin Gero Showdown! Ronan v. Tyre Bringing The Seed to Life Photo Gallery 51 stills Production Design Gallery 11 stills
Disc 2: 202 Minutes
Ep# 505 - Ghost in the Machine Ep# 506 - The Shrine Ep# 507 - Whispers Ep# 508 - The Queen Commentary on Whispers by Executive Producer Joseph Mallozzi and Director William Waring Commentary on The Queen by Supervising Producer Alan McCullough and Director Brenton Spencer Mission Directive: Whispers with Will Waring and Joseph Mallozzi Tricks of the Trade: Submerging the Stargate Joe Flanigan: A Conversation with the Colonel Photo Gallery 70 stills Production Design Gallery 13 stills
Disc 3: 205 Minutes
Ep# 509 - Tracker Ep# 510 - First Contact Ep# 511 - The Lost Tribe Ep# 513 - Outsiders Commentary on Tracker by Executive Producer Carl Binder and Director William Waring Commentary on First Contact by Executive Producer Martin Gero and Director/Producer Andy Mikita Commentary on The Lost Tribe by Executive Producer Martin Gero and Director/Producer Andy Mikita Commentary on Outsiders by Supervising Producer Alan McCullough and Director William Waring Mission Directive: Tracker with Will Waring and Carl Binder Dr. Jackson Comes to Atlantis Building a Humanoid with James Robbins & Martin Gero Photo Gallery 46 stills Production Design Gallery 12 stills
Disc 4: 207 Minutes
Ep# 512 - Inquisition Ep# 514 - The Prodigal Ep# 515 - Remnants Ep# 516 - Brain Storm Commentary on Inquisition by Director Brenton Spencer and Actor Tobias Slezak Commentary on The Prodigal by Executive Producer Carl Binder and Director/Producer Andy Mikita Commentary on Remnants by Executive Producer Joseph Mallozzi and Director William Waring Commentary on Brain Storm by Executive Producer/Director Martin Gero Mission Directive: Brain Storm with Martin Gero The Life and Death of Michael Kenmore Deleted Scenes (Part One) Photo Gallery 47 stills Production Design Gallery 7 stills
Disc 5: 216 Minutes
Ep# 517 - Infection Ep# 518 - Indentity Ep# 519 Vegas (Extended Episode) Ep# 520 Enemy at the Gate (Extended Episode) Commentary on Vegas by Executive Producer Robert C. Cooper, Producer John G. Lenic and Director of Photography Michael Blundell Commentary on Enemy at the Gate by Executive Producer Paul Mullie and VFX Supervisor Mark Savela Stargate Atlantis Goes to Vegas Inside the Stargate Costume Department Deleted Scenes (Part Two) Photo Gallery 64 stills Production Design Gallery 5 stills« less
"Stargate Atlantis entering it's 5th season was filled with a lot of suspense, action, drama, and even the good ol Stargte comedy like Rodney delivering Teyla's baby. The show had a solid first part with the brilliant special effects of "Daedalus Variations" and the heart-felt tear jerker "Ghost in the Machine" and "The Shrine". Our friendly or foe wraith Todd makes a great appearance in "The Queen" where Teyla goes through a transformations.
The mid-season 2 parter was epic with a special guest appearance by Michael Shanks to fufill his role as Daniel Jackson. If you are a SG-1 and SGA fan it was an epic episode with a shocking discovery.
As the 2nd half progresses we get epic eps like "The Prodgial" which features an epic scene with Sheppard, Michael, and Teyla fighting on the balcony outskirt of the city Atlantis. Another worthy nod was "Outsiders" which features another episode of the returned Carson Becektt and gives a classic SGA feel with the character interactions. Best line, Mckay: "It's not a volkswagon Carson". Also a shot out at "Remnants" which dives into 3 characters, Woolsey, Sheppard, and Mckay, and features a clever plot twist.
The 2nd half dragged a little with the fueled shipping and relationship of Mckeller. I think that was the only downfall to the season. It felt a little rushed and forced but was not overkill in the season.
The series ends with the last 2 eps. A CSI feel Atlantis taking place in Vegas, titled, um "Vegas". Cool and interesting music selections from Producer Robert Cooper featuring, "Marilyn Manson", "The Rolling Stones", and "Johnny Cash". A very unique episode that really captures the heart and personality of one John Sheppard.
The series/season finale was rushed because of MGM's decision to replace Atlantis with Stargate Universe. A lot of fans were upset because Atlantis was still performing very well in ratings. So the producers, with no slots in their eps, had to quickly come up with a 100ep/Season finale/Series Finale all in one. Did they do it? Well not all the way. It should of been a 2-parter for a lot of fans taste, but it was a very good episode. Felt more like a season finale.
Season 5 was not the best season, but it was up there. Now with a Stargate Atlantis movie in the works and scheduled for a 2010 release it should be interesting how they continue the story where Season 5 left off this past Winter.
They don't have a 4 1/2 option so I'll just give it 5 stars!"
An interesting season, with a very good end
M. Care | Maryland USA | 04/17/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I just love how Stargate series usually end. They tie things up nicely, give you a really cool battle, and they don't kill off your favorite characters just to make a stupid point.
The season's arc was kind of disjointed and confusing. You will notice during this season that they are already cutting off the threads for some stories. Over all, the episodes show a little bit of character growth, especially in Woolsey, Rodney, and Sheppard. There is no big bad until the last two episodes. The big bads they do have this season are resolved quickly (for the most part).
I like the episodes with Daniel Jackson. Pairing him off with Rodney was an excellent choice.
I might want to add that the information above is inaccurate. Torri Higgison wasn't in the last two seasons as a regular. She was barely in Season 4, and wasn't at all in Season 5. They missed Robert Picardo who took over Amanda Tapping's role after she took over Torri's role.
Confused? We all are!!
They also forgot to credit the one the only Dr. McKay (David Hewlett). Like him or hate him, the man can evoke emotions in people. He also has a quirky sense of humor, which if you can get it, is hilarious. I highly recommend "A Dog's Breakfast" if you are a David Hewlett fan.
Still the series ended when it should have ended. There were already rumors of cast members leaving and going away. So now they don't have to kill them off in dumb ways.
Well the series does not tie off all of the threads. There is plenty of room for the movies which MGM is salivating over.
Better and Better with age
Lisa D. Guest | Chicago, ILL | 04/25/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Wonderful season 5 for Stargate: Atlantis! Some standout episodes have already been mentioned but the 2 part mini arc with Dr. Daniel Jackson as well as the entire cast was total entertainment and needs to be mentioned again. 'Vegas' was also something special.
I admit to still being ticked off that Stargate: Atlantis was cancelled. Yes a movie sounds great but I feel that the season suffered because of the axe hanging over their heads. This show did not deserve cancellation. The ratings were still solid and there were still plenty of places to go with these characters.
Why bother watching this new show if the plug could be pulled at any time? What is the point in investing the time when the bean counters could pull the plug on something good?
I've been a fan of Stargate: Atlantis since the first episode and I miss seeing these characters in new adventures. I'm still in mourning..."
Stargate Atlantis and SG-1
Harley Howard | Santa Ana, California USA | 05/24/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really do not watch too much TV anymore because of lack of quality and/or story telling. Certain series however are the exception and Stargate is that exception for me. I have always had a liking for good Sci-fi, but that's rare for me also. I think a LOT of Sci-fi is as worthless as much of the other nonsense that is on TV.
I didn't start watching any of the Stargate series because I thought that the original movie "STUNK". But many years later I caught an episode of Stargate Atlantis and began watching the series from that point on the Sci-Fi channel. Needless to say that I began to really enjoy the Atlantis series (Rodney Mac - really takes time to endure his annoying character!). Seasons 4 and 5 were outstanding. Sooooo, I watched the entire five seasons and was not disappointed!
Soooooo, I started to watch the Stargate SG-1, just to see what all of the references, terminologies, etc, were that I did not understand in Atlantis. I began with season 1 and I am now in season 3. I'm truly enjoying the Stargate world. My brother, if he were alive, would really enjoy SG. He really loved sci-fi and turned me on to it many years ago.
Good and Bad
Grace Valentino | California | 07/06/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I love SGA. The fifth season had some unfortunate departures from what I loved about the show, but it does contain two of my favorite episodes from the series, The Shrine and Vegas.
I always love the behind the scenes and extras, really liked that they finally had an interview with Joe Flanigan (Sheppard).
I wish there had been more actor commentaries (only one, from Jason Momoa on Broken Ties). The producers and writers seem to focus more on process and the mechanics of making the show, the actors seem to focus on the story and the characters, which is really why I want to hear the commentaries.
I truly did not appreciate the emphasis on the McKay and Keller romance this season, it disrupted the great team dynamics that were the heart of the series and lessened the importance of Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon.
I don't like hearing how the writers/producers think that this romance was cool, but, on the other hand, it is interesting to hear how much their perception of the show differs from what I and so many other fans saw as the good and the bad of SGA.
On the whole, I'd recommend this DVD set. Some great eps and some interesting extras."