"I couldnt believe it when this dvd came out!! I was a 1980's Strawberry Shortcake fan when I was a kid. I bought the dvd for me, really to reminisce but to my surprise, as the animation is obviously dated, my 2 year old daughter loves it!! It is just cute, very basic but I think little girls will enjoy it. My daughter isnt one to sit through a show longer than 30 mins (if im lucky!!) but she will watch this from beginning to end!!"
Finally, these treasures are back to life!
Tell It Like It Is | Planet Earth | 09/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I loved the 80's Strawberry Shortcake. I love their costumes so much more than the ones today, and I think Russi Taylor IS Strawberry Shortcake! What a cute voice.
When my daughter was born, I collected many vintage dolls and toys for her from that Kenner collection of the 80's (including dolls from Brazil; my favorite being Little Coffee) and she strongly prefers the vintage stuff to the new stuff. Her number one favorite is Plum Puddin' (as a girl). The new stuff is okay, but like My Little Pony, its very different in its modern incarnation. The original cartoons had two adversaries; the Peculair Purple Pieman of Porcupine Peak and Sour Grapes. The new stuff didn't feature these fabulous villians at first, but added them later in a sort of role reversal with Sour Grapes being timid and softer and PPPM being hard and evil. I still like the old versions of them better.
Personally, we are waiting for the Berrykins episode and the House Warming episodes of the the 80's series to be released on DVD. I wish they'd just package them as one collection. At any rate, I had a bad bootleg copy on VHS tape and it was so poor, some of it was just "snow" on the screen. I'm so glad they finally are putting these out. If you love SSC or have a young child, these episodes are worth adding to the collection. In the end, they're all about being good and helping others."
Old friends, new technology
A. Badham | ut | 04/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"These movies are GREAT!!! As a young girl I watched these same movies as tv specials, and then later on vhs. These stories are sweet, wholesome, and timeless. I am thrilled that now I can share these same movies with my little ones."
Butterfly Mommy | 04/06/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The is the real authentic original Strawberry Shortcake (SS) cartoon that was made in the 1980's. The Strawberry Shortcake 2000 year cartoons where she is wearing a straw hat and jeans is a joke...they should not even be allowed to call it Strawberry Shortcake- what an insult. It is a whole nother cartoon and characters it should be called something else and not associtated with such a classic as the true 80's Strawberry Shortcake classic cartoon. Growing up on SS I am thrilled the real deal on finally on dvd for the new generation to enjoy and appriciate. I hate those fake foney SS re-make new adventure millinium garbage. Buy the classic ones! All you 80's babies and Parnets of 80's babies know what I'm talking about."
So glad I have it in my collection!
babiejenn | 11/08/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've been a Strawberry Shortcake fan for the longest! I will definitely keep the tradition going...hope more vintage things become available in the future!"