Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock makes himself a test subject in this documentary about the commercial food industry. After eating a diet of McDonald's fast food three times a day for a month straight Spurlock proves ... more »the physical and mental effects of consuming fast food. Spurlock also provides a look at the food culture in America through it's schools corporations and politics. "Super Size Me" is a movie that sheds a new light on what has become one of our nation's biggest health problems: obesity.System Requirements:Running Time: 100 Min.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: DOCUMENTARIES/MISC. Rating: PG-13 UPC: 043396085435 Manufacturer No: 08543« less
Jumbo! A raw look at what fast food did in 30 days.
Jessica S. (jess83) from CHARLESTON, WV Reviewed on 2/29/2012...
Super Size Me is something every American should watch. It opened my eyes to blindly following marketing & ignoring nutrition. Not that I am by any means a healthy dieter right now, but, it was shocking to see how marketing manipulates our minds & choices while the food/additives manipulate our bodies.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Tara C. (ohsonaughty) Reviewed on 12/31/2010...
Great documentary! It would definitely make you think twice about eating fast food...especially McDonalds!!
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Celena R. (Ayronsmom) Reviewed on 4/2/2010...
This is an excellent movie for everyone! I don't eat fast-food much but, I will definetly not be eating it anymore! Not to mention the information that is given when they visit a couple schools. The lunch program there is poor. Awesome movie is a must see for every fast-food eater.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jennifer F. from KALAMAZOO, MI Reviewed on 2/4/2010...
A must-see movie. This guy decides to take on McDonalds and see what happens if he eats only McDonalds for 30 days (much to the dismay of his vegan-chef girlfried). It will really change your perspective of the fast-food industry and what we think is safe to eat.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Holly W. from SEVIERVILLE, TN Reviewed on 8/13/2009...
This is really a great dvd. it is a real eyeopener about the fast food industry. The dvd shows what happend to one man who eats nothing but McDonald's for 30 days to see if it will have any effect on his health. All of his doctors, himself, and anyone watching the movie were shocked at the results. It is a must see for everyone who eats fast food.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Elizabeth G. (MissEliza) from CLINTON, MA Reviewed on 6/20/2009...
This was a pretty good movie or a really good idea for a movie . I didn't walk away from this movie having learned anything I didn't already know. And if I was overweight or fast food obsessed this movie wouldn't make me think twice.
I will watch this movie again and I'll have my friends watch it.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Morgan W. (mwelte79) from RICHLAND CTR, WI Reviewed on 6/24/2008...
Even though most of American doesn't eat McDonald's three times a day, this movie still proves many points. What our food has in it is disgusting, and how McD's targets kids with their ads. No wonder we're the fattest nation!
6 of 7 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
CreepyT | Colorado, United States | 10/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The current trend towards obesity in the US is not a difficult one to notice, and yet so many people turn their backs on it. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock does just the opposite. He throws it in the faces of the movie-going public with a unique and intelligent fervor, akin to that of Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation. Spurlock states "Super Size Me is one man's journey into the world of weight gain, health problems and fast food. It's an examination of the American way of life and the influence that has had on our children, the nation and the world at large." Furthermore, "It's a film about corporate responsibility and personal responsibility," and indeed this film is just that.
Spurlock spends 30 grueling days eating nothing but McDonalds food, and exploits the health risks accompanying such a lifestyle in the process. Under the supervision of three medical doctors and a nutritionist, Spurlock's health steadily declines, his weight steadily increases, and his cholesterol skyrockets. All the while, his vegan chef girlfriend, Alex Jamieson, is in the background rolling her eyes.
Interspersed throughout the documentation of Spurlock's McDiet are highly intriguing facts regarding the food industry and its somewhat less-than-benign ventures, as well as interviews with key people who have attempted to urge the public to change their eating habits for the better (such as author John Robbins and former Surgeon General David Satcher). Though this film is chock full of facts and statistics, Spurlock is not without witty repartee and humor. In other words, this is not your average snore-inducing PBS special.
I must agree with the criticism this film has received for not being as scientific as it could have been, as his personal results may not be representative of what others would experience (the Big Mac fanatic Eric Gorske is a prime example of this). Nonetheless, his results are still rather eye-opening and almost vomit-inducing. The public should be aware of the things they are placing in their mouths everyday, and the effects those things could potentially have on them.
This is definitely a movie worth buying and watching over and over again, particularly when you get the urge to go grab a meal from a local fast food joint. This film caused McDonalds to put an end to Super-sizing before it even entered theaters, and that in itself should say something. For more information on the malevolence of the fast food industry, go and read Fast Food Nation as well!"
McGridles for the Mind
My Uncle Stu | Boston | 12/02/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Supersize Me felt to me like two movies interwoven together. First off, and most compellingly, this is a documentary about the fast food industry and its role in the obesity epidemic in this country. Although it's an angle most of us have probably already been exposed to, the movie does a good job illustrating the insidious way that the fast food industry pedals its products to the masses and infiltrates all aspects of our American culture. In particular, Morgan Spurlock does an impressive job illustrating the pervasiveness of marketing towards children. We see what today's parents are up against if we try to teach our kids healthy habits. Throughout the movie, we see repeated references to the famous lawsuit in which McDonalds was sued for making people obese. I imagine most people probably have a similar experience to mine, in which I started out thinking such a lawsuit was laughably preposterous, but by the end of the movie I could actually see the logic in it. I wasn't exactly what point he was trying to make with the graphic footage of the gastric bypass surgeries. If it was suppose to gross viewers out, the reality is that any surgery could do that if shown in that detail. I hope it didn't have the effect of discouraging anyone from pursing a gastric bypass, which happens to be a wonderful operation that has helped many people turn their lives around.
The second thread of the movie is the human experiment, in which our protagonist goes 30 days eating only McDonalds food. For me, this part felt like bad reality TV to me. Although posed a scientific experiment, it is clear our narrator knows from the start what direction it will go. For one thing, we see his vegan girlfriend reprove his plans. From even the first couple of days, we get endless shots of him looking at the food and telling us how gross it looks, or telling us how sick he feels. The shock this study, if you can call a sample size of one person with an agenda a study, is that he actually gets even more physically ill than anyone anticipated. Well, he gains weight and has an elevation of his liver enzymes. His doctors appropriately try to coach their patient into reverting back to a healthier diet, putting as grim a spin on it as possible. Elevated liver enzymes however are the normal response of a healthy liver to an acute insult. It's going abruptly from a low fat diet to a massively high-fat diet that causes it. If he wanted to make the case that this was a dire lethal reaction to fast food, we could have checked the liver enzymes of any of the characters we meet in the movie who habitually eat fast food. He would have found them to be mostly normal, since the bump in liver enzymes is a function of the acute change, not the fast food in and of itself. His doctors make the analogy to alcoholics, who get elevated liver enzymes from the insult of alcohol to their livers. But, in fact, it is when an alcoholic binges and doesn't get a corresponding rise in liver enzymes that there is evidence of end-stage liver disease (Morgan's internists hopefully understand this but are either doing their job by trying to scare him, possibly hamming it up for the cameras, and/or the interactions are edited for maximum melodrama and don't reflect the content of the actual visits.) We even see that Morgan's liver enzymes are returning to normal by the last set of blood tests, even though he is still on the diet at that point, but little is made of that in the movie, because it doesn't support the premise that eating all fast food for a month can kill you. His chest pain, which looked like an anxiety attack, and his other physical symptoms such as headaches are hard to interpret, especially in someone with an agenda to get as sick as possible. Then we get to see footage of Morgan on the phone with his mother, her only half joking that she would donate part of her liver if he needs it, and footage of Morgan on the phone with his girlfriend practically mourning his heroic and fated death. Too much. The informational content is important enough without watering it down with the intellectual equivalent of fast food.
My personal Amazon-confession: I love McDonald's, but I do feel gross afterwards. One of my professors in Med school was fond of saying "there's no good or bad foods, just good or bad diets." The McGridle really puts that sentiment to the test, but I would still agree with it. I always hoped he would slip one day and say "there's no good or bad food, just good or bad people," but it never happened.
Overall, a good movie, I'm glad I saw it. The extras don't add much in particular but still a good DVD. For me, personally, I could have watched much more of the documentary footage and skipped the "reality" melodramatics of the 30 day experiment. However, that experiment was probably the gimmick that got the movie financed, publicized, and accessible to a mass audience, so maybe it was necessary from a practical point of view.
A funny, informative, witty movie that's a little bit scary
P. D Huang | chula vista, ca United States | 11/01/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
Morgan Spurlock creates a funny, informative documentary about the health issues with poor nutrition, fast food diet and soda. It is not realistic, as many people do not have a pure diet of fast food, but it emphasized the point of the unhealthy aspects of fast food.
I asked my doctor who saw the movie what he thought of it and he was amazed by the elevated liver enzyme levels and dramatic changes in Morgan's cholesterol after only one month. He said that he would've told him to stop because permanent changes to the liver could happen with sustained elevated enzyme levels.
The information about school children and school lunches was very informative especially after he interviewed the school for troubled students whose behavior seemed to change with the assistance of a nutritious diet. It was also more interesting when showed that there was no cost difference between the healthy and unhealthy meals. It makes you wonder why a school would not pick the option for nutritious food.
Morgan's portrayl of satiation is right on as the noises that he made after a fatty supersized meal are the same ones that I find myself making.
Check out the extras where he shows the decay rate of the fast food.
Overall a very funny and informative movie exhibitting the growing epidemic of obesity in America. Anyone see "The Biggest Loser"?
I would recommend High School Health classes show this movie as part of their education."
My feelings towards McDonald's are super-sized!
Manny Hernandez | Bay Area, CA | 03/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I highly dislike McDonald's. No, wait. I really find McDonald's disgusting! I used to feel that way before I saw "Super Size Me". But the movie actually super-sized my feelings about the world's biggest chain of bad food there is.
As strongly as I feel about them, when the lawsuits against them came out I couldn't help but feel that they were a bit frivolous, by not acknowledging the level of responsibility that we all have as individuals for what we put into our bodies. But worse than the lawsuit was the way it was dismissed, which was beyond laughable, putting the burden of proof on the people who sued McD, by partly saying that they had failed to demonstrate that the food McDonald's served was unhealthy.... Just see the movie, and you will be able to decide for yourself if this makes sense or not.
At the end of the day, the disappointing thing that becomes patently obvious after you see "Super Size Me" is that the consumer's health and best interests are not typically at the top of the agenda of the food industry as a whole, and social responsibility is a concept that seems to elude them when the interests of the shareholders and Wall Street expectations start to knock on the door.
What do I think about "Super Size Me"? It is a great documentary that puts the facts about this critical issue on the table, in a balanced way (actually attempting to incorporate McDonald's comments into the movie, without success). Hopefully a heads up and a call to action: watch what you eat and don't entrust your health to the food places. They owe allegiance to their owners, not to consumers."
He tells it like it is, and leaves the decision up to you.
C. Johnson | Lawrenceville, GA | 08/25/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a very good documentary in which Morgan decides to take on the task of eating nothing but fast food for 30 days to see just how bad it is for his body. The results should not surprise you, he gained over 20 pounds and many of his internal organs suffered severe damage.
During his 30 days, he makes a lot of valid points about how the food industry, fast food in particular is only out to make profit because they are in fact a business. They care nothing about the consumer other than what in their wallets. They purposely make their food addictive to keep people coming back. This starts a chain reaction in which people get fatter and fatter which means they will eat even more the next time. While he targeted McDonald's in this movie, almost all fast food chains are guilty of the same thing.
Morgan tried 20+ times to get in contact with executives at McDonald's, but it always seemed that they were in meetings and they NEVER returned any of this calls. What are they trying to hide? Its painfully obvious that they know what their food is doing to America, and that they are a main contributor to obesity in this country. But what do they care right? They are in the business to make money; and making food that is severely affecting people's health and literally killing them is not of a concern to them.
As bad as the fast food execs are, people are to blame as well. Who keeps them in business; the people who buy their food everyday. Either they don't care what they are doing to their bodies or honestly don't know of the dangers. I also found it very interesting that a particular group of people Morgan interviewed didn't know the pledge of allegiance but could recite the McDonald's Big Mac theme song word for word; and people wonder why we have a huge obesity problem.
Morgan did a very good job in not offending the obese people in this movie. If I were making the movie I probably would not have been so kind. Fat people can blame the fast food corporations and other food companies all they want, and granted while some of the blame can definitely be placed there, the main problem lies within themselves. They are not forced to eat unhealthy foods, yet they choose to anyway. And then they complain about how fat they are and why they are sick and tired all the time. Yes there are always exceptions (people with thyroid problems, etc). But for the people that do not have these medical conditions, they should look in the mirror because its their problem and their fault, not anyone elses. None of these places put guns to their head and forces them to eat the food. Yet its funny how they can blame everyone but themselves for something they have control over. It really makes no sense to all. Then to top it all off, they turn around and get gastric bypass surgery because they have no self control or discipline, if that's not bad enough, their insurance covers it!
For me I made the decision a long time before this movie came out to no longer constantly fill my body with the artery clogging, fat filled, grease laden crap that fast food restaurants serve or drink teeth melting, sugary sodas. My fast food visits are no more than once or twice per YEAR, and the last time I ate anything from a fast food restaurant was over 11 months ago at a Wendy's, and even then I shared the meal with my wife. I haven't been to McDonald's in over 12 years and between them and Hardees they are the absolute worse out of the bunch. I guarantee you will NEVER catch me in a McDonald's ever again. I even get a little queezy when I see their commericals on TV.
Morgan tells it like it is, and leaves the choice up to the viewer if they want to decide to change their eating habits. Unfortunately, many obese people will just say this is a good movie and then continue right on eating crap from fast food making themselves sicker and sicker. Only when they are on the operating table being preped for open heart surgery will they realize what they have done to their body."