Right On the Money
A. Ingram | 02/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary is rigth on the money. It exposes frank Lucas. Frank's version of himself in the film American Gagnster is way overblown. In interviews Lucas claimed to have been a stand up guy and to have not told on anyone. Well that's not the case. This documentary exposes Frank Lucas to the core.
Micky Barnes was the cat who was really running Harlem. The people with first hand knowledge explain this in the documentary. Frank Lucas had weight and was making money but he was no where near being that person he was protrayed as being in the film "american Gangster".
The documentary also exposes some of the lies Ritchie Roberts(FBI) told.
The onlt thing that i didn't agree with is that at the end of the documentary they listed that Fat Cat was a snitch. Fat Cat wasn't a snitch. He didn't give up any information on Pappy Mason. Even Pappy Mason admits that Fat Cat's name wasn't in any of his paperwork(trail). The only person Fat Cat told on was himself. Fat Cat gave himself up and took all of the counts so his mother and sisters and family members wouldn't have to serve any time."
Alot To Think About!
Vikki | Woodbridge, NJ | 02/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Until I saw the movie "American Gangster", I was oblivious to Frank Lucas, Nicky Barnes and ilk. I am a big fan of "The Wire" and was eager to learn more about this drug culture. I purchased this video and found it very interesting and informative. The interviews were top notch and very "straight from the horse's mouth". These were people who were there, in the thick of it!!! I do know that Hollywood has a way of tampering with the truth to make it more palatable for the masses and the information on this video gave me alot to ponder over what was already presented in "American Gangster""
C. Marshall | Baltimore, MD | 03/16/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I appreciated this documentary on Frank Lucas. It gave me a better sense of the man's motives, criminal intelligence and his loyalty to family. It is a DVD that can be used in sociology, psychology and criminal behavior courses."
Every Here Review Is Correct...But?
Tim From Cincinnati | Land of Lonnie Mack | 03/15/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Did you ever Stop to think, how did the Government keep Frank such a "Secret" all these years. You never heard his name in the movie "Prince of the City," nor "The French Connection." How amazing it took American Gangster to Rewrtie the book on which movie Finally told Us the TRUTH, just who Ran the Game in NY untouched..For so Freaking long. And what's a joke, is the fact that "American Gangster" was ignored for an Academy Award this year. Frank wouldn't like that..lol. How did he disappear from the DEA all those years? Or did he?
Thank you All for great reviews about a tremendous story in our lives. Could you imagine if Frank would have met Pablo Escabor?
Thanks Frank for releasing this documentary, and revealing a secret to Us all. God Bless."