Good Introduction To TNA's History
D.P. | California | 11/28/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Some people didn't give it 5 weeks or even 5 months but over 5 years later, Total Nonstop Action wrestling is still around today...but without everything they went though their first year, I wouldn't even be writing this. TNA attempts to look back at their first year here though a documentry & bonus matches.
The documentry begins with Jeff Jarrett, Jermery Borash, and backstage talent Bob Ryder discussing the end of WCW & still being paid via their contracts thoughout the summer along with doing international tours learning the basis of running a wrestling promotion. How Jarrett getting sick on a fishing trip lead to talks about beginning TNA. The reasoning behind doing a weekly PPV concept was discussed. How the roster was assembled and talent got their jobs though a tryout show was talked about with Don West, Chris Harris, James Storm, and referee Rudy Charles discussing memories of that night. All the problems that happened at the first TV taping revolving around a 450 lbs. "cheeky" wrestler breaking the ring ropes minutes before the live show started was heavily discussed along with the story of how Ron & Don Harris pulled off a miracle seconds before the show started. Various talent discussed weather they thought the company would last with people like B.G. James being honest & saying they didn't think it would. The story of how Dixie Carter & Panda Enery got involved with the financing dating back to how she used to live next door to Jarrett several years earlier. Some of the internal changes that were made along with how money was so tight that Dixie herself was the makeup lady & helped paint the bleachers with spray paint. How the concept of the X division was created right down to the reasoning behind the "X", memories of the 3 way ladder match, and how the X division wrestlers were having the spotlight put on them because of the quality of matches they produced was gone into great detail. The concept of the tag team division & how it was based around America's Most Wanted was talked about next along how memories of the fueds with the New Church & Triple X. The decision to move to the TNA Asylum and how much the smaller "ECW-like" crowd played into the growth of the company at that time is talked about next. The debut of Raven and how much of an impact he had in the company by bring over ECW fans & being the first name to jump from WWE to TNA is talked about before moving on to his fued with Jeff Jarrett & how that match drew TNA's biggest turnaway crowd at the time to the point where Don West had to park his car in an animal stall because there was no room. Reflections on the first year by those involved & how that got them to where they are today round out the documentry.
Thoughout the documenty, you'll get footage of memorable TNA moments from the first year such as the Jarrett/Toby Keith incident, Ken Shamrock winning the NWA Title at the first show, AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn becoming the first NWA Tag Team Champions of the TNA era, Jarrett brawling with the Tennessee Titans, Ron "The Truth" Killings winning the NWA Title, AMW winning the tag titles for the first time, Jarrett's first NWA Title reign, Raven's debut, AJ Styles winning his first NWA Title, and Roddy Piper's debut (they didn't show the shoot promo on Vince Russo.)
DVD bonus extras include the local commerical for TNA's first taping, highlights of the Chris Harris vs. James Storm tryout match, and various talent giving their memories of the late Curt Hennig. Also included is a highlight package of those who made appearences during the first year of TNA from actors (Dustin "Screech" Diamond & Chris Rock), legends (Harley Race & Ricky Steamboat), names from the past (Vader & Hacksaw Jim Duggan), and various wrestlers who made appearences (Sabu, Scott Hall, CM Punk) just to name a few.
Bonus matches include the double elimination match between AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Lo-Ki (a.k.a. Senshi) vs. Psichosis to crown the first X division champion; the ladder match between Styles vs. Lynn vs. Lo-Ki; America's Most Wanted vs. New Church for the tag team titles; and the NWA Title match between Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven with cameos from old ECW alumni like Sandman, New Jack, and Sabu along with a female who would go on to the WWE under the name "Mickie James."
Overall, if your expecting a WWE like documentry then you won't find it here as this documentry took more of the format that the "Forever Hardcore" documentry did where it heavily relies more on their shoot interviews & photos to get their points across instead of using alot of archival footage...that TNA actually owns in this case. One big negative is that certain things were leftout such as Jerry Jarrett's involvement in the company past the occassional "my old man" line from Jarrett and the importance of the NWA's name involved with the product (it was their title belts being used for 5 years). Besides that, I give TNA an A for effort as they did their job in introducing an audience to TNA's history who wasn't around for that first year. And the matches made up for some things the documentry was lacking so this is one TNA DVD that I heavily recommend.
fmwaalex | Austin, TX USA | 09/07/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
I have to start this off by saying that I am a huge wrestling fan, I always have and always will be. With that said this is an excellent DVD to own, if you are truly interested in how a company is started you should check this out. This documentary goes into detail about the first year of this great company. You will hear from a lot of wrestlers that were there that first year as well as TNA president Dixie Carter, and announcers Mike Tenay & Don West. I think most importantly you hear the whole story from the man that created it all Jeff Jarrett. He starts from right when WCW was bought and tells the story of how this company came to be. It was real interesting to hear just how hard it was to make this happen, they had to go through some tough times to make it happen. On their opening show alone the ring fell apart right before the came on the air. Which brings me to something else, the opening to this documentary is brilliant. We open up to a black screen and hear Tenay, Don West, and the production crew doing the sound check right before they go on the air, brilliant. I really can't go into how informative this DVD is but I highly recommend it.
1.DOUBLE ELIMINATION X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP-AJ STYLES VS PSICHOSIS VS SENSHI VS JERRY LYNN-this was the match that would crown the very first x division champion, in this people would be eliminated by being pinned or made to submit twice in the match. Two would start and when one would be pinned or submitted he would await his next turn while another wrestler went in. I have to say that this match was amazing; Styles and Psichosis started it off both performing at the height of their game. When Psichosis was pinned Senshi [then known as Low Ki] rushed in and went to work on Styles. It was with these two that Styles actually pulled off a hurricarana from his back; he jumped up straight off his back and hit a hurricarana. Afterwards Senshi had to sit it out while Jerry Lynn came in and made quick work out of Styles. Now it was Psichosis in with Jerry Lynn, and what happened between these two will have you remembering WCW and their cruiserweight division. But after a cradle pile driver Psichosis is sent to the back after being eliminated, and Senshi jumps straight in and goes to war with Jerry Lynn. There is even an MMA inspired moment between these two. But it isn't enough for Senshi and he is eliminated, in comes Styles. After a great back and forth battle that Styles gets the pin, but that is only Lynn's first loss in the match. It is at this point that special referee Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat comes in and calls the insane action that follows. These two put on a show that gets me tired and I wasn't even in the match, these two battle it out with neither wanting to budge. Eventually AJ becomes the first x champ, and he earned that belt with this performance.5/5
2.TRIPLE LADDER MATCH-X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP-JERRY LYNN VS AJ STYLES VS SENSHI-by this time Senshi [Low Ki] was the x champ and had to put it on the line for this classic bout right here. This is pretty much a rematch of the one above minus Psichosis, and with ladders. This is honestly one of the most entreating ladder matches I have ever seen in my life, these three put on a great show. There is some really innovative stuff in this match, including something I have always wanted to see in a ladder match with multiple matches. This is one of those matches that no matter who like or dislike you wish they all could win, these guys are that good. And after what was a great finish in this bout, Jerry Lynn becomes the X Division champ for the first time.5/5
3.TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP-AMW VS THE NEW CHURCH-next up is another great match that put former champs AMW against the current champs The New Church which was Slash and Brian Lee [R.I.P.]. this is a classic tag team brawl that put AMW on the map really in TNA. The feud these two teams had in TNA was great and really entertaining, great match up right here. The New Church really dominate most of this match over powering AMW. But Chris Harris and James Storm really prove how tough they are and what great wrestlers they are. AMW ends up taking the titles after a hard fought battle.5/5
4.WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP-JEFF JARRETT VS RAVEN-this was at the time the biggest match in TNA history in my opinion. If you had been lucky enough to be following TNA you would have seen one of the best laid out story lines in TNA. Ever since Raven had debuted in TNA he had not only become the most interesting character but his whole point of being there was because his destiny was to become NWA/TNA champion. This was Raven's first shot at Jarrett and he was there to win. This was battle and to be honest one of the best matches not only in TNA history but in each man's career. They both were bloodied by the end of this match, and both were spent. It was a back and forth battle that saw outside interference, people going threw tables, and finisher after finisher. Perry Saturn, Justin Credible, Sandman, and New Jack also appear in this match along side the Gathering to help out Raven. Sabu makes an appearance as well to help Jarrett, Sabu's exit is great as he plows through an actual fan, not a paid actor. Jeff Jarrett wins after a hard fought battle between these two, all the interference doesn't take away from this fight at all, it adds to it.
Great release, I highly recommend it.