There are buddy cops. And then there are Ray Tango and Gabe Cash (Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell) They're rival L.A. policemen who have one thing in common: each thinks he is the best. And each has the commendations, ... more »battle scars and ready supply of hilarious one-liners to prove it. Team them and they're like oil and water. But frame them for a crime and they're like a match and kerosene. Year: 1989 Director: Andrei Konchalovsky Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell, Jack Palance« less
A whole lot of fun with Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell being the stars from start to finish of this action suspense 80s style without all the CGI. A young Teri Hatcher is in this if you are a fan! A must watch!
Michel D. (michelann) from WALNUT GROVE, MO Reviewed on 6/18/2019...
Every time I watch Tango & Cash it only gets better! Kurt Russell in drag!! Sly Stallone being refered to as "Rambo" and a seriously bad guy, Jack Palance (remember those one arm push-ups in City Slickers. It's all super fun and super funny!
Rick G. (hewhoispapa) from MARTINEZ, CA Reviewed on 7/27/2014...
5.0 Okay, a fun piece of fluff with buddy/buddy banter back and forth. Tango (Sylvester Stallone) is a well-coiffed cop who doesn’t need the money, but says he’s in it for the action. He’s the #1 cop on the local force. Then there is Cash (Kurt Russell) who is more of a down-to-earth everyman type. He is also the #1 cop on the local force. The two of them, working separately, have each managed to cost the local mob boss Yves Perret (your usual to-be-expected manic Jack Palance, who I haven’t seen in a long time, well there is Cyborg 2, and he’s always fun to watch), a fortune so he has developed a plan to have them both found guilty of the murder of a policeman, and thrown in jail. As he is rich and the cops are corrupt, he plans to deter them to the general prison population, where he will see to it that they are made short work of. Then with them out of the way, he can continue to build his empire.
Terri Hatcher plays Katherine “Kiki” Tango (I mention her because, well she’s a young Terri Hatcher), Tango’s sister and eventually saves Cash’s ass, so they become potentially “involved.” This of course scares Tango as he is very protective of his sister. Anyway, her part involves helping the boys stay under cover and away from the police once they have broken out of prison. Well there are some pretty explosive scenes as the two infiltrate Perret’s location, with Perret’s constantly assuring his cohorts he has everything under control, even as the two close in on him. There’s a whole lot of convenience going on, but it serves to make the movie fun to watch.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Don K. from BEAVERTON, OR Reviewed on 7/29/2012...
1 star. Terrible.
Cheesy, ham-handed and downright stupid at times, this flick couldn't possibly be any worse than it is. I don't know how they talked these top tier actors into being in this joke of a movie. I wanted to like it...I really did. But it started out cheesy, and only got worse. There are so many holes in this plot, they should have named a new kind of Swiss cheese after it. And there must be thirty or forty extras they hired from the mob, guys that are only "good" at standing around, looking tough. There's so much of it...the standing around, looking becomes mind numbing after awhile.
And Brion James's accent...Cockney, maybe? The worst.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Tango Cash, Cash and Tango
Stanley Runk | Camp North Pines | 12/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you ask me, Tango & Cash is one of the best and most enjoyable action movies there is. It may be a big budget Hollywood production, but it's a B flick all the way. There's nothing very original or unique about the plot(two rival cops have to work together to bring down the crime boss that framed them), and it's full of every bad action cliche to date, but that's all part of the fun. The movie is packed with cornball manliness and macheezmo, almost to the point of parody. But what really makes it work is the two leads. Both Stallone and Russell are two of the best action stars of all time, and I can't think of any other two that could have done this better. No, it's not Oscar worthy acting, but these two have a fantastic onscreen chemistry. Neither one is trying to push the other out of the spotlight or out-tough the other. Their tough guy one liners and banter is so funny, even when the jokes are total groaners. You can tell they really enjoyed working together, and it makes me wonder why these guys never starred in another film together. Special mention must also be made to the supporting cast which is a B action/horror movie lover's dream. You got Michael J. Pollard as a goofy inventor in the mold of James Bond's "Q", Brion James as an evil henchman, Clint Howard as Stallone's crazy cellmate who plays with a Slinky, James Hong(Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China) as one of the crime bosses, Geoffrey Lewis(Orville from Every Which Way But Loose among countless others) as Stallone's captain, and Robert Z'Dar(the Maniac Cop!) as a vicious inmate with a grudge against Stallone. Plus an early role for Teri Hatcher as Stallone's sister. Not to mention that the villain is played by the coolest man to ever slap on aftershave, Jack Palance. Now, even if the movie was pure sludge, how can you go wrong not only with two top notch stars, but also a supporting cast like that? You can't, that's how!! I have a special place in my heart for action films of the 80s, and an even more secluded and special spot for this one in particular. This kind of macho, no brainer action film is not everyone's bag, baby. But if it does happens to be your bag and you've somehow missed this movie, slap yourself a few times for being a schmuck and see it, pronto!!"
Stallone and Russell fans can't go wrong buying this on Blu
Tiberius | BOLINGBROOK, IL USA | 04/16/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Before I picked this up on Blu Ray, I searched for reviews but couldn't find any. I decided to blind buy it from Amazon, because of the great deal offered. Well, sure enough, it doesn't disappoint: the picture quality is very, very good - in direct comparison to the DVD, it blows it out of the park! Contours are sharp and precise, colors are rich and vivid; it is as big an improvement over the DVD as the DVD was over VHS! I couldn't believe how bad the DVD looks (I guess it's been a while since I watched it...), with colors all washed out and the screen flattened. I'm no pro at this, but trust me: it does look great on Blu Ray! The only downside is there are no extras except the trailer. Since we didn't even get a Special Edition on DVD, chances for one on Blu ray are slim at best. I didn't see this movie in the theater, but thanks to the Blu Ray it looks like it's unfolding right before me."
Plenty of Action!!
Tiberius | 04/25/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Lots of action for gals (like me!), watchin Sly and Kurt's cute buns and hot bods running through this movie- also Terri Hatcher is great for the guys to see, she can act but not dance ha ha- lots of one-liner wisecracks and great second performances- Jack Palance as a hilarious chief villain, Geoffrey Lewis (who, incidentally, didn't get listed in the credits!)Clint Howard and more! As fine of a plot as one expects for an action flick, come on, its a MOVIE!! and a mighty FUN one, at that! Two L.A. cops, rivalling for headlines & high total of drug busts, and the bad guys that try to take them out! Not to mention lots of zany characters along the way- WHY can't hollywood make a Clive Cussler Novel like this? Funny, witty, lots of action, just like its written! as the Aussie villain puts it, "Balls to plan A!!" as a "B" movie, this one gets MY vote!! Hope you have fun watching it!:)"
Nothing Special, but definitely a Lot of Fun
Thor | Netherlands | 01/13/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Tango and Cash is another one of those American buddy movies from the 80's. It is nothing original but so much fun. This time, Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell, two cool guys team up as Tango and Cash to give good entertainment on a boring saturday night.
So what do you get when buying this dvd? Two muscular fellows who give funny oneliners and shoot up a lot of bad guys. Big guns, big cars, big explosions, this film has it all. Sylvester Stallone acts good and gives a nice performance as the good cop Ray Tango. I can now see why he was the first one considered to play Axel Foley in "Beverly Hills Cop".
Kurt Russell plays Gabrielle Cash, the tough, bigmouthed cop who is the almost opposite of Tango. He is funny and just as cool as Stallone.
Also in the mix is a sexy young Teri Hatcher playing Tango's sister. This was one of her first big films and she stays firmly on her feet next to Stallone and Russell.
The story is simple, but nice: Tango and cash are two rival cops who are the absolute best. They solve one crime right after the other. Now you can understand that the criminals aren't very happy with that, so: they set the two cops up. Now, Tango and Cash are put into jail for a crime they didn't commit. They can't stand each other, but they have to work together trying to escape out of the jail and finding the ones responisble for setting them up.
So nothing original or special, but who cares? It entertains perfectly. Expect having a fun time seeying two of the coolest actors of the 80's, Stallone and Russell, team up as Tango and Cash, fighting bad guys with big guns and nice oneliners.
Good popcorn fun."
Dynamite Partners!
Timotee | Torrance, CA USA | 05/30/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Tango and Cash" are the ultimate duo which spawned such great gatherings such as Van Damme and Rodman, Seagal and Wayans, Schwarzenegger and Leguizamo. YES! They are the city's two best cops and are framed for a murder. Resentment! The bad guy should know better not to mess with Sylvester Stallone and an extra bonus, Kurt Russell. Cash (Russell) is a loud mouth cop that doesn't take anything from anybody and Tango (Stallone) is immortal dressed in Armani. Chic! Cash falls in love with Tango's sister played by Teri Hatcher and the fun starts all over again! Gadgetry! A gidget person helps the two partners and constructs the ultimate car with guns built on the sides. OH BABY! The fight scenes are incredible and the showdown between Jack Palance and the partners is undeniably engaging! Holy cow, baby!"