Two For The Road...Stand The Test Of Time
L. Shirley | fountain valley, ca United States | 05/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Why these two films are packaged together, I'm not really sure. I do know that these are two of the great films that define fine filmmaking, and that will forever stand the test of time.But why look a gift horse in the mouth, right? A package of classics that should be scooped up while the price is still right.
Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Jody Foster and Harvey Keitel show us early on their special gifts to cinema, along with screenwriter Paul Schrader.Taxi Driver is the tale of Travis Bickle(De Niro), a lonely man,who drives a cab through the nighttime streets of New York. Although he is all but invisible to those around him, he witnesses all the disturbing events going on in the city.
Travis is not just lonely. He is obsessive and psychotic, and we slowly sees these traits arise in him through the film.
First he becomes obsessed with the beautiful Betsy(Cybill Shepherd) a campaign worker for a presidential hopeful, only to be rejected by her, and Travis goes after the candidate. He then turns his attentions to the 12 year old Iris(Foster), a prostitute working for a pimp named Sport (Keitel). He tries desperately to save her from the streets and herself and when she doesn't respond he becomes extremely violent.
Throughout the story we see Travis' descent into his psychotic behavior. De Niro really is superb at this. We first see it in his eyes,at one point he even talks to another cab driver(Peter Boyle) about the feelings he has. He then purchases weapons, and prepares for battle like a warrior.
"You talkin to me?"...
"Easy Rider" is more than just a great film. It's an experience! Dennis Hopper who directed and co-wrote(with Peter Fonda and Terry Southern)preserved for us on film this time in history that has had a lasting cultural effect. His unique style of directing lets the viewer not just watch but experience the story from the free wheeling beginning, to the drug trips(don't worry, you won't have any flashbacks), to the devastating end.
The story takes place in the late 60's, during a time of radical cultural changes. Fonda and Hopper are motorcyclists, "long hairs", who having just scored big in the sale of drugs,are searching to be free from the everyday hang-ups of life. They are headed from Los Angeles to New Orleans, trying to make it to Mardi-Gras.Along the way they are met with the varied attitudes and life styles of those they encounter. Some just accept them for who they are, others openly show their hostility at what is different and unknown.
They are also joined by (in his breakthrough performance) the inimitable Jack Nicholson, who made me smile from the first frame he was in, all the way through. Jack plays an alcoholic lawyer who's looking for a little change in his life and joins the boys on their road trip.
So "trip" down memory lane, or experience this important film for the first time, to one of the greatest soundtracks put to film. The music includes Steppenwolf, The Birds, The Band, and The Jimmi Hendrix Experience.
The film was nominated for Best Screenplay(1969), Fonda, Hopper and Nicholson show us way back then why they were all destined to become the stars they are today. Also look for Karen Black as a New Orleans prostitute. It was brilliantly filmed and this widescreen edition brings every inch of scenery to you. It's a film well worth viewing and owning.
"They only wanted to be free..."
De Niro, Nicholson,Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper take to the road...enjoy the ride...Laurie