Rating based on price, selection; not quality.
Boss Fan | Take a Right at the Light, Keep Going Straight Unt | 04/17/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Let's face it; if you're looking at this 2-pack with an interest in purchasing it for eith yourself or someone else; you or that person have already decided these movies are good enough to possibly buy them together in a two pack. So my point here isn't realy to critique these films. Personally, I feel "2001" is a classic and "Terminator 3" is dumb but fun; pure entertainment, nothing more. So if I must rate the films, they get 5 stars and 3 stars, respectively.
What I really want to let people know about this set, though, is two fold:
1st, and most importantly, you should all be aware that I saw this very package in a bin at Walmart for $7.50 this weekend (!). No doubt it isn't always that cheap (or hasn't always been in the past, anyway), but Walmart is notorious for cheap DVDs, but these insanely discounted prices aren't always available on their website. I have seen DVDs as low as $4 in the store, but have gone to the website and they are at a more regular (albeit still discounted) price of $10-$15. So you may have to go to the store in order to pick this up at that price, and you may not find it anywhere else that cheap (how does Walmart do it?). But come on; $7.50! It is three times that here at Amazon. What happened to competative pricing?
The other thing about this package is the titles Warner Bros. have chose to combine (I thought maybe it was just a Walmart combo of stuff they were trying to get rid of, but nope, here it is). There are about 10 or so of these 2-packs (at least thats what I saw in the bin) and all of them are odd combinations; some insulting considering if one switch was made from each they would make more sense. Why not "2001" and "The Shinning." (Both Kubrick films.) Well, because "The Shining is in a 2-pack with "the Matrix." ("The Shining" and "The Matrix"?!?!) Wouldn't it have made more sense to package "The Matrix" with "T3" just based on the Sci-Fi theme and the fact they are both more recent hits, and let the two Kubbrick classics come together? There is also an "Exorcist" and, George Lucas' first movie, "THX..." set. Even here, "THX" would have made far more sense with "2001" (early sci-fi films from classic directors), the "Exorcist" with "The Shining" (perhaps the two most talked about classic horror films), and "T3" and "The Matrix." There were other sets; comedies, action, and so forth that were just as oddly arranged, but these stood out. Often I did not want, or already had, the other movie some of these came with.
For $7.50 it might be worth it to get both of them even if you only want one since most of these titles alone sell for more that $10 generaly (its like getting a discount and a free movie). I don't want to be looking a gift horse in the mouth, but at $26.99 here at Amazon, it would be nice if I could get two movies I really want, or at least two that make sense coming together - esspecially if said other movie is in some other pack that makes equally as little sense in its choice of combinations."