A high price to pay for 3 episodes
(3 out of 5 stars)
"the last three episodes of this series are available on this 2 disk set. The episodes are great...especially "Ricochet" a very humorous episode about a pirate radio station (not a television station as described on the box) occupied by 2 poor chaps who never thought to relay their broadcasts through a satellite reciever, they live in space to send out there broadcasts, living on the cold cereal that they sponser. But Vol.12 of this set was really just "filler" material that could have been included in the earlier sets. "The making of the thunderbirds" was interesting to say the least, but being new to Gerry Andersons work, I would have liked to see something about his earlier shows like "stingray" or his next series "Captain Scarlet"."The Brains Behind Thunderbirds" was the most dissapointing for me. Seeing a....how should i say this..newly constructed "Brains".. that didnt exactly look like or sound like the original, introduce everyone to each character seemed a little strange considering that anyone who would have purchased this final set would not need to be informed as to who is who.To make it a little more entertaining they filled a lot of time showing "highlights" of about eight episodes that all fans of this show already have.The last three episodes are a must have for the die-hard fans like myself, but if I were you I would look for a used copy.5 stars for disc one..2 stars for disc two. Averages out to three stars."